About SASS and W3G...

Started by Boston John Doucette, October 14, 2004, 11:09:43 PM

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Boston John Doucette

Many moons ago, the SASS Handbook stated something to the effect that, "... Cowboy Action Shooting is not for the beginning shooter, nor is it the place to learn about firearms/shooting."

Having come from other shooting disciplines and being very experienced, that aspect of the sport particularly attracted me. I envisioned a shooting discipline which was safe (by virtue of the experienced shooters), relatively competitive and FUN.

But the sport has grown exponentially over the years, and very often I've encountered new shooters who've never fired a round, bringing brand new guns to a match and competing.
Many clubs have become proactive to this by offering familiarization and qualification classes and courses, which I applaud.

In my opinion, Cowboy Action Shooting now has two phases: the "high school" of the sport, CAS... and the college level: Western Three Gun.

There is no reason that the SASS management should consider W3G anything OTHER than Cowboy Action Shooting.
It's simply the more advanced version.

As such, I find the question of "co-existence" to be non-existent. Both levels of the sport fall under the umbrella of "Cowboy Action Shooting".

Aside from the fact that SASS can't control the entire sport, what's its beef? 

The only reason I can fathom boils down to SASS's fears that rev$$$$$enues will be lost.

I believe that if SASS got firmly behind Western Three Gun and helped promote it, not only would its sagging image be revived, but it would be monetarily advantageous to it in the long run.

BJ (musings over a scotch and cigar) D  ;)
I love my dogs, I'm real attached to my guns, and I'm right partial to my wife.

Standpat Steve

Howdy BJD,

Your post is reasonable and refreshing, and therefore Wrong! While it might seem reasonable that Western 3 Gun might be the avenue that takes SASS shooting to the next (read: Professional) level, you are ignoring reality. SASS, (God bless them) has gone so far as to trademark the phrase "Cowboy Action Shooting", or CAStm for short. Any offshoot that they do not control and profit from is therefore antithetical to SASS's interest, and perhaps hence, by definitiion not "in the spirit of the game". In other words, they are not about to breed their cash cow with any steer not already in their corral.

So, yes, you are right-<The only reason I can fathom boils down to SASS's fears that rev$$$$$enues will be lost.> It started out as fun, and after untold hours of work on the Wild Bunch's part, has turned into Big Business. While I think they are absolutely entitled to some return for their efforts, it appears that at times they over-reach.

Standpat (musing over Knob Creek bourbon-neat) Steve, SASS #113, Calif.
Standpat Steve, SASS #113, NCOWS #1468

Aesop Mysleeve

This reminds me of one of Ben Kingsley's lines about Organized Crime in the movie Sneakers:
"It's not that organized."

The same mindset should be kept when one refers to cowboy action shooting as Big Business:
"It's not that big."

Try to bear in mind that people will probably spend more to rent bowling shoes this month than the total of all money changing hands in our happy little hobby this year.

That's only a problem if you have it in your head to put every last cent in your own pocket in the first place. I never met a person who found a hobby they enjoyed, and turned it into their source of income, who didn't ruin both as a result.

Hey, waitaminute, maybe there's a parable in there? From me?? Ya think?!?
"There are four types of homicide: felonious, accidental, justifiable, and praiseworthy." - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Uncle Eph

my opinion of SASS will greatly improve if they are able to breed thier cash cow to a steer. :o ::) ;D
WARTHOG, GAF #364, SASS #53354, BOLD #549, SBSS #1483, STORM #5, NRA, CRSO, ASSRA, SDOP, SUV, GOFWG #19, 7-7-79 SNL WINNER

Forty Rod

I was wondering if I was the only was gonna catch that, Eph.  ;)
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.


It reminds me of all the hoopla brought about in a Chinese fire drill.  There is a lot of shouting, posturing, running around and General Khan Fu Shuin can't get folks to order.  The more I see of SASS lately,  I think there is a insane asylum missing some inmates.  Their actions just don't make any sense.

Uncle Eph

Aesop, I got your PM and I could not agree more, it would be a sight to behold.
WARTHOG, GAF #364, SASS #53354, BOLD #549, SBSS #1483, STORM #5, NRA, CRSO, ASSRA, SDOP, SUV, GOFWG #19, 7-7-79 SNL WINNER

Harve Curry

Western 3 Gun is nothing new, just the name, we were doing the run and shoot back around 1988. We considered it just as using our old west guns in place of 1911's and modern guns for modern combat matches and practicle pistol that were going on at our local range then. We ( there was about 4 or 5 of us) would set up a old west kinda Hogans alley and you had to walk , run or shoot to your own speed and ability. It was alot of fun. That was in Tucson .

Will Ketchum

Harve, we were doing the same thing here in the Eighties.  Some of us had the guns and thought it would be fun to shoot IPSC type matches with them.  Also some of us also took a page from the Buckskinner's book and did a type of Seneca run match with cowboy guns.

We shot at a friend's farm and made up all kinds of deferent matches.  Sure some of us had to use 22 revolvers because that's the only single actions they had but since it was all for fun no one thought of it as a advantage.  In fact those who had the big bores such as 45s were the envy of the rimfire shooters who soon bought them.  As I recall the Hawes revolvers were the most popular because they were available and reasonably priced.   I had a Iver Johnson Cattleman in 44 magnum which I sure wish I still had. :(

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI


SASS is PO'd because they didn't think of W3G first.  As stated, this has turned in a retroactive sport.  Most are somewhat beginner shooters.  Perhaps as the number of competitive types come along, they're afraid their organization will be labeled as a beginning to get to bigger and better things.  I'd imagine it may not look all that good to them to be considered a stepping stone for top shooters while only keeping the new guys and fun shooters....

I'd imagine it all depends on just how hard W3G is pushed....we'll see.  Nothing like some competition to stir things up.

Shotgun Bandit

I am  new to this forum and was wondering if the results for WTG were avalable somewhere?...Thanks Bandit
Shotgun Bandit


All of the comments strike a similar chord.  Yep, there is some level of proficiency that ought to be required for W3G.  I know growth and survival are current objectives, but as the venue matures, a competency level ought to be required.  Invitational shoots?  Why not?  I've never been to an invitational golf match that didn't have a few folks who got "invited" in retrospect because they said they wanted to play and were good at the game....

We owe much to SASS, and yet, we owe nothing.  They do not have a strategic direction, much less a strategic plan.  Long live W3G and any other shootin' venue with cowboy guns!

Standpat Steve

Quote from: Uncle Eph on October 14, 2004, 11:54:26 PM
my opinion of SASS will greatly improve if they are able to breed thier cash cow to a steer. :o ::) ;D
Ooops, seems my turn of phrase is perhaps not as clever as I thought ::)
Standpat Steve, SASS #113, NCOWS #1468

Doc Shapiro

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