Wakey Wakey

Started by Coffinmaker, June 22, 2024, 09:08:33 AM

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Where'd everybody go??  There has to be more activity going on with Open Top guns than just the demise of GOTOW magazine  :o  Somebody somewhere just gotta be poppin some Caps and makin some smoke or even (ugh) smokeless??  Gotta be some subject matter of some sort out there somewhere.

How about shooting Barnstormer Bullets in Cap Guns??


Professor Marvel

Ah My Dear Coffin

I still cant get percussion caps , or Large Pistol Primers, so I aint shooting what I have until I can replace it....

BUT i am going to try my emergency last resort stach of these little plastic hooligans:

Paris ring caps.


From my prior experiments, they must be trimmed, then force fit onto the cones. I have had 100% success
Whilst plinking, but one must understand they are corrosive and clean accordingly. Strong mainspring recommended.

I only use the Paris brand, not the Red Chinese stuff.

Prof capgun
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic


:) Perfesser  >:(

I do find it somewhat disconcerting your end of the swamp is devoid of essential materials for the pursuit of Happiness.  Hopefully that will resolve soonest.


Hello Coffinmaker,

I think the way of forums is fading away.
This forum has been very quiet, but it isn't alone.
I frequent the Colt Country Forum, The High Road, Cas City, and Cast Boolits.
They are all much slower then they were in years past.
I continue to look at each and read new posts,
but see less need to comment on issues.
Many blame Covid for the changes, I'm not really sure but things have changed.
Hand in there things just might go back to normal, but I really doubt it.


Graveyard Jack

I put another 100rds through my Uberti/Kirst/Goon .45ACP. Also loaded another pile of ammo for the .44Colt's but have yet to send them to the dirt.

SASS #81,827

Major 2

I'm more or less old school, I frequent CAS City (a lot).
I'm not or ever have been of the so-called social medias (X, facebook Twitter etc.) invited yeah, join nope.

My point, I think the younger generation is enamored with those social medias, and their Cell Phones.

when planets align...do the deal !


>:( Yeah, Well . . .  :(

The social media platforms are a great waste of band width and are of no real value to anyone.  Especially of no value to the younger generation, enamored with faque "friends" whom are also of no value.  I belong to none of them and see no reason to change my opinion.


:) S0:  ;)

Let us harken back to those halcyon days of yesteryear and get back to important stuff.  Like playing with Open Top Pistols.

I am want to report, My success with shooting Barnstormer bullets in my 1851 .44 SNUBBIES, is motivating me to also mod a pair of cylinders for my Pietta 1860 Conversions.  Swap the percussion cylinders back in for some really neato Cap Guns.  That channel thru the recoil shield should make capping 'em a real treat dontcha know!!  Burma Shave


:) Hey Perfesser  ;)

I forgot to make suggestion ... You might just skip hitching up the mobile apothecary and resort to (GASP!!), Mail Order.  Whilst you get stuck with HazMat (sometimes) oft the Big Box guys will sell and ship without the dreaded HazMat.  Of late I have seen Caps and Primers available from Midway and Cabellas.  Perhaps worth checking out  8)

Rube Burrows

I am still here and kicking. Still loving open tops. Just been pretty busy. My father in law passed in April and I have been helping get in all the crops and general farm work plus my normal job so I have not had a lot of time for shooting.
"If legal action will not work use lever action and administer the law with Winchesters" ~ Louis L'Amour

SASS# 84934

Graveyard Jack

Speaking of social media, I've noticed a distinct lull in the action in Facebook shooting related groups. Figured it swelled during COVID and now less people are wasting time on it.
SASS #81,827

45 Dragoon

I haven't had a lull in the shop so the audience appears to still be there. Conversions are on the rise with the absence of caps. Personally it's been a little difficult getting to the range but looks like that will be better this weekend / next week as I have loaded some test rounds for my Dragoons ( +p's). I should be getting my  45acp cylinders ('60 Armys) back from being reamed.  Should be doing some heavy tests the next few weeks. 

Follow me on Instagram @goonsgunworks

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