Why NCOWS is going to succeed!

Started by Cuts Crooked, August 29, 2006, 12:09:34 PM

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Cuts Crooked

With the plethora of posts by a few, pointing out "why NCOWS is doomed" garnering so many hits, I thought I'd try putting one here that tells why I think just the opposite is true.

And I'm going to give y'all the real biggy to my mind! ;D

The number one reason NCOWS is a success and will continue to be so is.......Because there is room in NCOWS for a class like the Originals AND for people like me who just like to shoot and are willing to meet the minimum in order to do so! :) :) :) :)

There! I've said it! I admit it, I like to shoot and I'm a minimalist when it comes to costuming! I do what I have too in order to be legal within the framework of NCOWS so that I can shoot and be around friends. No more, no less. And there's room for others like me, right alongside those who want to go as far as they can in the direction of authenticity!

And it works! I never feel slighted by my NCOWS pards when I'm shooting with them, in spite of the fact that I'm at the bottom end of the pack when it comes to clothing (at the bottom when it comes to shooting too but that's another story altogether :o ) I have met a number of "The Originals" and I enjoy thier company and they appear to be happy to see me at an NCOWS function too! So I reckon NCOWS has shown to me that it CAN have diversity and give it's members a great time at a shoot or social function...and that's why it will continue to grow and be one of the best outfits anywhere!

So I say: Thanx NCOWS fer being what you are! And thanx to all of the wonderful friends I would never have met without NCOWS!!! Yer the greatest! ;D

Ok, feel free to add yer comment about why you think NCOWS will continue to be successful! Positive vibes is a good thing. ;)
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914
...work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..


  I'll bet Cuts would give his permission(with a little arm twisting ) to move it.    jt
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Irish Dave


I think you are exactly right. There IS room in NCOWS for both ends of our spectrum and everything in between. In their heart of hearts, I think the pot-stirrers know that, too. It's just that there's so little "sympathy" for them if they admit what they know is true -- shooters, historians, reenactors, etc. are all welcome in the organization.

It's so much easier to win folks over to your "side" if you can somehow portray yourself as a "victim" of unfair practices, mistreatment, exclusion, discrimination, whatever -- even if you have to twist the facts -- or fabricate them altogether -- to make your case.

NCOWS is a large tent. It has room for everyone who will follow its basic rules. Shooters are the largest  part of the organization and have never been considered as "second-class citizens" except in the false arguments of the detractors who make that spurious claim to try to find allies. They would find little sympathy if they confessed their real objections -- "I want my shot-shell slide"  or "They won't let me short-stroke my rifle" or "I want to use an unapproved gun and 'they" won't let me." That just wouldn't fly with most adults.

I agree that NCOWS will succeed. It is a great organization and one that is tolerant, inclusive, member-driven and committeed to an ideal -- that of the authentic Old West.

It is the strength of our members, their generousity and their committment that will keep us successful -- and make us proud to be part of the outfit.
Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life



Yep, this definitely needs to be on the open forum.          jt
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Black River Smith

Very well said Cuts and total positive and the feeling of most of us members.

I stated this before in another posting.  But it is the way I feel about NCOWS and the reason that we as a group will continue.

"""""....the by-laws allow both sides to exist in harmony together at the same time at the same shoots, .....

Both sides have always existed together from the beginning.  But I don't believe there are two sides.  We Dress Old West style and We Shoot Old West Guns.  But they are not two seperate entities.  It is what the Club stated it would do as a Club in the Preamble.


The approved and non-approved list helps each individual understand the shooting portion of the club.

The acceptance of 12 or more shooting classes/categories indicates variety, not lumping compromise, within NCOWS.""""

There will be changes through time.  But I believe we can all talk to each other.  This is a common interest between us.  Some emphasis one thing others emphasis another, but that is what makes us individuals.
Black River Smith

Ottawa Creek Bill

Excellent post......
QuoteGood post Cuts, I only wish you would have posted it on the public forum so that some of those non-NCOWS lurkers can see that there is two sides to every story. Right now it seems that most of what the general public views are posts that are either negative or full of hatred.

Not just lurkers, but spies too!! ;) ;)

Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

Major Matt Lewis

Somebody help me with something here....Good Post by the way.....

Now, it seems to me that all of this garbage really started to fly when The Originals came to fruition.  So, one could say that the "civil war" is a result of The Originals.  Now, if this concept is true, than I honestly don't understand why.  There is no law that says that everyone must comply with The Originals.  There is no peer pressure to conform to The Originals.  I reckon I guess I just don't understand that if The Originals were the catalyst for our current internal issues, why they are.  Are they seen as a threat, if so, why?
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

French Jack

Major Matt, you put your finger close to the pulse on that one.  The REAL sore spot was not the promotion and approval of the Originals class by the Congress, which by the way was by a honest to goodness majority vote, it was the attitudes and direction of the Congress that made that approval possible.

