July/August, September/October, The Shootist?

Started by Pony Edwards, October 05, 2006, 10:14:20 PM

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Pony Edwards

Could someone please tell me what happened tof "The Shootist" ? I've not received my copies for July/August, September/October? yet. Has anyone else?  Whom should I direct my inquiries to?

Lone Gunman

That would be me......both issues and the newest version of The Tally Book will be in the mail in a few days, all together in the same package. The Nov/Dec issue will follow in about 3-4 weeks.  Since the compilation, production & distribution of The Shootist  is all the responsibility of one person (me) I'd say it's a safe bet the delay is ultimately my fault... and no one else. Rest assured I've thoroughly chastised myself and will not accept such shoddy performance in the future.
George "Lone Gunman" Warnick

"...A man of notoriously vicious & intemperate disposition"

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