Carpool from Baltimore/DC/NoVa Area?

Started by Frenchie, September 11, 2006, 10:40:17 PM

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The attack of intelligence I suffered today seems to be hanging on. Is anyone in the Baltimore, DC, Northern Virginia area (or even southern Pennsy) going to the Muster and want to carpool? I'm just outside Baltimore, I can run up or down a ways to pick you up, or we can take your heap, share driving and gas. I have a '98 Crown Vic, nice highway cruiser.
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.


Are you seriously considering driving all the way out to Iowa?
Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.


Sure, why not? I don't want the hassle of flying, especially with the eeeeeevil gunz, not to mention ammo. I like long drives, actually, as long as I can take my time and not have to hurry. I've driven from Maryland to Southern California and back, South Carolina once, western New York twice, and (I know a girl in) Kalamazoo. I'd love to get time for the Missus and me to mosey on out to visit friends in California, take six or eight weeks to wander hither and yon and see whatever looks interesting. Reminds me, I must get the car in for its 100,000-mile maintenance before I take off.

So, GS, are you coming to the Muster? Want to carpool? Be a hoot walking into truck stops in 19th century military garb and telling people we're Amish policemen  ;D
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

Major Matt Lewis

Quote from: Frenchie on September 13, 2006, 09:32:11 PM

So, GS, are you coming to the Muster? Want to carpool? Be a hoot walking into truck stops in 19th century military garb and telling people we're Amish policemen  ;D

Now thats funny!
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Pony Racer

Frenchie I can not go this year to Muster - but willing to keep that in mind for next muster or other shoots.  I like to drive too - plus I know others who have some horror stories about flying and losing guns, waiting months for guns, and having ammo confiscated...ammo was retruned a few days later - but who wants that hassle.

I go down to New Orleans for their match and drive - heck since I go without wife and kids I can get there in a day and a half - only stop every 3-1/2 to 4 hours - get gas, snack and use the latrine/head and go - I was amazed the first time that I did it and was in New Olreans, LA proper by 7pm after leaving Williamsburg VA at 530am same day.

Anyway, I am game for next time.

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun


PR, sounds like a plan!

Major, true story, pard of mine in the 3rd Infantry was getting gas after an event down in Virginia; he's wearing his blue frock coat with the brass buttons and shoulder scales; a local asked him what uniform that was; he said he'd just joined the volunteer fire dept. and this was the dress coat; local asked if they were still taking applications, pard said yeah, get down there before it's too late. Guy took right off down the road  ;D
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

Major Matt Lewis


I usually answer folks questions honestly as I like to get folks interested, except there was this one guy who asked me "Where the war was" in a disrepectful manner.  I told him that it may be closer than he though....
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

US Scout

Given that we seem to have a GAF contingent in the DC region, perhaps we can plan to car-pool to the Grand Muster next year. Given the recent airline/airport crisis, I also thought that traveling with the "evil" firearms might be a hassle.

I had also considered driving this year, but didn't have the time to spare for the trip to and from.  I was going to fly until the doc said not to...I'm still depressed about missing the Muster as it is...

US Scout
Bvt Brig Gen


I can't this year, however I plan on using up some vacation time next year for that event once I get my 1898 uniform complete.  Only have to spend about $600 more for boots and leather.
Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.


Speaking of vacation time; I'm an interpreter at the Baltimore Civil War Museum and get some foreign visitors from time to time. A lovely English group came in today, delightful people, and the conversation got to some non-Civil War subjects. The older lady thought it simply awful that Americans usually only get two weeks of vacation ("holiday") every year. I agreed, and wondered once again how long we regular Americans are going to put up with being overworked and underpaid.
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.


Just goes to prove that the institution of slavery is not dead.  The Democrats, The Decendants of the wealthy class of post bellum Southern Aristoracy didn't loose the civil war, they just changed their class of slaves and left them hungery enough to work themselves into financial slavery to the banks and to the Government.  Just try to live on what's given to our senior citizens that's laughingly called "Social SECURITY".
Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.

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