
Started by hatman, June 20, 2016, 12:53:32 AM

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Earlier in the week I was perusing Longhunters website and saw that they now offer tuned up c&b revolvers.
So, being impulsive, without the skills to tune up my 51 and 60, I ordered one of each.   :)


You should have ordered two of each, you'll be unbalanced shooting with a different gun in each hand! Bwahahahahahaha! Well done.
All my cowboy gun's calibres start with a 4! It's gotta be big bore and whomp some!

BOLD No: 782
RATS No: 307
STORM No:267


Thumb Buster

That's a darned good excuse FFoD!  I'm gonna' use that'un!   ;D  Cain't have too many of 'em!
"Those who pound their guns into plowshears will plow for those who didn't"  --Thomas Jefferson


It's TRUE!!  It's TRUE!!  It's TRUE!!
The difference in weight from hand to hand will cause you walk with a list!!   :o

Coffinmaker  ;D


Shooting gunfighter you'd be going CLANG, clink, CLANG, clink etc.

Dick Dastardly

Or, BOOM pop, BOOM pop, BOOM pop.  Been there dun that.  One of my open tops quit so I picked up my ROA for my right hand.  Went BOOM pop, BOOM pop.  Confused the hell out of the spotters. .

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


Quote from: fourfingersofdeath on June 20, 2016, 05:10:43 AM
You should have ordered two of each, you'll be unbalanced shooting with a different gun in each hand! Bwahahahahahaha! Well done.

Actually that WILL give me two of each!  :)

pop pop

I got one of their Smoke Wagons a couples years ago and wow it's a real sweetheart.
Very surprised and delighted to find out they slick up c&b guns now.

Major 2

Hmm...  when Jim was in the shop they did ... he did 51 Navy for me ....
maybe they stopped for while ...  :-\

come to think about it was about 2006  :o
when planets align...do the deal !


Do they make the gun shoot to point of aim?

The site says they make them more accurate but I think accuracy has more to do with group size than shooting to point of aim. I have 7 Colt's and 2 Remington's and only 1 of them, a Pietta Remington .36, doesn't shoot to the right or left. I don't even care if it shoots high, if they could make a Colt that doesn't shoot to the right or left that would be something awesome.


All of my Cap Guns are Snubbies (all but two).  ALL of my Cap Guns shoot to point of Aim.  Butt ......... I cheat.  NONE ofmy guns has the
stock OEM front sight.  I dovetailed new front sights into every one I have.  Had to.  Seems the silly little beade fell of with the front 4 inches of barrel.  Oh Well.  ;D




I forgot.   The taunted increase in accuracy from Longhunter, is a $100.00 option not included in the sale price, nor the laundry list of
stuff they state they do to the guns they retail.  The accuracy increase will cost you a phone call to personally request the $100.00
option.  Taint cheap!!



 I should have checked their website before I posted. I see they have added some things since the last time I viewed it. Namely bedding the arbor and a cylinder collar(What is a cylinder collar?). As well as the option to have, at extra cost, the cylinders reamed, cap shelf installed, muzzle crowned and real bone/charcoal color case hardening.


Quote from: Coffinmaker on June 21, 2016, 08:55:12 PM

I forgot.   The taunted increase in accuracy from Longhunter, is a $100.00 option not included in the sale price, nor the laundry list of
stuff they state they do to the guns they retail.  The accuracy increase will cost you a phone call to personally request the $100.00
option.  Taint cheap!!


If I'm just a duffer who just enjoys shooting stuff at the range out to 50 yds is that upgrade worth the money?


BTW I was not trying to knock Longhunter's. I was merely stating that inherent accuracy and point of impact are two different things.


Twaz perfectly clear.  Don't think an apology is necessary. 

Personally, DUNNO.  No clue.  I've actually thought about doing it.  But, at this point in my career (retired), with me being my only
customer,  oh and maybe my one friend, the cost of the appropriate reamer just might be a little high.  Although, with the number of
Cap Guns I have, amortization would happen pretty quickly.  If I was paying myself for the work that is.

