The 2024 National Congress of Old West Shootist's convention will be held March 22-24, back in Davenport Iowa
at the Double Tree by Hilton, formerly the Radisson where we held it 2017 -2019. The website is now up with some
information on it, with more to follow. We do not have a posse putting this on, just a few members wanting to see
this event continue and thrive. We need some people to help out by doing seminars, I would like to see them varied
and interesting to the public also, as we had good walk-in attendance here in the previous 4 years we held it here.
The website is Together lets continue to make this event special!!!!
Thanks John Hoker Marshal
Outstanding. As for seminars, I am new so haven't been to your convention, and I don't know if it would be of any interest, and I am a very new member, so no hurt feelings if you are not interested, but I am a long time Railroader, and like the history of our industry and the role it played in opening the West. I frequently speak at conferences mostly related to technology, safety, and regulatory compliance, however I would love to put together something on the history of the railroads if that would be of any interest. I tried to PM, but can't maybe because I am such a new member, if you are interested try sending me one and I'll give you my personal email and we can discuss.
Travis Herod
Iron City Sage
Alabama Bushwhackers
That sounds good if you can do the railroad history of our time period. I think it would
also be of interest to our walk in public.
yes sir, for the time period. There are a lot of directions we can go with it, depending on the particular interest and time alloted. There is a lot of personality history, technology history, sociological history, etc that we can go into, between the 1840's and 1900.
I would like to see a seminar on the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, possibly titled " Hell on Wheels, History or Entertainment?"
B.N. Scotty
Lots to explore there, for sure.
i've been getting a few things lined up, a band for the banquet, cac-can girls for the hospitality room,
a possible tour of Rock Island Auction on Friday morning. We have a group of 6 ladies doing the ladies tea.
I would like to have 6 good seminars, this is our organization and our convention, so if you can, please help
out a little. Thanks
Quote from: bear tooth billy on July 07, 2023, 12:10:20 PM
i've been getting a few things lined up, . . . cac-can girls for the hospitality room . . .
Best line up some Can-Can Boys, too. Let's not forget our many members "of the fairer sex".
A while back I started a thread on the NCOWS only page asking for suggestions for seminars. My thought was; let's hear what members would like to learn about. I didn't get much feedback.
There was a request for an explanation of the "Originals" class since we haven't done that for a while. I can do that if there is truly any interest.
Dart might want to do his Paper Cartridge seminar again, since there will likely be a new audience. If Jean Warren is healthy, her fabric seminars are/were awesome.
I am hoping to make it next year. I would love to see the railroad, the originals, and Jean Warren if she is able. I think Dart's would go over well since most of the people in Iowa have not seen that one. Looking forward to it if my back and leg holds out.
Books, maybe Trap and myself would help on that, probably on Friday, as the public walk-ins
would probably not be as interested as some others that we will have on Sat. Thanks for the ideas
I would be happy to do another seminar on making paper cartridges.
Dart, you are on the schedule, go to the website all the seminars are listed
John when you start putting the Convention packets together I'd like to send NCOWS stickers from the Mercantile to be included in each packet. Keep me posted.
Dates on the Convention website are wrong - listed as march 22, 23, 25. Should be 22, 23, 24.
Quote from: OklaTom on December 15, 2023, 03:12:04 PM
Dates on the Convention website are wrong - listed as march 22, 23, 25. Should be 22, 23, 24.
The dates have been corrected on the website. Many thanks for catching the error.
Just over a month out, we are looking forward to the convention! (Which reminds me I still need to register.....)
Have not been to the Davenport area-we will most likely be in our motorhome since we are making a great circle trip, to IN to see some family, then Iowa for this, then leaving early Sunday down to KC for a Sunday afternoon committee meeting at a week long convention I'm attending there.
I have a res for the hotel, but any word on local campgrounds in the area? If we do stay off site. Is Davenport a large enough city to have Uber or Lyft availability? Would rather not drag the jeep or motorcycles in this trip but we can if we need to. I will call the hotel also, to see about parking for the rig there, we can either be self sufficient or just park it and stay in a room, haven't decided yet.
As I finish up my little hour segment on how railroads opened the west (for both good, and bad) thought I would ask about any special topics of interest? Trying to keep yo the theme, plan to speak on pre-war rail, brief period of the war years, then the explosion of railroads between 1870 and 1899, that completely changed the people, land, and flora/fauna of the American West.
