Why I like NCOWS

Started by Major Matt Lewis, November 01, 2005, 09:36:46 PM

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Major Matt Lewis

I read one of Joss's post about how NCOWS can accomodate our little niches and that got me thinking.  We are all quick to point out what we don't like, but I would like to start this thread with the focus of what we do like about NCOWS:

Me personally, I like the atmosphere of NCOWS.  Every NCOWS shoot that I have been to had a campfire going.  There is something about an open fire that really does it for me.  I like the primitive camping aspect too.  I will never take it to the level of Mike Tatham or Dr. Bob, but there is something ultra relaxing and casual about the intimacy created around a period campsite.  I also like the focus on history.

I think you all realize, I love the competitive shooting aspect of the game, but these are some of the other itches that NCOWS scratches for me.  What does it do for you? 
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Major Matt Lewis


I was hoping that folks had something nice to say tonight....
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Wymore Wrangler

Major Matt, you converted, I'll take a campfire with Delmonico's cooking over a fancy overpriced dinner any day.  Throw in the nices folks this side of anywhere, and I don't think you can get any better than NCOWS.... ;D
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....

Dr. Bob

Maj. Matt & all,

I like NCOWS because it encomapsses a wide range of activities and interests.  I enjoy the re-enacting as well as the shooting.  I enjoy the company of my longtime pards of the KVC, as well as my new pards in NCOWS.  I enjoy combining historical research and developing a "persona" to go with my alais and CAS shooting.  I enjoy sharing my love of material culture in my camp, clothing & knowledge.

I appreciate all the help, so readily offered by members in getting started in CAS.  My hat is off the fine members of NCOWS who are always willing to share their knowledge with the new guy or gal.  Thanks for making mine a great experience.
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick


I like NCOWS because I like historic re-enacting combined with throwing lead at real targets.  I liked Buckskinners because we shot real bullets at real targets.  Did'nt like Civil War re-enactments so well because of shootin' blanks, however, I did like learning about the period and the history.  So NCOWS gives us the best of both worlds, military and civilian.  Going to the GAF muster really got me excited about the military re-enacting, so I'm brainstorming my persona this winter.  I was an E-4 when I got out of the Army in 1978, we have a relative who was an enlisted man in the civil war, named Isaiah Coffee, so I'm thinkin', Corporal Coffee, and I'm going to make him an artillery man, because I like the red stripes and big black powder booms!


Quote from: Dr. Bob on November 02, 2005, 02:26:24 AM
I like NCOWS because it encomapsses a wide range of activities and interests. I enjoy combining historical research and developing a "persona" to go with my alais and CAS shooting.

I appreciate all the help, so readily offered by members in getting started in CAS.  My hat is off the fine members of NCOWS who are always willing to share their knowledge with the new guy or gal.  Thanks for making mine a great experience.

Dr. Bob already said most all that I would have written. So, I just quote some of what he wrote.


Will Ketchum

The aspect of NCOWS I enjoy the most is the opportunity to experience in a small way what our 19th Century forefathers did and to do it with like minded people.

Also,as already stated it is a membership ran organization so every members input is important.

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

Quick Fire

I too like the history aspect of NCOWS. but I also enjoy the laid back atmosphere. Most NCOWS shooters place the competion second to the comraderie and to the history aspect.
QuickFire                                 Lt. Colonel, Division of Nebraska                                                                                                                                                                          GRAND ARMY of the FRONTIER                                                         
NCOWS 1717

Guage Rod

What Do I Like about NCOWS?," Let me count the ways".

I like the Folks who are so willing to help with ammo, loan you a gun, help with repairs, or Malfunctions, who, want to know more about you than just the caliber of you gun.

It is a safe Hobby, where like minded people come to share in a common sport and to meet nice folks. 

I have been to a SASS shoot and there seems to be a large competive emphassis, and this can detract from the fun and friendly atmoshpher.  This is not to say there are not nice folks shooting in other CAS organizations, there are great folks everywhere, and I have helped and been helped by folks everywhere I shoot.   

I like NCOWS cause the clubs have kind of let us develop our own style of shooting, and will embrace most any one who wants to spin their wheel gun at the Range.  Some of the Larger meets are a little more structured and that is to be expected.  I just hope and pray that we can all be at a place where we chose safety and having fun over all else. 

