How long is too long?

Started by Brian Why, June 20, 2007, 09:42:10 PM

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Brian Why

Pards, I got me a situation. I ordered a rig from a feller who does (I'm told) very good, authentic repro work at the beginning of December last year. He said he was swamped with Xmas orders at the time so I told him to take his time.

This I think was my big mistake.

So the end of January rolls around and I call him to see how it's going. Three weeks he tells me. Sure, I say, no worries. Two months go by. A call and an email later and I get "3 weeks" again. This repeats itself two months later.

It's now coming on July. No rig, and "sorry, I got really busy".

At this point my gut tells me he's jerking me around, he doesn't wanna make the #$%*@ rig and I should badmouth him all over the net for being a jerk. Being a reasonable man I figured I'd ask around before slandering this gentleman.

What's a reasonable turnaround time for leatherwork? What amount of time constitutes getting the brush?
Happy Trails,
Brian Why
SASS #71756, SCORRS, Darksider

"Everybody has their bad luck. I cough when I drink. You come up against sneaky people who get ya to help them commit suicide." - Doc Holliday, Hour Of The Gun

Silver Creek Slim

Did you put any money down on it?

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Brian Why

I gave him my CC# but it looks like it wasn't charged.
Happy Trails,
Brian Why
SASS #71756, SCORRS, Darksider

"Everybody has their bad luck. I cough when I drink. You come up against sneaky people who get ya to help them commit suicide." - Doc Holliday, Hour Of The Gun

Marshal Will Wingam

If you weren't charged, you're not out anything. It sounds like your order is lost or the maker is having difficulties. Time to get it ordered from another supplier.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


As long as your CC wasn't charged, you're not out anything.  Does this vendor have anything in his catalog or advertising that states the delivery time?  In my own catalog, I state delivery time between 4 - 8 weeks.  Once the 8 weeks is up, UNLESS I receive permission to extend the time, the customer can cancel with no charge.  That's FTC regs for interstate commerce on custom orders...or at least that's what I've always operated on.

Now, there can be extenuating circumstances.  I've had situations where I just couldn't deliver on-time, either due to a family situation or illness, etc.  In the few instances where I've had that happen, I've contacted the customer, explained the situation and asked what he wanted to do.  If he cancelled the order, I could certainly understand. In point of fact, I don't recall in 32 years of making custom leather having a customer cancel.  But they were certainly within their right to do so.

I'd contact this vendor and ask when he expects to deliver.  If his answer isn't satisfactory, then tell him you want to cancel the order. Then FOLLOW UP WITH A WRITTEN letter, sent Priority Mail, Delivery Confirmation, cancelling the order.  I would watch my credit card statement in case he charges, in which case you protest the charge.  There should be NO "restocking" fees or any other charges for the cancellation.

It's too bad... makes us all look bad!  But these things sometimes happen...  :(
Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF

Slowhand Bob

Doing great leather work and being business smart are not necessarily mutual.  It does sound as if you are getting shifted back but who knows?  I agree with the cancellation advice since no charges have been applied move on quitely but smarter.  Not saying that there would be a product problem BUT, if there were, would you want to handle it through this same vendor?

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