Help With Thread for Re-Stitching an Old Holster Needed

Started by MikeM., January 01, 2025, 08:16:30 AM

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I just came into possession of a nice old Mexican double loop holster, The leather is still quite pliable but the stitching has gone in a few places. This isn't a big name holster, looks like a catalog or hardware store one to me, so I am wanting to re-stitch it because the holes are all fine. My question is can anybody recommend a thread that would be authentic and period correct (probably early 1900s)? The holes are kinda small so I need a finer thread I'm thinking. I'm guessing cotton linen??
"Never run a bluff with a six-gun".....Bat Masterson


Waxed linen.  It comes in different sizes, so i would gauge it by the holes.   You can get it prewaxed or get linen thread and run it through a chunk of beeswax. 


All I see is pretty large gauge. The holes are small, much smaller than current made old west type holsters, so that is why I was asking so maybe I could get a suggestion and source of where to buy.
"Never run a bluff with a six-gun".....Bat Masterson

Major 2

I use Artificial Deer Sinew Waxed Flat Thread

You can pull it to a finer thread, the stuff is very strong.

If the Artificial concerned you, remember the waxed Cotten is 85% or less cotton too.

when planets the deal !


I won't be using this holster, just thought I would fix it. Gonna make a pattern from it first
"Never run a bluff with a six-gun".....Bat Masterson


Look for embroidery thread, it too can be split to thinner and just have a chunk of beeswax.  Any craft store/fabric store should be able to help you out.


 :) Hey There ;)  I'm not a leather worker.  Never have been.  Never stayed in a Holiday Inn Express neither.  But iffin you need really fine stuff, I'd suggest your local fabric store and look/ask for "Carpet" thread.  Tough Stuff and lotsa colours you betcha.

St. George

Of course, you 'could' try going to Tandy's...

Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."


Right, I was hoping somebody on here would pretty much know what most old holsters were sewn with as far as thread size
"Never run a bluff with a six-gun".....Bat Masterson

St. George

Waxed linen.

On a Mexican 'Buscadero', you can pretty much use any thread - upholstery/carpet thread would be good enough, due to strength - outside of movies and television, they weren't exactly working rigs - just affordable ones that replicated what was seen on the screen - and for most folks, that was good enough.

Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

Cliff Fendley

You probably want some 5 cord linen, it matches most old holsters and such in my collection from that period. I mostly use 5 cord Barbour's Red Hand Linen for ones I want to be authentic to the period. I'm not sure you can still get that brand but I've also used the other Campbell Randall Linen, I get mine from Campbell Bosworth.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers


Thank you Cliff !!! I knew somebody would know !!Do you wax it or does it come already waxed ? Thanks to everybody who posted in this thread but this is actually what I was looking for , a name, a size , and where to get it .
"Never run a bluff with a six-gun".....Bat Masterson

Graveyard Jack

SASS #81,827


I'm not smart enough or computer savvy enough to post any
"Never run a bluff with a six-gun".....Bat Masterson

Cliff Fendley

Quote from: MikeM. on January 04, 2025, 09:09:07 PMThank you Cliff !!! I knew somebody would know !!Do you wax it or does it come already waxed ? Thanks to everybody who posted in this thread but this is actually what I was looking for , a name, a size , and where to get it .
I wax it myself, beeswax and pine pitch is the old handed down formula but I've used straight beeswax with good success too. The pine pitch makes it stickier and sort of locks in better.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

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