So I just aquired a 1865 Burnside made carbine, serial number 13,000 range. It does not have provision for an extractor spring- when was that modification introduced ?
I have the centerfire block and follower and exactly 2 50-70 cases I can cut down. I do have plenty of 348 win and 8mm lebel cases left over from making 41 swiss rounds. The lebel rims are a bit bigger then the 348 rim and it looks like the extractor will grab the lebel rims better. Any issues using 348 or lebel cases for standard black powder loads? Any advice is welcome.
I presume you are referring to a M1865 Burnside manufactured Spencer? As long as the blade extractor will grab the rims, I would see no reason not to use the .348 or the Lebel brass for BP. I would recommend annealing the brass half-way down its length after shortening the cases.
Hello, and welcome Blueheeler:
Cutting down STARLINE 50-70/90 cases works, but requires reannealing. The rim OD and thickness should fit your chamber rim recess.
Other possible cases might have too thick a rim and cause negative headspace.
I have lots of new S'Line 50-90 Sharps cases if you decide they are better. Shortening leaves a case mouth wall thickness that should not need reaming. Please PM me an email address if you want a copy of my file about using those.
El Supremo/ Kevin Tinny
Thanks for the help. I got a copy of Marcot's book that indicates that the stabler ejector spring and cut off weren't added to the Burnside guns until about number 16,000 so that explains why mine does not have them. the centerfire block is in and the gun functions fine with dummy rounds, so the next step is to assemble live rounds.
Just be sure to use bullets with a large (at least .250") flat point, to prevent a magazine detonation. With the mag in the stock, such a thing could ruin you whole day!
Hello, Blueheeler:
Thanks for the request.
I sent an email. Kevin Tinny
Hello, Blueheeler:
Requested cases will arrive Fri.
Emailed related info.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny