model '97 clone

Started by geo, July 19, 2006, 10:27:13 AM

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i have a norinco repro of the winchester '97. shooting slugs from a bench rest out to 20 yds. the gun targets 6 inches to the left and 3 inches low of the x. can the shroud be moved (to shift the bead sight)? any suggestions, advice, or opinions greatly appreciated. thanks in advance. geo.

Montana Slim


My advise would be to find a 'smith in your area who understands shotguns and how to bend the barrel to correct the problem.

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actually went out on the 'net and found instructions on bending the barrel. use a 5/8 wood dowel inside the barrel, wrap the barrel with cloth and slip an aluminium sleeve over the barrel and use the trailer hitch on your truck. stick the whole deal inside the square hitch receiver and do a pressure bend in the direction(s) you want the shotgun to shoot. slowly, slowly. bend, shoot, correct. this is similar to what a gunsmith told me to do with some braces for the barrel cut from wood (v-notch) and a press such as a heavy duty drill press. place a wooden shim on the barrel on the side you want to move the barrel. place the v-notch pieces under the barrel at muzzle and breech. slowly apply pressure with the press (turned off, of course) in the center of the barrel on the side you want move towards poa (put the press on the wooden shim). the key is slowly, slowly - you only need to move the barrel just a little. gunsmith suggested using a steel rule as a guide to the degree of bend. will let you all know how this turns out. geo.


I'm interested to see how this turns out!


i don't know when i'm going to get to this project so if anyone is waiting for results here's the website i found the info on:

note his warnings at the end of the article. good luck, geo.

Camille Eonich

You're shooting slugs out of a shotgun that you bent the barrel on?   :o  How's that working out?
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Ozark Tracker

seen a barrel get bent once, but it wasn't under controlled conditions

when I was in the National Guard I went to the 1973 Oklahoma State Prison riot.  while there snack trucks started running around, selling food to the troops.  well a buddy laid down his M-16, proped it up on his steel pot,  you guessed it.   the snack truck backed right up the stock and about half way up,   the barrel bent to about a 45 degree angle. :o :o :o :o

now you can bet, nobody laid down another rifle the whole time we were there. ;D
We done it for Dixie,  nothing else

"I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved."


we're talking here of minimal flexing of the muzzle to move the poa about six inches at 20 yards. to prevent the collapse of the barrel or kinking it you must put a 5/8 rod (a wooden dowel, an aluminum rod, or some other soft metal) inside the length of the barrel. i have been able to move the point of aim from three inches left and six inches down to where the slugs are impacting at about 11 o'clock in the nine ring. i have a theory that the barrel shroud for the bayonet attachment and the hand grip may be effecting the accuracy as well. have stopped with the experiment for the time being since the heat index in metro baltimore, maryland has been up to 115 degrees. too hot for this old fart!

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