Desperado Cowboy Bullets

Started by Sunwapta Haze, November 30, 2006, 04:05:20 PM

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Sunwapta Haze

Have any pards been using Desperado Cowboy Bullets (  If so what do you think of them - give me the good the bad and the ugly from your experience.  Do they carry enough lube to keep the fouling soft and your guns running through a match?

FWIW, I shoot '75 Remingtons and a '94 Marlin and have been casting Snakebites with a beeswax/crisco lube.  They work really well for me but my lead levels are rising and I'm looking for a commercial cast bullet to reduce my exposure. 

Thanks for your input.
Vaya con Dios, Amigos

Sunwapta Haze
Darkside Acolyte

Dick Dastardly

Howdy Haze,

I have to disqualify myself here.  For my honest opinion, send me an emule.  FWIW, I know and respect Hay Root and he sells these bullets.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


They are very well made, made of soft alloy, and use a BP compatible lube.  They work very well in handguns.  However, if you are using real BP some of them don't have quite enough lube for the rifle.  I have been using their 125 grain .38 bullets.  They only have one small grease groove and it isn't enough for the rifle to go a whole match without cleaning the barrel.

Ransom Gaer

I have found the same thing as Pettifogger.   They are fine in the pistols, but run out of lube in the rifle.  I use the 250 grain .45.

Ranson Gaer
Pvt Ransom Geer Co D 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Soot Lord


I've used them in my Model 21. They smell great. Like lavender. Since then, I have been casting my own.


One Eyed Wayne

I shoot Desperado Bullets almost exclusively, for both black and smokeless.  I've found them to work quite well in .38-cal for both pistol and rifle.  As for the question of enough lube, they've always worked great in my rifle.  Absolutely no complaints here.

Sunwapta Haze

Thanks for your input pards.

It would appear as though these may just work for me.  So I have taken a little step and ordered a sample pack of 158 grain bullets for my .357s.  I'll let ya know what i think of them after I've given 'em a try.
Vaya con Dios, Amigos

Sunwapta Haze
Darkside Acolyte

Wills Point Pete

 It ain't like they won't work just fine with a grease cookie, anyway.
I dunno why so many folks refuse to use a grease cooke. It's a little slower to load but it's not like the .357 case doesn't have plenty of room for a healthy charge of Black plus a beeswax wad and dollop of lube.

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