Gentlemen, I'm "fixing" a relic condition Spencer Carbine for a friend, and I need a sear. Condition doesn't matter as long as it's intact. This thing will never shoot, but I'd like to make it complete. I will add I don't want to spend a lot of money to get it that way. Thanks!
Hello, Niederlander:
If cannot find one, please consider an Armisport or Shiloh Sharps sear, which might fit. Remember the Spencer vs Sharps sear's tail/arm projects over the outer mag tube and often needs metal removal. If need a photo of relief area, pls PM me your email address. Tx. Smiles.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Do the Armi Sport sears fit an original? I realize it would probably need some fitting, but it will never be seen anyway.
Only testing in the particular original will disclose interferences; same for Shiloh's. Armisport part probably not expensive.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny