Weekend Grin Factor report

Started by litl rooster, July 24, 2006, 04:32:02 AM

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litl rooster

  Pards looks like it's been hot all over the country..............It's summer time and time to get to the range. A cool front moved thru Saturday evening and brought some heavy rains right thru drive time Sunday morning. Brought the tempature down into the 80's. With overcast sky's at starting time, perfect for the shoot'n of the Holy Black.
The local monthly club match for the year has had only 2 Darksiders we both started about the same time and shoot often together. We both spend way to much time here gathering info, in which I thank you all.  Yesterdays match we had 2 other Pards decide they were going to go to the ways of the Darkside, shootin' duelist. Out of the 20 some shooters 4 now are shooting BP, a strong percentage of shooters being flanked by Ladies Tradional shooters.  Shootin' in these classes, I hear a mix of hoops and hollers and complaints and sarcasim when one of us completes a stage. Good stage bad stage or otherwise, look at the face of a Darksider when he/she goes to the unloading table. There you will see the faces of someone having a good time.
  From the Cowboy Chronical, I see there was a strong turnout at "Mule Camp" and SASS has giving it it's blessing......It only makes sence if yer shootin' Cowboy you do it it with the oneTrue Powder.
  At the end of the day yesterday the club's one true B Western shooter, come to me and quized me for load info................He too has the callin'.........................BTW one of the Ladies will be shooting Frontier at her next match.>>>>We's now been tagged the Dirty Duo<<<<<<

   Tell us about your Weekend.............. ;D ;D ;D

Mathew 5.9

Dick Dastardly

Ho Lil Rooster, sir,

Yer' repidly workin' yer way into the rank of Soot Lord, what with yer bringin' heathen shooters to the Darkside and teachin' the path to enlightenment of the One True Powder.

Saturday, I had one cap fail to ignite the powder charge.  They had me re-shoot the stage.  One pard said "harumph - dark powder".  Then, when it came his time to shoot he had a dud.  I smiled and said "harumph - fad powder".  Paybacks are fun if they are kept that way. . .

Great report!

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


I am honored and humbled to have been one assistin' Roostah to the path of the One True Powdah.

My title of Underlord of Soot has truly been earned.

I raise my glass to Roostah, Sod Buster 'n Miz Montana for bringin' the light of the Darkness to that club!  Contgratulations to you, sir!
Honorary Life Member of the Pungo Posse. Badge #1. An honor bestowed by the posse. Couldn't be more proud or humbled.

All I did was name it 'n get it started. The posse made it great. A debt I can never repay. Thank you, mi amigos.

litl rooster

  Thanks to you both.........................Still got a lot of Learnin' to go
Mathew 5.9

Dick Dastardly

Ho Rooster,

I've still got a lot to learn also.  When the learnin' stops the fun ends.  A day I  don't learn something is a day wasted.  Show me a pard that knows it all and I'll show you a pard that don't know nothin'. . .

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

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