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CAS TOPICS => NCOWS => Topic started by: 9245 on October 25, 2024, 09:44:21 AM

Title: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: 9245 on October 25, 2024, 09:44:21 AM
Does anyone have any experience with cartridge belts and holsters from Old Trading Post?  I see they have some that are obviously incorrect (Buscaderos), but others that look like they might be but their website doesn't really go in to much detail or provide good photos.  However their price seems unbeatable.

Do you have any experience with them?  Are they correct?  How many cartridge loops do they have?  Are they good quality?

This is the one I am looking at:
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Hair Trigger Jim on October 25, 2024, 09:48:37 AM
The pictures show snaps on the loops of the strong side holsters, so the holsters at least aren't period correct.
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: 9245 on October 25, 2024, 10:07:09 AM
Quote from: Hair Trigger Jim on October 25, 2024, 09:48:37 AMThe pictures show snaps on the loops of the strong side holsters, so the holsters at least aren't period correct.

I completely missed that (fuzzy photo), damn :(

I've never understood that particular style, not only is it incorrect, in most that I have seen it doesn't even seem to serve a purpose.  It's just stupid. >:(
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: St. George on October 25, 2024, 04:01:16 PM
It's a SASS style - it doesn't have to be authentic, it has to be competition-ready.


Scouts Out!
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Hair Trigger Jim on October 25, 2024, 04:36:41 PM
Quote from: St. George on October 25, 2024, 04:01:16 PMIt's a SASS style - it doesn't have to be authentic, it has to be competition-ready.


Scouts Out!

The OP was recently posting about being more interested in NCOWS than SASS, and this thread was posted in the NCOWS forum, so in this case it probably does matter whether it's authentic.
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Abilene on October 25, 2024, 05:48:04 PM
That rig is pretty low quality crap.  With leather you get what you pay for.  And the crossdraw shown is not SASS-legal due to the angle.  I don't know that NCOWS has the same "30-degree as worn" limit, but you don't want that quality of rig for NCOWS either.
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Professor Marvel on October 25, 2024, 07:02:33 PM
My Good 9245

the holsters you indicated are not particularly historical,
better ones would be these


unfortunately I think their prices are too high.

I myself have gotten quality belts (mostly used name brands) with cartrigde loops off ebay at
good value, and I have gotten reasonable holsters at a fair price from 2 specific vendors on
ebay also.
(photos later)

One does need to understand that such holsters will not be of "bianchi quality" but are well made
of a good single thickness leather, and will need some work such as treating with Extra Virgin Olive Oil , then a quality wax.

But then, i am well known to be cheap frugal ....

prof marvel
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: 9245 on October 25, 2024, 09:12:42 PM
Quote from: Professor Marvel on October 25, 2024, 07:02:33 PMMy Good 9245

the holsters you indicated are not particularly historical,
better ones would be these


unfortunately I think their prices are too high.

I myself have gotten quality belts (mostly used name brands) with cartrigde loops off ebay at
good value, and I have gotten reasonable holsters at a fair price from 2 specific vendors on
ebay also.
(photos later)

One does need to understand that such holsters will not be of "bianchi quality" but are well made
of a good single thickness leather, and will need some work such as treating with Extra Virgin Olive Oil , then a quality wax.

But then, i am well known to be cheap frugal ....

prof marvel

Then where would you suggest I look that would be historically correct and cheaper?
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Professor Marvel on October 25, 2024, 10:20:03 PM
If one is on a budget....

I have gotten several holsters from "tonyu" on ebay typically under $40 and I am happy with all of them

I might recommend

This "mild angle" crossdraw double loop

This single loop strongside

These floral "slim jim" ish for strongside

You can check out his store, he does a lot of modernisch stuff that i dont care for.
Avoid snaps, straps, buckles, etc.

If you can view a copy of the book "packing iron" that will gove you ideas of historical, proper holster.

Add a plain belt or something like these used belts

Also, if one is at all handy or has a leatherworker guy, one can easily shorten a too large belt by moving the billet. I have done this to more than one quality belt like size 50 which I got "cheap"

I avoid belts with drop slots or unknown brands, especially mexican or foriegn or asian.
Also, there are correct canvas belts that can often be had more cheaply...

I will post photos of mine a bit later

Hope this helps
Prof Marvel
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Abilene on October 25, 2024, 10:26:41 PM
**Like Button** to the perfesser.  Those from TonyU look pretty authentic. Hard to go wrong with Mexican Loops or Slim Jims.
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Professor Marvel on October 25, 2024, 10:43:37 PM
Historic holsters tend to ride higher and put the pistol "deeper in the pocket" than modern concealed carry, fbi, etc types. Use of a hammer thong means one doesnt need a thumb snap..

