Loading Data for the 50/95WCF

Started by Grizzly Adams, May 09, 2014, 06:24:29 PM

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I still have a little Goex Cartridge grade. I've tried it it in quite a few different cartridges, but never got great accuracy from it. Goex 2F, old E. 2F or Swiss 1.5 have all performed better.  Not sure why. But I guess there is a reason why it was discontinued.
"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail

King Medallion

Have you tried IMR4198? My 45/75 loves it.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Yes, I've found 41.0gr of H4198 to be very accurate with a Rapine 350 bullet. But I prefer the smokey stuff.
"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail

King Medallion

Bought me some Jamison 50-95 new brass today. Guess I gotta buy a rifle for them. And one in 40/60 too. Dang-it.  ;)
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Quote from: King Medallion on November 18, 2020, 04:05:46 PM
Bought me some Jamison 50-95 new brass today. Guess I gotta buy a rifle for them. And one in 40/60 too. Dang-it.  ;)

I Wondered about that - saw some on an Aussie site yesterday Jamison headstamp AU$110 for a box of 20 --- new bloke took over our main BP supplier - good marksman better at markup some say .................. maybe he is at the money - see other adds around U$80+ per box and marked out of stock. ????


Think I would have to go with the Starline 50 Alaskan (cheap I am) but one box of that Jamison --------sitting folorn and lonely on the shelf for a couple of years ??? maybe that would call a rifle in? 

King Medallion

Got 120 pieces of virgin Jamison 50/95 brass today. I'm on the lookout for a Uberti rifle in said caliber, I see a couple Presidio's on gunbroker, kinda pricey.
Anyway, today's question. What dies are you big 50 guys using? Also what shell holder? The vast majority of my dies are Lyman, I'd like to stick with that if possible, if not, well gotta go with what I can get. I tried a .50 in 45/75 shell holder and it fits fine, as does the 40/60 brass. That one is a Lyman #36. Oddly the .50 did not fit in my Lee shell holder, which is #23. That one was a regular holder that I modified a bit to fit my lee hand held priming tool, the older round good one. Anyway, I'm rambling.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


CH4D dies, RCBS #31 shell holder.
"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail

King Medallion

So, 1 that is reloading this caliber. I got a #31 shell holder and modified it to fit my Lee hand held primer tool.
I'm really leaning towards getting a Uberti Presidio. Reading this thread, I have to ask if all Uberti Chambers in 50-95 are not created equal? What would the differences be that dictates the use of CH4D or Lee or Lyman or RCBS dies?
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Check out this post from 2009. I commented about the differences.  I've been pleased with the CH4D dies.

"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail


I bought a Uberti/Stoeger off of a online auction earlier this year, I have no idea what year it was produced. I bought the RCBS dies (on a whim hadn't found this web site) and they work just fine in my rifle. I use 50 Alaskan cases, trim to length, run them through the full length sizer, load and fire. I noticed that there is very little difference in my cases after firing, and after being sized after firing so I just use a deprime tool, and skip sizing all together after the first firing. Most of my cases have probably been fired 8 to 10 times each and I haven't had a neck split yet.



My uberti bore measures 0.516". Using Alaskan cases, with a custom bullet mold at 0.517", did not work out in the CH dies.  Their seater die inside neck diameter is 0.532". The ID of my rifles chamber neck is 0.537". The Alaskan case with a 517 bullet has an OD 0.536. BUT if i run those thru the the CH seater die the neck gets gets squeezed to the 0.532, effectively reducing the bullet diameter to 0.512. Needless to say the rifle would not group into anything less than 6 inches at 50 yards. Instead of using the CH die, I am using a 50-70 seater die.

Using other cases to form brass was problematic because of two things. The neck thickness of those various cases are thicker than Jamison brass, which is what CH used as a basis (although TenX will work, but they are too short). The other issue is my bore diameter is too large.

I have a  short story of trials and tribulations with this rifle i will share at a later date. Those barrels Uberti uses - adapted muzzleloading barrels.


SiringoMN - Welcome aboard! Sorry to hear you've had such difficulties. Did you mean to say .516" groove diameter, not bore diameter? If .516" is your bore size, then I'd expect groove size to be in the .524" - .526" range which would be exceedingly large. My rifle runs .5136" groove size. I shoot bullets either .514" or .515". I tried some .512" bullets at one time with poor results. Ive mostly used 30-1 alloy Rapine 350 bullets, but recently loaded some 16-1 to see how that does.  It is an ongoing journey!
"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail



Has anyone tried Pyrodex P?  I have used that powder in my muzzleloading 50 caliber bullet gun with good results?

King Medallion

Quote from: ndnchf on October 10, 2020, 05:36:22 PM
Has anyone tried these 276gr bullets from Blue Falcon? They are a little lighter than the original 300gr bullets. But Im thinking of trying them.


I think I'm going to get a box, just so I have something to shoot in my new Presidio.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

King Medallion

King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


I never did get around to ordering those. Let us know how they work for you.
"We're all travelers in this world.  From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth till death, we travel between the eternities"  Prentiss Ritter, Broken Trail

King Medallion

If I ever get the damn rifle. So far, payment was delivered last Thursday,  the 24th. Still no notification of payment received or shipping info as of today, the 28th. Same story with dies. I understand it's the holidays,  but....
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

King Medallion

I guess I shouldn't be in a big hurry, won't be out shooting anyway. I'm a fair weather shooter nowadays. Still, I want it!
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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