So:  I went through the laundry list of things LH now does to improve Cap Guns.  Guestamating their "cost" for the base pistol, they
apply $200 Bucks of "improvements."  That's actually a fairly reasonable price for what is done.  I was cheaper, but that was 6 years
ago.  In today's market, I'd probably nick ya about the same.

Then, when you add the real extra added attractions, the Cylinder bore, Muzzle Crown?? and Cap Jam Thingie, you wind up with a price for a Cap Gun Rivaling that of most Deluxe Suppository Guns.  Tack on the Color Case and your right at a Grand.

In theory what you wind up with as a Cap Gun that will run right alongside Suppository Guns.  I haven't seen their proprietary little Cap Jam thingie so I can't judge.  I don't see why it wouldn't work.  If, what you are after, is a light, smooth, DEAD RELIABLE Cap Gun,
right out of the box with no hassles of finding a Smithy, shipping etc. Longhunter just might be your Huckleberry!!  As long as you
like Uberti Cap Guns.


Here I go again .........
I think I have figured out the "Cylinder Collar" thingie.  ASM use to do it on their Conversions.  It's a collar between the barrel lug and the
front face of the cylinder to stabilize head space and end shake.  Kind of an Oxie on a Cap Gun.  On the ASM guns, it proved to be a
spooge trap when shooting BP or Subs.

I haven't yet quite figured out the 11 degree Muzzle Crown.  Why??  I suppose I could try it, but .... I don't see a reason to do that.  An
11 degree forcing cone makes perfectly good sense.  Muzzle ..... ??  Meh.

Accuracy is relative.  If your shooting NCOWS at a longer distance to pistol targets, or even competing in Percussion Bulls Eye, Ok.  If
all I have to do is ring a 12 X 12 steel plate at 21 feet, everything past 22 feet is .......... wasted.



Quote from: Coffinmaker on June 22, 2016, 11:59:36 AM
Twaz perfectly clear.  Don't think an apology is necessary.  

Personally, DUNNO.  No clue.  I've actually thought about doing it.  But, at this point in my career (retired), with me being my only
customer,  oh and maybe my one friend, the cost of the appropriate reamer just might be a little high.  Although, with the number of
Cap Guns I have, amortization would happen pretty quickly.  If I was paying myself for the work that is.

So:  I went through the laundry list of things LH now does to improve Cap Guns.  Guestamating their "cost" for the base pistol, they
apply $200 Bucks of "improvements."  That's actually a fairly reasonable price for what is done.  I was cheaper, but that was 6 years
ago.  In today's market, I'd probably nick ya about the same.

Then, when you add the real extra added attractions, the Cylinder bore, Muzzle Crown?? and Cap Jam Thingie, you wind up with a price for a Cap Gun Rivaling that of most Deluxe Suppository Guns.  Tack on the Color Case and your right at a Grand.

In theory what you wind up with as a Cap Gun that will run right alongside Suppository Guns.  I haven't seen their proprietary little Cap Jam thingie so I can't judge.  I don't see why it wouldn't work.  If, what you are after, is a light, smooth, DEAD RELIABLE Cap Gun,
right out of the box with no hassles of finding a Smithy, shipping etc. Longhunter just might be your Huckleberry!!  As long as you
like Uberti Cap Guns.

Always appreciate your wisdom and experience.
Sounds like these guns as ordered are in my wheelhouse.


hatman, how long did they say it was going to take to get these revolvers?


HOWEVER ........
If you stop and think about it, Longhunter's Cap Guns really aren't a bad deal.  If one doesn't have a shop full of tools and eighteen
or 20 years experience tuning up Single Actions, and just must have guns to play CAS with (Percussion Guns that is), the price really
ain't all that bad. 
There is something to be said for "Box to Holster."


HOWEVER ......... All that work is actually waisted without the Cap Jam Thingie.  Cap Jams SUCK!!


Quote from: LonesomePigeon on June 28, 2016, 09:13:34 PM
hatman, how long did they say it was going to take to get these revolvers?

Sorry LP, I missed this post.
They quoted me three weeks since they had the guns in stock.
This is week 3 so I'm hoping to see a shipping notice soon.  :)

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