Just a sneak peak at this little gem. Goon and I have been talking about doing one of these since he first started testing the Kirst .45ACP conversion. I ended up sending him a Uberti 1860 and yesterday it came home. Did a little bit of shooting this afternoon using factory .45ACP hardball. The action is slick and operates like butter on glass. This is just a quick & dirty report. A full review is coming and I've threatened to do another video.
Started life as a full flute Uberti 1860 from MidwayUSA.
Now it's had the Kirst converter installed with ejector, a full tune-up with action job, trigger stop, arbor length correction and coil spring conversion. The shoulder stock screws were reduced to buttons and all screws along with the wedge were redone in fire blue.
While he had the rest of the gun, I stripped and refinished the walnut grip with Fiebing's walnut stain and tung oil.
That is a fine looking pistola senor
Thanks CraigC for the opportunity!!
Just for those interested in what was done, here's what's inside:
First, the arbor was "reinstalled" and heavily torqued.
Coil action springs, bolt block, action stop, interference pins (action screws can't get loose), action shield, replaced thin hammer roller with wide roller, trued recoil shield for conversion ring support , wedge modified for a "captured" wedge.
The hammer has a hardened "firing plate" installed to contact the firing pin. That keeps the firing pin from degrading the soft hammer face. Also, there's no contact between the hammer and the conversion ring. Another feature installed is an inside the frame adjustable trigger "over travel" stop.
Thanks again CraigC!!!
:) CraigC ;)
You're really gonna enjoy that Kirst 45 ACP conversion. I built myself a pair for CAS as soon as the ACP conversion was announced. They really shoot a treat. The nifty "other" thing, with the ACP conversion, one can also run Cowboy 45 Special cases. I load mine with 3f APP and have fitted 3 different barrels. 8" 1860 Pattern, 4 1/4" 1860 Pattern and 4 1/4 inch .44 Navy Pattern.
Have Lots and Lots of fun wid 'em
Gentlemen, you turned out not just a fine looking, but downright gorgeous revolver! WOW!
Quote from: Coffinmaker on December 04, 2023, 08:52:28 AM
:) CraigC ;)
You're really gonna enjoy that Kirst 45 ACP conversion. I built myself a pair for CAS as soon as the ACP conversion was announced. They really shoot a treat. The nifty "other" thing, with the ACP conversion, one can also run Cowboy 45 Special cases. I load mine with 3f APP and have fitted 3 different barrels. 8" 1860 Pattern, 4 1/4" 1860 Pattern and 4 1/4 inch .44 Navy Pattern.
Have Lots and Lots of fun wid 'em
Agreed! I think the ACP is a really underrated sixgun cartridge. I did function test empty .45CS cases and they work fine. I've got 1000 of them. :D
Man, that thing looks good. I know it will run great also since Mike did it.
:) Aw Right Aw Ready !!! ;)
It ain't as if Mike's head ain't big enough as was, Yunz (Pittsburghease) just hadda make it bigger huh!! You expect he should still fit thru the Shop Door?? Hah!!
Tiz a Righteous FINE looking conversion ain't it you betcha. I'm sure you have all read Mike's comments about his experience with the 45 ACP Kirst Konverter and I must confirm he is not spreading any fluff. The 45 ACP Conversion is the Beez Kneez. Fear not with loading. The Kirst cylinder is made from very stern stuff indeed and will take pressure levels what make yer eyes water and yer shooting hand smart.
I also have around 1000 ACP cases left over from a bunch of Bulls Eye shooting couple ah Lustrum ago. Loadin 'em up you betcha.
Apparently it also doesn't care where its ammo comes from, as long as you feed it. :D
This is a nice looking pistol. Did you choose not the fill the dove tail for the loading lever?
Quote from: CraigC on December 15, 2023, 09:14:46 AM
Apparently it also doesn't care where its ammo comes from, as long as you feed it. :D
So strange to see those with that gun but also pretty cool.
We GOTTA talk em into selling the 45 ACP cylinders for swapping!
Quote from: Rube Burrows on December 15, 2023, 05:06:52 PM
So strange to see those with that gun but also pretty cool.
Believe me, it's weird to do!
Quote from: Crossdrawnj on December 15, 2023, 09:43:20 AM
This is a nice looking pistol. Did you choose not the fill the dove tail for the loading lever?
Not yet. It needs a taller front sight and I haven't decided if I'm going to shorten the barrel or not. If I leave it 8", I'll fill the dovetail.
When it comes "Feeding Time" taint at all picky with one glaring (for me) exception. The ACP cylinder does not like 45 BARNSTORMER bullets. The Barnstormer bullet hangs up at the ACP chamber ledge. The Barnstormer I have are all just a squeak to large causing it to head space on the Bullet rather than the case mouth. I've found a solution, but it looks real weird.