I Think that NCOWS will appeal to folks because of the folks that they shoot with and who are willing to share their knowledge about the sport with out fear of giving up an advantage. 

After all most of Us are Going to shoot about as good as the time we are willing to commit to practice and I already know that I practice and shoot at least 20% misses so that I can not be confussed with a "G'er" oops!, I almost said the G word.

Vaya Con Dios 


Why do I like NCOWS?
  Well first it would be the folks that attend NCOWS shoots are some of the greatest friends there are. They not only help out with loaning you guns when something goes wrong with yours but they take and interest in your family also.
  Second, where else can I step back in time and love the clothing and history part of a sport.
  Third, we see families do this sport. What is a better feeling than to see a daughter or son shooting and at times winning. It is neat to watch the parent taking a certain amount of pride in their child's accomplishment.
  I like the diversity of targets, large and close and small and far away. But for those that aren't all to interested in Cowboy shooting there are buffalo hunts, long range, silhouette(sp)  shoots and these are great fun also.
  Campfires, period correct camps, folks that really care about what really did take place back in the 1800's, hearing period correct instruments being played, listening to guys talk about what is correct for uniforms(GAF). I love it.
  I had the privelege of listening to U.S. Scout and others talk about history this past weekend and felt like I was doing research. What a knowledge these guys have. Thank you for letting me listen.

US Scout

Quote from: Kayleen on November 02, 2005, 02:11:06 PM
  Campfires, period correct camps, folks that really care about what really did take place back in the 1800's, hearing period correct instruments being played, listening to guys talk about what is correct for uniforms(GAF). I love it.
  I had the privelege of listening to U.S. Scout and others talk about history this past weekend and felt like I was doing research. What a knowledge these guys have. Thank you for letting me listen.


I'm glad you enjoyed your experience at the Muster.  As you might have gathered, we in the GAF have a passion for the "old" military, and most of of us work hard to to it right and honor those who have gone before us.  I'm pleased that you took the opportunity to listen rather then get bored and wander off or try to change the subject. 

US Scout


I like it cause the folks really read what I write and tell me they enjoy it. ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


That's what I've been feared of. ;D  I think they ate it this weekend to be nice also. ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Dr. Bob


I ate the meals that Delmonico and Gopher Grease fixed at the GAF Muster and they were MOST EXCELLENT!!!!

These guys know how to make a dutch oven meal with seeming ease. [I know that a huge amount of work went into each meal and really appreciate the fine results!]

Well done!!! ;D ::) ;D ::) ;D


Thanks for the great meals!  I ate it 'cause it was delicious. Good thing that I got a lot of exercise whith the quantity that I ate.  I'll eat your cooking every chance I get. ::)
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick


There were two Joss, one for folks with pants and one for folks with skirts. I only now and then saw a line, maybe cause Major Lewis had such great organization, maybe cause  everyone was so polite, maybe cause Del's food had a different effect, maybe cause .....................


Major Matt Lewis

Actually Lars,

There were 4.  There is a permenant outhouse on the range, but I figured that we would add a couple more...
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Dr. Bob

Actualy, there are two permanent outhouses, one with a buck on the door and one with a doe.  I even used it when the porta john was already occupied. ;D  Been camping there since the lat 1970's so I knew where to look!
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Derby Younger

There were Johns? Won't need that entrenching tool any more.

Matt, in answer to your question, everything that we saw at the Muster.


AAA  HA!! Ones for the ""insiders" and ones for the newbies. A well structured facility!!


Montana Slim

For me, it's due to NCOWS being more historically-based in our events/competitions, rather than fiction/fantasy-based.

1) Participants are clothed, armed, and accoutrered with pre-1900 "stuff". Including the "other" real firearms (DAs) of the west.
2) Higher percentage of black powder shooters.
3) I tend to see, IMO,"Better" - (realistic) sized, arranged, distance of targets. Generally not lined up in a nice, even row at the standard distance seen elsewhere.
4) More realistic "miss" penalty of 10 sec. - I just don't see the glamor of shooting a stage in 15 secs, but missing 1/3 of the targets? How would this person have fared in a real life gunfight?

Well, to me NCOWS comes closer to the mark of what the game means to me. That's my story & I'm sticking to it.

Western Reenacting                 Dark Lord of Soot
Live Action Shooting                 Pistoleer Extrordinaire
Firearms Consultant                  Gun Cleaning Specialist
NCOWS Life Member                 NRA Life Member

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