What Do You Do......?

Started by Foothills Drifter, March 03, 2004, 08:49:59 PM

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tarheel mac

Well like most of you, I'm in my 50s, (55 to be exact)  and though born in SC I live here in NC just about all my life. Work-wise, I have done just about everything but teach school....got out of the Army in '71 (Vietnam vet) and bounced around from job to job for most of my life...I am almost a "reformed" or non-drinking alcoholic, (been sober 21 years...) and was married, but that didn't work out so well..have two great children from the sentence...er...marriage though.  Currently working at for the library here in Charlotte. 

I am also a flustrated novelist,I written three but no sales so far...but I keep trying...Tooting my own horn here, but I think I am pretty good, just "undiscovered" so far...

Oh and I am also a hard core "dog person"...have two right now, and I am also one of the moderators on a pet web site (www.goodpaws.org)

Rusty Bones

Air Force brat ( Ger.) Grew up in Fla. Life time shooter, outdoors type. Came to Sass and CAS in the lateness of the last century. Love Westerns and History in general. Not married but in love with the best woman in the world, Miss Dorothy, for the last 11 yrs. One grandson 2 1/2. Old Boy Scout, Jaycee, Exchange-ite, Elk. Formerly in Banking, Real Estate. Am now currently involved in actual Oil and Gas Drilling for a Company known as Lone Wolf Energy. We make money for our customers and ourselves the old fashion way, lotsa hard work!!! SASS and CAS people that I have had the pleasure of being around, have without exception been the nicest group of people that I have ever known. Ol' 44-40 fan, suffering from the pull of the dark side. Not there yet, but leanin' thattaway. Saddle up...
NRA Life
Prayer Posse
SASS 52793
Stick Horse Posse #4
P.O.O.P #2
Things are more like they are now, than they have ever been before. GRF
Sure Sights, dry powder

Coop Trawlaine

Tarheel,,,,,Just keep on writing, pard, your time will come.    It is a tough racket but so personally fulfilling that I will never quit even if I never publish another book.   Have 4 in print now and two in publishing process at this time and still writing...

Very Very Good luck.
Coop Trawlaine SASS #63617, SCORRS, WartHog, SUDDS #188, IPSAC #47
Aka: Walt Lange
"Trawlaine" ISBN 1-4137-7738-4
"Trawlaine's Land" ISBN -09479379-0-8
Western Writers of America
Society of Southwestern Authors

tarheel mac

Coop, don't worry, I won't stop...Writing is who I am not a pleasant pastime...

Steel Horse Bailey

Well, here goes.

Born in '51.  Have NEVER grown up.  Started shootin' with my Papaw's Daisy Red Ryder BB gun around 4.  Parents got divorced and I ended up living in Brazil (South America) for a year where I got no schooling, but rode horses nearly daily.  Moved in with Father & Stepmom to get back into American education.  (Kinda important at age 8, right?!)  Stepmom was pretty much anti-gun and Dad humored her.  Grew up and went to college majoring in Music Education.  Found out that being a teacher (at least of kids over the age of 10) wasn't for me.  Accidentally missed VietNam, but after working for RCA Records, joined the Army as an Armor Crewman.  Stayed in 14 1/3 yrs, 9 of which were in the 11th and 4th Cavalry.  Went to school and became an M1/M1A1 Tank Master Gunner - essentially a hands-on teacher.  Was the platoon Sgt. of the first platoon of tanks in Iraq.  Got out due to budget cuts, did a few jobs, then started at the Post Office - walking neighborhood Mailman.  That ceased about 3 years ago when the "Gulf War Disease" sidelined me.  Still trying to find a job I can do that doesn't require much driving, sitting, standing, walking, or carrying things; preferrably from home.  This is a hard task since about all I'm good at is something like a hit-man or assassin! ;)

Joined SASS in '99 and loved it immediately.  Found out about NCOWS a couple years later and love it even more - somewhat because of the people, but mostly 'cause of the hysterical ... er, historical aspect.  I work on my own guns, tho I'm not trained; but I did several years as an Armorer while in Germany which got me some basics in gunsmithing training.

