New old Spencer guy

Started by ndnchf, April 03, 2007, 05:57:53 PM

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Hello folks,

Two Flints encouraged me to join this forum and asked me to post the e-mail I sent him about myself and the article I wrote about Spencers well over 20 years ago.  It was titled "Christopher Spencer's Horizontal Shot Tower" which was published in The BlackPowder Report magazine in 1985.  I've forgotten more than I remember, but am enjoying reading all the new knowledge that has come forth in this forum. 

Here's is my e-mail to Two Flints:

"Over the last few days I have been browsing the CASCITY site and particularly the SSS forum.  While I don't currently own a Spencer, they do hold a special place in my heart.  I am amazed at the amount of knowledge and experience that I read there.  25 years ago when I bought my 1865 model there was very little information available and no internet to share it on.  Tremendous progress has been made and much has been re-learned by today's Spencer shooters  Back when I wrote that article, most people who owned a Spencer had it as a wall hanger because it was very difficult to make it shoot.  When S&S came out with their centerfire block, I wrote to them and offered to test it and write it up in The Blackpowder Report magazine (the only magazine available that catered to BP cartridge shooters).  They were kind enough to send me one of the first.

The way original Spencer prices have gone, I sure wish I had kept it, they have gotten too rich for my blood.  But the more I read about the Taylor's version, the more tempted I am to get one.  The infantry rifle is especially appealing to me.

I don't know that I can offer much insight to the forum that is not already there.  Honestly, I forgotten most of what I knew all those years ago.  I am happy to learn from others as I b rowse the postings.  If I feel I can offer some useful information or comment, I will chime in.  But please don't confuse me with an "expert".  I'm just an old gun not like the rest of you.

Steve Blancard
"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail



   Welcome aboard, you're amongst dedicated gun nuts!

   Be Well!


Bead Swinger

Hi Steve, and Welcome!
I'm sure there's lots of folks who appreciate the effort you took those many years ago - and probably several more who hope you find that infantry rifle! You won't regret it.
1860 Rifle SN 23954



   My ArmiSport Spencer is the 56-50 Infantry Rifle. The carbine is 'handier', and a smidge lighter; but the Infantry Rifle hangs well, and for my sensibilities, looks better. Really, the only issue I have with it is "the nut behind the butt", whose eyesight isn't like it was when he was in his twenties! An ersatz "peep sight" will fix that.
   I hope that I'm not a party-pooper, but for CAS use {i.e., Rough Handling}, I'd think more about leaving the oldsters at home, and just shoot them now and then for less abusive fun. Let the new ArmiSports and Romano's take the heavy chores! Unfortunately, no one makes replica Spencers in No. 56 Army chamberings for reloading weirdo's like me. Yet!

   Be Well!



It was a lot harder to find information on Spencers way back then, no internet and VERY few people who knew much of anythng about them.  I've learned (and re-learned) more in the last week reading this forum, than I was able to gather in months of research back then. 

I love the old days, but I sure do like the "information highway" too.

That infantry rifle seems t be calling my name.....
"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail

Two Flints

"I've learned (and re-learned) more in the last week reading this forum, than I was able to gather in months of research back then".    ;D ;D ;D

Una mano lava l'altra
Moderating SSS is a "labor of love"
Viet Vet  '68-69
3/12 - 4th Inf Div
Spencer Shooting Society Moderator
Spencer Shooting Society (SSS) #4;
BOSS #62
Fur Trade Era - Mountain Man
Traditional Archery




   Be Well!


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