Rowdy Fulcher

Started by Black River Smith, November 03, 2024, 12:46:27 PM

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Black River Smith

Hi, I know a lot of people have stopped posting on CAS CITY, that were regulars back in the 201X's.  Last night I sat and read a 20 page post that was started by 'Rowdy' back in 2009 on the Winchester 1876 Forum, that last until 2019.

Now I met Rowdy at the 2006 National when he introduced members to the New manufactured 1876 rifles and then again at the 2008 Convention, when I was still an active member.  I also believe he was a member of the Indiana posse.

So, I am just curious if Rowdy is still active and if he is OK.  Have not seen any posting (last in 2022) and just wondering.

Thanks for any info
Black River Smith

bear tooth billy

Unfortunately his name is no longer on the NCOWS membership list.
I have not seen or heard from him either

Born 110 years too late


Just sent him a PM, maybe he'll respond.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Black River Smith

Really do not need to contact him for any personal reason, I just sort of miss his hunting and gun posting.  He was such an influence on several sections/boards here I just thought.... what was the sudden stop?

Maybe something happened to him in the '22 or '23 years.  Hope not.

Like I stated a lot of people have stopped commenting.  Don't totally know why?
Black River Smith

Major 2

I looked to see if he was still active and uploading videos to Utube.
 The uploads I saw where were about 15 years ago.

So, no help, as to him currently or well-being  :(
when planets the deal !

Professor Marvel

Greetings My good Monsieur Smith

I am in agreement with you and am slowly trying to track down and encourage folks as well.

I was excited when Mako popped back in, but apparently he was met with less enthusiam by
some other curmudgeons and said well fu** it well, bye.
Your Humble Servant

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