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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => Uberti, Pietta and other SAA Clones => Topic started by: Dutchman54 on March 04, 2025, 06:17:55 PM

Title: Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues
Post by: Dutchman54 on March 04, 2025, 06:17:55 PM
I am a gunsmith and avid SAA shooter and have been for over 50 years.
I just purchased a Cimarron Arizona Ranger made by Uberti in 357.I always check every firearm that I get before I transfer it to a customer. Upon gauging this firearm I found that all of the cylinder throats measured .365 which is way over what they should be I like them to be about .358-.359 at the most. Also the barrel to cylinder gap measured .014 which again is way to excessive. My question is to any of you guys out there that have a Arizona Ranger what are your dimensions for your cylinder throat and also your cylinder gap. Thanks
Title: Re: Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues
Post by: Abilene on March 04, 2025, 07:14:09 PM
Well, you should call Cimarron and have them exchange it.  That gun is just a Model P with the different sights and grips, and springs. I have .45 Model P's but not .357 so can't measure throats.  But any Model P with a .014 cylinder gap would be returned if I got it.
Title: Re: Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues
Post by: Dutchman54 on March 04, 2025, 09:38:56 PM
That is exactly what I did. I purchased the firearm from Davidsons but I called Cimarron and told them what was going on and they agreed that those specs were way out of line. I have sold and worked on numerous Model Ps over the years and I never had one that was this out of spec. I just hope the one I am getting is ok. I can't believe that this ever made it out of quality control. I post when I get the replacement which should be this Friday.
Title: Re: Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues
Post by: DeaconKC on March 04, 2025, 10:14:55 PM
Glad your gun was from Davidson's. The store I work at always use them first.
Title: Re: Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues
Post by: dangt on March 12, 2025, 03:39:04 PM
Three years ago I started the following thread about a similar "problem" on a Taylor Uberti .357 .  I know the O.P. asked for Arizona RAnger owners replies but I think this is pertinent:;topicseen#msg784657
Title: Re: Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues
Post by: Abilene on March 12, 2025, 06:19:42 PM
thanks, dangt, very pertinent!
Title: Re: Cimarron Arizona Ranger cylinder issues
Post by: Dutchman54 on March 12, 2025, 06:49:11 PM
It seems as its the Uberti 357 cylinders that are the problem.
I checked out 4 Piettas, 7 Rugers, both GP100 and New Vaqueros, 3 S&W 686, 1 model 66, and 2 model 10s, and 2 Colt pythons Every one had a maximum of .358 cylinder throats. Most were .357. I even checked a Uberti 1875 Outlaw and that had all 6 cylinder throats of .358. I guess that one must have slipped through  ;D. I don't care what Uberti says .365 is way oversize and is not acceptable to me. Will the gun blow up, is it dangerous to shoot, No but the velocity will suffer and the bullet will enter the forcing cone improperly, and it will spit and impart excessive leading on the barrel face and forcing cone. I am referring to using primarily 38 specials with 158 gr cast bullets which is what I shoot as do a lot of other people out there.