Texas Rangers documentary

Started by Abilene, November 11, 2010, 07:19:53 PM

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I'm not sure if this one has been covered here before or not.  My brother picked up this DVD at Sam's Club for $9.88.  It was made in 1995 and runs 85 minutes.  The name is just "Texas Rangers" and it says "as aired on public television."  The DVD is made by Topic Entertainment.  I guess it probably aired years ago but I had never seen it on TV.  There are pictures of Ranger groups I had never seen.  The style is a little dry you might say.  No re-enactments.  There are a couple of author/historians who talk from time to time, and the main one is a little droll.  But lots of good info, from the history of Texas starting with the Indians and Mexicans, then the colonization by Anglos with Stephen F. Austin, and the beginnings of the Rangers.  Most of the Ranger stories concern the early rangers like Hays, Walker, McNelly, etc. but they do cover some of the 20th century guys like Frank Hamer and Red Burton.  

I don't know if this DVD is available at all Sam's or not (my brother got it in San Antonio) but it's not bad for $10.
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Drayton Calhoun

Sounds good. Sometimes it's the 'dry' ones that have the best info.
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.

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