Rogers and spencer index?

Started by Doc O, February 24, 2009, 06:59:29 PM

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Doc O

This is a new gun and shoots great.
The bolt come up just a bit early, not much, just a bit.
The bolt comes up and the hand will continue pushing the cylinder so the bolt drops into slot for lock up.
Everything else about the gun is fine.
How should I fix this?
I think I need to lengthen the hand by peening.
It my only need a couple of thousands in lenght.
Would that be the right way to fix this?
Or do I need to make the bolt come up later? That I DO NOT know how to do.
Any other ideas? Help needed.

Thanks Doc


Sounds like it is working fine.  The bolt is not supposed to drop right into the cylinder notch, it is supposed to drop a little before the bolt reaches the notch and the hand is supposed to finish turning the cylinder until the bolt drops into the slot.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding the "problem."

Doc O

Quote from: Pettifogger on February 24, 2009, 09:17:50 PM
Sounds like it is working fine.  The bolt is not supposed to drop right into the cylinder notch, it is supposed to drop a little before the bolt reaches the notch and the hand is supposed to finish turning the cylinder until the bolt drops into the slot.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding the "problem."
Your probably right. The reason I ask is because the cylinder stop notches are like the remingtons [with no ramp, like the colts have] and the
bolt is putting a slight dent in the cylinder at the edge of the notch. The chambers and bore line up fine.
So I should just not worry about it?
Thanks for the reply.   Doc

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