....filled at the moment. :D link; http://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php/board,82.0.html (http://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php/board,82.0.html)
Howdy Gang,
After several requests for dealing with much valued threads, to save them for posterity, I asked the Marshal if we could have a child board to save some of these really great informational threads. He said, "Sure!", and "The Dark Arts" was created. It's intended to serve as a library of sorts. No new threads will be put in there unless I get requests or I personally perceive that a thread is extremely valuable, but you will be permitted to add to threads that are already there. At times I may copy individual posts into The Dark Arts also, again if I perceive that a specific post is valuable.
I hope this will become a valued resouce for all of who practice "The Dark Art" ;)
A huge "THANX" goes to the Marshal for giving us this area that has the potential to be the most important source for Darksider infomation extant! HUZZA, HUZZA, HUZZA for The Marshal! ;D
Here, Here !
Hear! Hear!
Thanks Marshall, thanks Cuts.
It's the right thing to do. Some of what goes in there is now written anywhere else. Some of it will be discovered by us BP shooters and this is a great way to keep it accessable.
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats good to hear .. now if i could just get them into the libary where i do my reading .. have to crank up the copy machine .. ;D
Nice work, boys. Nice work.
Thanks Cuts and Marshal.
Way to GO---! :-* ;D :)
Hip hip Hazza!!!
Bloody Brill!!
Paladin (What`s kinda excited ;D)
Yeah, what he said
I think
I am sure that what Palidin said is a good thing
It is isn't it Palidin?
Thanks Marshal and Cuts
OK, but where is it?
Howdy NR,
When you log into The Darksiders Den it's just above the forum near the top of the page.
I'll translate Paladin's statement into Contemporary North American and into Cowboy for those of you who may be challenged by the translation.
North American English: "Very Brilliant" ;D
Cowboy: "Yee Haw!" ;)
Great Job you guys! I've found the info to be really helpful over the years!
Get a laptop, Sundance. You can take that right into the bathroom with you. Just don't drop it in the toilet. ;D
Thank you I wish this was availible when I first started down the path of the dark side. :D
This is truly a valued chamber of the Dark Arts. I have been reading many of the threads here and feel quite confident in getting back into the sport of black powder shooting again. Thank you Marshal and the Moderators who oversee this fine board.
Quote from: Cuts Crooked on August 05, 2006, 09:50:00 AM
Howdy NR,
When you log into The Darksiders Den it's just above the forum near the top of the page.
Can someone provide a link to the newbie?
See this link? Click on it .... http://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php/board,19.0.html
Look at this page very carefully. See the section called Child Boards? Click on ... The Dark Arts!
Quote from: G. P. Cobb on August 01, 2009, 09:04:03 PM
Can someone provide a link to the newbie?
The link is at/near the top of the opening page for The Darksiders Den.
Gday all,
I'm new here.
I mainly shoot muzzle-loaders but I am looking at having a go at Western Action;
I honestly learn more here reading than I could in a whole week at the library. It's great to have so many people that have been involved in this for yrs, and are so willing to share their knowledge. :D
Excellent idea--- as a newbie to the "Darkside", this board should be most helpful
Quote from: Forty Rod on December 19, 2007, 07:08:19 PM
Get a laptop, Sundance. You can take that right into the bathroom with you. Just don't drop it in the toilet. ;D
Been There done that... well; I didnt drop the puter in the pooper ;D