The Originals class was never forced on any member and contrary to popular misconception it is NOT a NON-SHOOTING Class.  Everything is up front to look at in the new Talley Book, the standards and scoring is down in black and white, and believe me, SHOOTING is what decides the placement.  All the other requirements usually result in a very close score, and the actual class winners are decided by the shooting scores.  Sort of hard to be the Bogeyman when you still decide the winners by their shooting ability.  Shucks, we couldn't even find a stitch policeman at the National Shoot. :P

The plain fact is that the Congress became more directed towards striving to live up to the stated purposes and the intent of the By-laws.  More and more members were making themselves known, and the organization is growing on a National not Regional scale.  Look at the issues on the agenda for the past several Congress Sessions, and the votes on them, and where the emphasis has shifted towards a more honest and authentic effort to be what we claim to be.

In truth, Cuts and Irish Dave have made valid points, the organization HAS room for all approaches to our sport, and we can welcome a variety of members and accomodate their needs and grow with their help and support.

We just need to stay focused on making NCOWS the absolute best organization it can be.  I can honestly say that I am proud to be an NCOWS member.
French Jack

Dr. Bob


Good post from everyone!

Cutts, I am SO HAPPY that you feel comfortable in NCOWS!!  I want all of the members who share your outlook to feel welcome.  I would be happy to have you on any posse that I shoot on. 

I support the path that the current congress is taking NCOWS down.  We are getting back to our roots and being as inclusive as possible.  The minimum clothing requirements are not hard to meet and should not prohibit anyone from participating.  The approved firearms list is large and allows a wide choice to beginners.

I waited until the Working Cowboy class came along to get into CAS.  I am quite happy to remain there.  I enjoy watching the good shooters in the other catagories on my posse.  I doubt if I will ever be fast enough to be in the top 5, much less a winner, but I have fun any way!

Let's keep making NCOWS better for ALL who want to join.
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Fox Creek Kid

QuoteSo, one could say that the "civil war" is a result of The Originals.

Major Matt, I don't believe that this was the ROOT cause. That was the SHORT STROKE ban. Ask yourself one question, who are the people using short stroke weapons. Yes, I said USING and not USED.  ;)  That was THE "catalyst". What subject fueled more posts and almost caused a revolt?  ;)

Nice post, Cuts. Another reminder that I can still pick smart friends.  ;)

Irish Dave

Major Matt:

I think French Jack is headed in the right direction. IMHO, you have to look at the trends and the totality of the changes that have occurred in the last couple of years. (Many of which were simply coincidental and not related at all except as evidence of the shifting mood of the Congress).

a) Prohibition of shotshell slides and the Bisquero;
b) Prohibition of short-stroke kits and other gamer mods;
c) A shift in the Congress towards NCOWS founding principles (notice Congress votes on key issues);
d) Temporary moving of the National Shoot to KY;
e) Approval of the oft-misunderstood Originals class;
f) Officers elected from states across the country, diluting the prior influence of one geographic locale;
g) A "changing of the guard" with the new leadership and unfounded fears of the unknown.

All that combines to create a feeling of loss of "old guard" control and worries about what might be the result of the organization's return to the embrace of founding ideals that had been allowed to winnow away in some quarters.

I think it is the overall combination of things that has caused some discomfort . Probably due to the changes they have seen, their feeling that their previous influence and their control are waning as the outfit expands and baseless fears of what the future portends.

From what I hear, most in NCOWS see these as positive changes as our founding ideals are what attracted them to us in the first place. Some obviously feel differently.

Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life


Quick Fire

Actually to my way of thinking, the trouble started with the banning of the Rugar Bisley and the shotgun slides. Now I was and still am against those bans, and not because I believe either one of them are historically accurate. I know that they are not. But they were allowed for so long,(illlegally I might add) that it really ticked people off when the Congress banned them. After the ban I was p-----ed off for a while. But after thinking about it I realized that NCOWS is a member controlled organization and that the majority had spoken. Now there lies the rub. Some people can't get it through their heads that the majority of NCOWS members think that NCOWS is heading in the right direction. Those people really ought to go and find a different game to play instead of being so dissatisfied with NCOWS. NCOWS may never get to be as big a venue as other CAS organizations but I feel that we are the most unique. We are a historically correct group whom combines shooting, reenacting and social gatherings. In my book that makes us the best organization out there.
QuickFire                                 Lt. Colonel, Division of Nebraska                                                                                                                                                                          GRAND ARMY of the FRONTIER                                                         
NCOWS 1717

Black River Smith

Major Matt I agree with your questioning of,   Why?  As they say about history, it is never black and white, there are always a 3rd, a 4th and a 5th view/reason for what happened.  But only one or two sides are discussed or are available for discussion.  The others sometimes never surface.

