87 question

Started by hhughh, July 19, 2015, 05:35:19 PM

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If this has already been addressed I duly apologize. Looked at an 87 repro in a shop last week. The hammer spur looks tiny. Was there some reason or mechanical need for this?  Anyone know Browning's thoughts when designing?  Just curious.


If you lever the gun you will notice the hammer goes down inside the receiver.  Not enough room in there for a larger hammer.


Thanks p'fogger. Didnt get to play with it enough to notice that.


I love my 1887's.  I'm about as fast with them as I am with my SxS, but I'm not THAT fast with either.

I have an IAC worked over by Surly Dave, a Lassiter Chiappa, and have an Honest to God Winchester coming soon.

Marshal Hangtree

So, what are the other 86 questions?  ;D


Necromancers!!!  Necromancers!!!  Run fer yer lives .... NECROMANCERS!!!!!


IMHO, the M1887 Winchester was NOT one of John Mose's better designs. He did it mainly because Winchester insisted on a lever action shotgun. (He wanted to sell them the design for the pump action that became the M1893/97.)  That small hammer spur can be a real hazard if you are trying to cock/decock the hammer. Just have to be careful and get a good grip. I have an original which I had the chamber long-throated so I can use 2-3/4" modern shells without creating excess pressure (use Low-Noise, Low-recoil ONLY).  I also have one that has the Coyote Caps two-shot mod. Frankly, I don't like either when only two shells are permitted. Might just as well load a sxs double, which I do mostly. If the SASS rules were modified to allow the magazine to be loaded full under the clock, and then get to levering, it would be worth it. Just MHO!
Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF


Iffin you'd skip that complicated crank handle thingie, and switch to a nice Hammer Double, that little nubbiest thingie wouldn't matter hey hey hey  :D

Montana Slim

 The small nubbin hammer design was probably chosen to cut down on discharge of the shotgun if dropped with a loaded chamber while sitting on 1/2 cock. If you have a round in the tube with it on 1/2 cock, the easiest way to go to full is to slightly lever the action & close it. Ready to shoot in an instant & works well even while wearing gloves.

I use my 87 for hunting as much as for cowboy. More style points when dropping varmints & carries up to 7 rounds.
Good workout carrying it, too  :D With finer sights would make a good slug shooter too. The large bead only works for me out to 50 yds.

BTW, NCOWS allows stoking magazines (on the clock) or not, your choice.

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litl rooster

I have a Coyote Cap 87 also. Never shot it a lot and never thought of loading more than 2 rounds. I guess I never knew you could not.

Cowboy shooting I never loaded more than 2 in a 97. I loaded it up when I am shooting at wild dogs.

The triggers spurs on both models are not much.
Mathew 5.9

Baltimore Ed

WASA also allows stoking on the clock. Not any faster but a lot more fun. Also have a '87 but hardly ever use it, prefer a pump [Marlin or Winchester].
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