Tony puts out some decent holsters. He does do some stuff I dont care for, but variety makes 5e world go around.

Every holster Ihave gotten from him starts out "stiff and creaking"

First thing I do is "form fit" the holster to my pistol using saran wrap around the pistol and soaking the holster in alcohol. If more tweaking is needed, I use leather "boning tools" and or small wood blocks with rounded edges and spring clamps. Also this is the time to fit it to the belt, if required.

Once dry, I give it a good coat of Extar virgin olive oile and let soak in. If it still seems dry or creaks, repeat the oil. Wipe off excess and let sit a day or two.

Last step is a good coat of wax... beeswax, carnuba, whatever, just no petroleum wax.
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: River City John on October 26, 2024, 07:55:39 AM
This is where patience will pay.
It was mentioned in your other post on the NCOWS Forum that our annual show and Congress meeting is coming up in March in Iowa. There will be lots of vendors approved by NCOWS selling their "field-tested, slightly used" gear, plus new made items, too.

A very good opportunity to see a variety of clothing, reference books and accessories, and chat up the membership. I know you've stressed authenticity over pizzazz, and this is where approaching your research according to what persona or "Old West" occupation appeals to you will dictate your choices.

Dixie Gun Works has some suitable items that are about as reasonable to the pocketbook as can be.

Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: 9245 on October 26, 2024, 03:04:39 PM
Quote from: River City John on October 26, 2024, 07:55:39 AMThis is where patience will pay.
It was mentioned in your other post on the NCOWS Forum that our annual show and Congress meeting is coming up in March in Iowa. There will be lots of vendors approved by NCOWS selling their "field-tested, slightly used" gear, plus new made items, too.

A very good opportunity to see a variety of clothing, reference books and accessories, and chat up the membership. I know you've stressed authenticity over pizzazz, and this is where approaching your research according to what persona or "Old West" occupation appeals to you will dictate your choices.

Dixie Gun Works has some suitable items that are about as reasonable to the pocketbook as can be.


I will check them out, thanks.

My character was born in Kansas near the Arkansas border in 1844, got involved in Bloody Kansas after Unionist neighbors torched his family farm, joined the Arkansas State Militia first cavalry regiment in May of 1861 at 16 after lying about his age. He was a part of the Battle of Wilson's Creek on August 10, 1861.  He mustered out of the guard in September of 1861 after his unit dissolved then joined Quantrills Raiders and befriended Jesse and Frank James and started riding with them and picked up the habit of carrying two Remington New Army revolvers from George Maddox.  He was a part of the first train robbery along with his new friends in Northbend Ohio on May 5th 1865 then continued to ride with the James brothers for a short time after the war before branching out on his own.

That's as far as I have developed the character so far.  But the idea is that he is an outlaw who occasionally rides both sides of the line.  He has his own code and sense of right or wrong, not bad, not good, he's gray.  He justifies his criminal actions as continuing a personal war against the Federal government after the confederacy lost the war.  I pick up in 1884.
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: 9245 on November 23, 2024, 08:35:06 PM
What would have been most common a 2.5 inch belt or 3?
Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: Major 2 on November 23, 2024, 10:16:52 PM
Here is a heads up,  there is a guy on eBay TonyU
(I have no dog in the fight BTW just passing along the info)

His prices are quite reasonable, and quality is well above average.
here is his Makers Mark.

Some have "buy me now pricing" others open bid @ $.99
On a lark, I bid on one of his OWB holsters, and won @ $ 12.02
 It was embossed in floral pattern in 10oz.leather and machine stitched.

Title: Re: Old Trading Post holster sets?
Post by: 9245 on November 24, 2024, 12:30:00 AM
Quote from: Major 2 on November 23, 2024, 10:16:52 PMHere is a heads up,  there is a guy on eBay TonyU
(I have no dog in the fight BTW just passing along the info)

His prices are quite reasonable, and quality is well above average.
here is his Makers Mark.

Some have "buy me now pricing" others open bid @ $.99
On a lark, I bid on one of his OWB holsters, and won @ $ 12.02
 It was embossed in floral pattern in 10oz.leather and machine stitched.


I actually just got a double loop holster from him for less than $40 not even a week ago and I can confirm it's damn impressive quality.  I'd have gotten a belt from him too but he didn't have any that would work, I might pick up another holster or two though.