Hello. I have a Spencer carbine, made by Burnside. It has an A in the serial number, does that mean anything. Just not used to seeing that in those guns. Thanks
Are you sure it's an "A" or a misshaped "4"?
Remove the forearm and see if a better readable serial # is found on the underside of the barrel. The serial #s should be the same.
Two Flints
I had a look at the barrel, It is the same serial number 8945 but no A.Close look at the other number, it is defiantly an A
Here is a photo of the serial number. Defiantly an A.
spencerasuffix copy2.jpg
didn't work.I'll try again
(https://hosting.photobucket.com/fa3dae8f-92ae-4b5f-a0ad-ae3ab652eb71/04964d8d-c0a5-4c0c-b0b7-012d3a5138a9.jfif?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds) (http://"https://hosting.photobucket.com/fa3dae8f-92ae-4b5f-a0ad-ae3ab652eb71/04964d8d-c0a5-4c0c-b0b7-012d3a5138a9.jfif?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds")
Photo Posted by Two Flints