Been married twice since 1971 with about a 2 1/2 yr. break in between.  My Wunnerful Wife is from Scotland.  I taught her how to shoot.  She's also a Vet, but from the British Army.  (WRAC for those of you who know.  Women's Royal Army Corps if you don't.)  She got a medal for bravery under fire in Northern Ireland.  Unfortunately, she thinks that "dressing up" and shooting is stupid.  Not the shooting part, but the outfits.  Not many Cowboys in Scottish history!  I suppose if I looked like Mel Gibson in a kilt, she'd like it a lot better! :D

I've got 3 kids and a Granddaughter.  Also 3 cats (didn't want ANY, but one is now mine!) and a little lap dog.  At least he thinks he's a little lap dog.  He's a 135 lbs. Great Dane that we got from a rescue shelter. 

I'm also too wordy; which y'all may have already noticed! ::) ;D
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

El Deguello

Cowboys are a diversified group of imaginative people as you would care to meet. 
In respect of God, Country & Flag. 

Four-Eyed Buck

56, retired in '04. Spent 35.5 years there. Been a buckeye all my life. Got as far as high school for education. Always been a history buff, loved cowboys and the guns of that era. CAS was right up my alley, even though I had never shot competitively in my life. Married twice, second time has been almost thirty years now. Susie and I have four boys between us, and seven grand kids and counting. I recently went back to work part-time for our county's MRDD as a bus rider( Mental Retardation and Developemental Disability Board. I ride the buses and help the drivers with the "clients". Either in wheel chairs or mobile).Between that and helping out here and loading for CAS and the three dogs and two cats, I keep pretty busy...... 8) ;)
I might be slow, but I'm mostly accurate.....

Dirty Dave Duehring

I manage the training dept at Kicker/Stillwater Designs. We make mobile audio products: Speakers, amplifiers, etc. Me and my boys train all of our dealers on how to install and set up our products. Obviously, some of our dealers listen better than others... ;D

Mongo only pawn in game of life...

Ranger Popp

Im 40 years old, been driving big truck over the road for 22 years and now Im teaching truck driving at a Community Collage for the last 4 years. My interests are Texas Rangers,  art, leatherworks, woodworking, hunting and shooting. I am brand new in SASS and looking forward to getting all my goodies to go shootin. glad to meet everyone.

Foothills Drifter

Quote from: Foothills Drifter on March 03, 2004, 08:49:59 PM
We / I get ta communicate with a lot of folks on this forum (and others) Some you know and some you never see or know what they do in the real world.
Well......I done a lot of things, but for the last 32 years I have been in the heavy duty truck parts and repair business (18 wheelers & off road equipment) I have done it all (allmost) I have been the guy who sweeps the floor,pick up and deliver parts,issue parts to mechanics in the shop,sell parts to walk in customers,answer phones and figure out what the customer needs,parts dept. manager,mechanic (15 years) and shop forman.
I have been shootin sense I was 8 years old and cowboy shootin for about 5 years. I was born on July 29th, 1949....and will retire on July 29th, 2011.
I am a hippie from the sixty's, I still have a semi long beard and hair down to the middle of my back (I refuse to grow up!) I don't do no drugs......just drink beer and some 'Jack'
What about you..........

Good shootin......
Vern... 8)

I started this thread almost 2 years ago and I am surprised to see it still goin  :o
I am still doin the same stuff except for a different company. I am the manager of the trailer parts division (I hate bein manager...ya get in a lot of trouble) I do get ta come and go as I please.........  ;D
I haven't picked up a gun sence last August....I hope to next saturday  ;D  ;D  ;D
This month marks 34 years in the business and next month (Feb.) Me & Beverly will have been married 33 years  :o  ;D

Good shootin......

Free Hand

Howdy ya'll
Was born 16 days after Pearl Harbor, Lived all of my life,except for military service, in sunny, smogy So Cal. Got bored with high school, so I joined up with the Navy (3rd Mobile Construction Battalion). My fondest memories of that period involved the building the air strip in Nakom Panom Thailand in 62-63. It turned out to be rather ironic that here we were, right across the Mekong River from Laos, and the main thing we were worried about was being sent to Cuba!

Upon regaining my civillian status I began gardening. For the last 23 years I've been working for the world's largest cemerery/mortuary company. As soon as things work out I plan to retire to South Africa and become involved in missionary work in that area.

Was married for seven years and a bit; Have a wonderful son four grand kids and two great grand kids.

Never made much money, but have had a great life so far, and consider myself rich 'cause of a gang of loyal friends; closer than my siblings in most cases.