I view each class/category as a new market for Club expansion/diversity.  How many did we have before the Originals?  Did each one create a division?  How many classes does SASS have and did the institution of each one create a Civil War?

I will stop now, because this topic was discussed/argued by me over in the '''It's quiet''' posting.  I am not going back.

You are correct I still find no really concrete basis for the problems.   But the Originals class was only one of the catalysts/ingredients in the whole boiling pot.  Irish Dave provided a good list.

French Jack's comments about 'loss of influence' does make sense.

We probably never will know and that is OK with me.  I am interested in seeing us on the steps to improving and expanding all by majority agreement.
Black River Smith


Cuts, first of all, you're not at the bottom of anything, you're at one end of a spectrum, and that's just fine because anyone inside that range is a pard o' mine, period. And don't go bragging about last place, either - you're going to have to work mighty hard to get there if I'm in the match!  ;D

Pards, I'm as happy as a clam at high tide about the changes that NCOWS is going through. I started out intending to go the whole SASS route, then got disillusioned with the arms race and the 'make a buck' philosophy. When I found NCOWS I thought it was not perfect, but it fit me a danged sight better than SASS did. Now it's getting even better and I'm excited all over again! More than ever now, because I just sent a pile of money to Steve Young for a Spencer rifle and a Remington with a .44 Colt cylinder, and I can't wait!
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vĂȘtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

Bristow Kid

I also beleive that NCOWS will thrive because of its diversity.  And its a great bunch of people that I have met and shot with so far.  But Frenchie and Cuts you'll have to fight me for last place cause I aint never shot a main match yet just long range stuff.  I look forward to someday having the chance to meet all of y'all.
Prayer Posse
NCOWS #2540
Grand Army of the Frontier #437
Department of the Missouri
PWDFR #149
RATS #233
SASS #68717

Cuts Crooked

Ok, I've been asked if it would be a good thing to move this post to the open forum, both here and in PMs. And I say yes lets move it out there for all to see and add to. I hope that everyone will continue to follow the idea behind this and keep things in a positive tone. It makes me proud to see that the replies so far are going that way! :)

Meantime I'm going to thank Dr. Bob for hitting on another aspect of NCOWS that I absolutely love and think is going to be major factor in NCOWS success...Working Cowboy! I normally compete as a Blackpowder Duelist. This means a lot of guns to clean after a match. And for better or worse sometimes real life intrudes on fun, I work shifts and weekends quite often. So the creation of Working Cowboy was a Godsend to me! I can shoot a match, go home with only two guns to clean, and get done cleaning up in time to change back into a 2006 version of "town Marshall"  and hit the streets for the night! 8) Sometimes, I just want to compete in that class because it's there too! :D One of the ideas behind the class was to give new pards a place to start without breaking the bank on guns, but I've noticed that a lot of old hands are picking this class too. It's easier on aging bodies, while still being a true competition, and it's great for the pard who either doesn't like or doesn't have a guncart! What's not love here!?!?! ;D
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914
...work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..

Smokey Three Toes

  When I first started looking into CAS I went to a SASS shoot here in Wisconsin, the first thing I noticed was the targets were so close you could hit them with a rock and then I heard what I thought was a automatic pistol, and said what the heck was that? I found the fellow with the gun and watch him shoot 2 stages, that was not the way it was in the west. I know not all people in SASS have tricked out guns. But really where is the fun in having tricked out guns?

   I started more research on the internet and came accross NCOWS. I started reading the rules, and when I came across the Working Cowboy Class, I said to myself this is where I belong. I then began to research what I would need in clothiing and weapons, and figured I could afford this class. I checked to see if there was a club in my area. Low and behold NCOWS shoot's at the same range as the SASS club and many of the member's from SASS shoot NCOWS as well. I found me a home.

   I shoot both guns right out of the box but know I need to have my pistol look at this winter. In the 2 shoots I have been in I enjoyed it, I'm not fast but I didn't not plan on being fast, I just wanted to shoot and enjoy the people around me, which I have.

    NCOWS was just the ticket for me. 

Smokey Three Toes

NRA # 145012656
NCOWS # 2468  Working Cowboy
SASS # 67758 Senior Duelist

Wes Virginian

What can I do to help NCOWS improve? I travel to different parts of the country every few months (full-time RV'er) and I miss most of the matches because they are not going on where I'm at! BUT, I think NCOWS is the best CAS organization there is and I will continue to support it.
Dr. Bob, I hope you will be at the Eastern Regional! I'll be lookin' for you! ;D

Wes Virginian ;D
Texican Rangers, Co. A, Kanawha Valley Regulators, NRA Life-Endowment, SASS Life 40471, NCOWS 2037, GAF, USN '60/'63.


  Wes , you need to take another look at you schedule and the NCOWS calender of events on the Web-site and make them match up better.                 jt
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

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