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CAS TOPICS => 1911 & Wild Bunch Shooting => Topic started by: Doc Holloman on June 19, 2024, 08:26:12 AM

Title: M1917 Machine Gun Demonstration?
Post by: Doc Holloman on June 19, 2024, 08:26:12 AM
I was wondering if anyone knew of a source, preferably not too far from central Texas, where one could arrange a machine gun demonstration at a major match.  An M1917 as used in the film would be perfect, but also acceptable would be a water cooled Vickers (more period correct) or an Infantry type  Lewis Gun (what Pershing actually took to Mexico). 
Title: Re: M1917 Machine Gun Demonstration?
Post by: Abilene on June 19, 2024, 09:18:05 AM
The guy who made the jail at the Caballeros was a machine gun guy.  I don't know if he still does it or what he has.  Check with Kettleman, he used to go out to Skot's place and shoot them.
Title: Re: M1917 Machine Gun Demonstration?
Post by: Baltimore Ed on June 19, 2024, 12:44:53 PM
I have started work on a 1917a1 Browning WC dummy that will be a gas gun. No way could I afford or feed a real 1917a1 or even a semi but a full auto gas gun should be feedable. Been buying parts for a bit. I want to use it as a Wild Bunch prop at my clubs WB shoots. This is my second try, the first was very primitive. This one will have as many Browning parts as I can afford. I even had thoughts of setting it up with a painted backdrop, table and arch at big matches for photos and make some money with it. This is not a cheap build by any means. Got a ways to go.  Btw, I put 20 rds through a Maxim at EOT years ago. Was a hoot. If you can figure out who the guys were who set up the Maxim, Gatling and mountain howitzer at EOT they might be able to help you.
Title: Re: M1917 Machine Gun Demonstration?
Post by: Montana Slim on August 04, 2024, 10:06:09 AM
Not sure of the year, but I was at a military gun social held at Long Mountain Outfitters some time ago. Great folks, snacks, drinks, and guns, lots of guns. Among many firearm related services,  they have been a rental for films, etc. There were a number of movie prop guns in the collection, some acquired from other famous  prop houses. Too many to remember, but included Aliens & Star Wars. Everything needed for historical war weaponry (all vintages) - racks of flintlocks, trapdoor rifles having the fake flintlock appendages, machine pistols, rifles, etc. A four-bore double rifle, Hotchkiss revolving cannon & an artillery piece (Rough Riders). And, in the corner sat a Maxim machine gun on a small carriage, ala WWI - it's original use. Yes, this was the Maxim used in the Wild Bunch. I was allowed to handle many of these. I thought I had photos from the visit, but wasn't able to find them later. Could have been saved on my office PC.

That's my Wild Bunch story & I'm sticking to it 😆

Title: Re: M1917 Machine Gun Demonstration?
Post by: Sedalia Dave on August 08, 2024, 04:59:28 PM
Try Contacting T-Bone Dooley at Bad Lands Bar 3.  Been a few years but I attended a few monthly CAS matches that incorporated full auto firearms. Not sure who they belonged to but I'm pretty sure it wasn't T-Bone.

At different matches, I remember a Gatling Gun, Thompson, MP-40 and MG-42. Also remember the need to bring a box or two of factory ammo if you wanted to shoot them.

It was a lot of fun.