Tom B Stone
"If you can't be part of the solution, at least don't be part of the problem"
"America is too great for small ideas"
"Trust in The Lord, but keep yer powder dry"
"America bless God"
"There ain't no sucha thing as a free lunch!"

Texas Trail Boss

I am 51 years young & I am retired from 25+ years in the transportation business.  I was an OTR Trucker & taught trucking & saftey for almost 10 of those years.  I have some college background and several Diplomas in the medical, technical & pharmacuetical fields.  I have been a civil war & old west re-enactor going on 20 years & got started in this CAS business about three years ago.

I ran a stray there for a few years but found a good woman who put up with me & turned my life around for the better.  I have irritated quite a few people over the past years for which I am very sorry & hope to one day repair that.  I guess I took my outlaw image a bit too far.

I play cowboy now as much as I can & get out and shoot when I can.  I am an avid nature photographer & I love the outdoors.  I like to go RVing a lot & I too enjoy my cold beer & some "Jack" now & then.  I have calmed down over the past few years & have the little woman to thank for it.  God Bless her soul, she was the best thing that ever happened to this old cowboy.

How'd I do?
A Singer of Cowboy Songs

Coop Trawlaine

Sounds like ya did right well there, Trail Boss
Coop Trawlaine SASS #63617, SCORRS, WartHog, SUDDS #188, IPSAC #47
Aka: Walt Lange
"Trawlaine" ISBN 1-4137-7738-4
"Trawlaine's Land" ISBN -09479379-0-8
Western Writers of America
Society of Southwestern Authors

Dr. Bob

I'm retired on disability with Lyme's Disease.  I retired from GSA where I purchased hand tools for all US Government agencies.  I was born in Dec. of 1943 so I'm a pre-boomer.  I do a lot of dancing, mostly Argentine Tango & Swing.  I started in buckskinning in 1978 while is was a Field Rep for the NRA.  Move along into living history and still do some War of 1812 and Military Exploration events.  Trap tried to get me to do CAS for years and I finally joined after NCOWS established the Working Cowboy class and I needed to purchase only 2 guns.  I'm in this for fun and to enjoy the company of pards that I did buckskinning with for the past 27 years.  I was a competitive rifle shooter [NRA] during high school, college and the Army and don't want to put forth the effort it would take to be at the top of the CAS world.  But, the pards & the smoke and clang are sure a whole lot of fun!
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick


Well, I just hit the big Five-O last April. I have two smart, beautiful kids from my first marriage (they take after their mother, thank the Lord) and a pack of kids-and-grandkids-by-marriage that came with my second wife, plus nieces, nephews, and one or two who seem to have just wandered in. I've probably had 30 or 35 jobs in my life, most of them non-memorable. I'm most proud of the five years I spent in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club, wielding a soldering iron and poking around in machines that were supposed to help us find them danged sneaky Russkie subs or any other danged sneaky subs that were out there, for that matter. I'd have been a lifer 'cept the little cells in my pancreas that made insulin checked out, took the luggage and didn't leave a forwarding address. Got a medical discharge. I'd just made rate, too  :'(.

Nowadays I'm semi-retired, working part-time for the local Hysterical Society and manning the front desk at the museum(s). I can sing and dance the history pretty good, I'm told. I'm hoping to get involved with the New Market battlefield and museum when the wife and I move to the Shenandoah Valley. I'm a reenactor but haven't been real active for a few years due to health issues. I hope to be more active again soon. I discovered C/WAS several years ago and really like it.
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.


 ;D Well here's my two-bits worth. Worked most of my life in the Oil Field's from Texas,North Sea and Gul of Mexico. Retired in 1999. Got bored and went back to the oil field. Currently work in production in the Gulf of Mexico 7/7. Raised dirt poor on red land farm in Ms. Went to the Military in the mid sixty's-got to come home alive,Thanks God. Have always loved shooting and dreaming of being a Cowboy. Watched all the cowboy shows growing up and still do  ::) Got into cowboy shooting about a year ago and it sure is fun and great folks. The way I work don't get to shoot many matchs-shoot pretty straight but not that fast-part of living to a ripe ole age :-\. May God Bless each Cowpot out there and many Happy trails to you all.   

Stay young at heart and have Jesus in your Heart and Life.
Ole Timer still Young at Heart. Still shooting pretty straight
Prayer Posse

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