And I really like those stocks. Some nice they are. Mine are stocked with some inexpensive checkered Faux Ivory. They look right fine from the Freeway.
Making a "filler" for that dovetail is not necessarily "fun." It's small and of an odd dimension. I've done it, but didn't necessarily like it.
I too, like the Kirst .45 acp conversion.
Here's mine. I left the loading lever installed to make it quicker to switch between acp and percussion.
:) Hey there Deacon ;)
Sorry I'm late. But just re-read. As far as I know Kirst will sell you just the 45 ACP Cylinder. Of course, yule need to already have the Conversion Ring on hand. Does let ya switch back and fourth twixt 45 Colt and 45 ACP. Super Fun you betcha!!
Thanks for the heads up on the .45 Colt Cylinder
Quote from: Coffinmaker on March 03, 2024, 08:51:06 AM
:) Hey there Deacon ;)
Sorry I'm late. But just re-read. As far as I know Kirst will sell you just the 45 ACP Cylinder. Of course, yule need to already have the Conversion Ring on hand. Does let ya switch back and fourth twixt 45 Colt and 45 ACP. Super Fun you betcha!!
My Dear Coffin
Since acp headspaces on the casemouth Dont you mean .45 acp and .45 cowboy?
It is entirely possible to make your own conversion ring out of common steel flat stock! All it takes is a half dozen hacksaw blades, some good files, and persistance lol. Oh and a drill.
Prof mumbles.
Oh look, i finally found one of the thousands of photos of my (too many) unfinished projects .
This is becoming the shortest barrel Remmy I can pull off, with a Kirst Cylinder and a homemade "thick Ring"
Another variation ( no photos) is a home made plate that will rotate "kinda" freely and thus allow a loading port to appear...
:) Hey There Hy There Ho There Perfesser ;)
NO!. Provided one already has done a conversion to 45 Colt, an individual Cylinder for 45 ACP allows one to switch back and fourth between 45 Colt and 45 ACP. If you have a 45 ACP Cylinder it would seem rather obvious you may switch also to Cowboy 45 Special ::)
Since I built my own personal Pietta 1860 conversions with three different Barrels/Barrel lengths, I should have left the latch for the loading lever on the 8" barrels (Haven't cut 'em . . yet) to enable the look of the 1860 loading lever. Gotta look thru my parts stash you betcha.
Another variation ( no photos) is a home made plate that will rotate "kinda" freely and thus allow a loading port to appear...
I been thinking of that one myself !! Looks cool anyway . . .
Doesn't the conversion plate need to have a spring-loaded firing pin in it? Seems like that might be the harder part.
Quote from: Abilene on March 05, 2024, 10:08:57 AM
Doesn't the conversion plate need to have a spring-loaded firing pin in it? Seems like that might be the harder part.
One can use either a hammer mounted pin, which is rather long, or a plate mounted pin. If mounted on the plate,
One can order out pin/spring/cap screw assemblies as a replacement part . They are rather fiddley to make, but can be done on a lathe by boring out a piece of hardened screw and turning a shouldered pin. In that case I like using hardened screw theaded into the plate from the front (cartridge side) as that comes a recoil shield and can be sowhat larger in diameter. It does'nt need to be "too hard" since it is only getting pushed by the brass as the brass backs out of the cylindery during firing.
Quote from: Coffinmaker on March 05, 2024, 09:01:44 AM
:) Hey There Hy There Ho There Perfesser ;)
NO!. Provided one already has done a conversion to 45 Colt, an individual Cylinder for 45 ACP allows one to switch back and fourth between 45 Colt and 45 ACP. If you have a 45 ACP Cylinder it would seem rather obvious you may switch also to Cowboy 45 Special ::)
Since I built my own personal Pietta 1860 conversions with three different Barrels/Barrel lengths, I should have left the latch for the loading lever on the 8" barrels (Haven't cut 'em . . yet) to enable the look of the 1860 loading lever. Gotta look thru my parts stash you betcha.
Ah My Dear Coffin...
You are correct!
I plead sleep deprivation!
:) Perfesser ;)
Take two Cheeseburgers and call be inna Morning?? 8)
Dr. Coffin
Nice work!!! Graveyard Jack, still have the fluted cylinder! Wanna sell it? ;D
I do, no way!
An interesting side hustle to having put together my 1860 Conversions with Kirst. That mother wonderful loading channel makes it a real SNAP to cap the Percussion cylinders. It does look kinda "odd" to see barrel assemblies with the ejectors on a gun with Percussion Cylinders. Fortunately I also have several barrels without ejectors. They Be SNUBBIES.
Golly gosh but Guns-er-FUN!!