ammo box labels

Started by The Factor, October 15, 2004, 10:33:48 PM

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The Factor

Hello the Fire!
Kinda new here and not sure which form to use.
Does anyone have a label progam for their ammo boxes
Caliber, name, old west font, that sort of thing
Coroner's cause of death after gunfight
"Terminal slowness"

Micheal Fortune

Well The,

I guess you should start off figuring how big your lable should be.  In Word or Word Perfect, which ever you have, pick make a lable, the size and print them from there.

Do a google search for Western Font,  This link is the first one of many that it came up with.
Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

The Factor

Merci Micheal,
Sounds like the way to go.
I was curious to see if someone had already created one.
Coroner's cause of death after gunfight
"Terminal slowness"

Sergeant Smokepole

You can get peel and stick labels, already formatted minus the specifications, from WWW.MIDWAYUSA.COM

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