Quote from: Iron City Sage on July 06, 2023, 01:41:46 PM
yes sir, for the time period. There are a lot of directions we can go with it, depending on the particular interest and time alloted. There is a lot of personality history, technology history, sociological history, etc that we can go into, between the 1840's and 1900.
The war between the two railroads in the southwest, one faction led by Bat Masterson.
ICS: I have stayed in the Interstate RV Park & Campground. It is a nice enough place. I have never stayed this early in the year though.
I can't comment on Uber or Lyft availability in Davenport, but I do know that parking a big camper at the venue would be an issue. The hotel is basically in the downtown area, with a parking garage across the street, and a small lot behind it. As far as Railroad Seminar topics, how about train robberies? I didn't realize that blowing up the safe (and car) in the Butch and Sundance movie was a real thing, until I saw the safe in a museum in Wyoming.
B.N. Scotty
There is a large free city parking lot between River drive and the river. Right now it is usable
and I don't think there will be much snow melt coming. In 2019 everything was under water.
If you can use that it's only half a block to the Hotel. I believe we've had more snow here than
up river.
Only 1 vendor table left, so if you want it better snatch it up. It will be a room full
of lots of interesting stuff to look at.
As I will be unable to attend the convention this year, will there be video recordings of the seminars?
Not that I'm aware of, I sure won't have time to do it.
Quote from: RatonRick on March 20, 2024, 05:36:56 AM
As I will be unable to attend the convention this year, will there be video recordings of the seminars?
Hopefully not on the 11 o'clock News.
I hope you all are having a great time. :)
I know I am! Really enjoying our first one, super great people and informational breakout sessions!
The 2024 convention is in the books. BTB did a great job setting it up. The hotel staff was wonderful, the hotel itself had some mechanical issues. Great convention overall.
A big thank you to those that put on the convention. I am sure there was plenty of behind the scenes work that was done that we don't see. We see the results though, in a well run convention. Thanks to everyone who put this on.
Excellent convention! Thanks to all who put in the hard work!
Thanks to the guys and gals for all your great work to pull this off. I think the people in NCOWS are the best!
Did anyone take any photo's ?
Major 2,
I have a couple of folks who regularly help me out with photos for the Shootist' As they come in, I will post some of the best ones here on CasCity.
Thanks to all that came, I know a lot of you drove a long ways. The hotel is under renovation and just put
in a new heating system that is not done to all the rooms. I was really pleased with the staff, Tabatha, a worker joined
NCOWS and is going to shoot our inaugural shoot in May.
Quote from: Yuma Kid on March 25, 2024, 10:28:38 AM
Major 2,
I have a couple of folks who regularly help me out with photos for the Shootist' As they come in, I will post some of the best ones here on CasCity.
Thank you looking forward to them.
I should also take this opportunity to thank John "Bear Tooth Billy" Hoker for putting on the convention without the help of a local posse. I know he had a lot of help and thanks to everyone who was able to. This convention would not have happened without John and he deserves all the credit!
Thanks! :) :)
It seems all of the photos I have gotten of the convention are too large to upload here. I will see about uploading them to my google drive and then put a link here.
Try the link
Thanks John for posting. I hate that I missed it. Just lucky Dense wasn't hurt any worse than she was. Looks like a great time was had by all.
Great pictures! Sure wish I could have been there.
Me too :(
What happened to Dense? I hope she's okay!
She got slammed the Tuesday before the convention. Totaled her car and banged her up. Bruised up and cracked her sternum. She is doing better just a lot of pain if she has to cough or certain movements. We were lucky it could have been a lot worse.
Quote from: bushwhacker on March 30, 2024, 03:34:34 AM
We were lucky it could have been a lot worse.
Denise is in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Quote from: bushwhacker on March 30, 2024, 03:34:34 AM
She got slammed the Tuesday before the convention. Totaled her car and banged her up. Bruised up and cracked her sternum. She is doing better just a lot of pain if she has to cough or certain movements. We were lucky it could have been a lot worse.
Holy crap, Mike! I'd say give her a hug for me but that might not be a good idea. Do wish her well for me.
Kay and I will keep her in our Prayers.
Hope she mends quickly. I will keep her in my thoughts.
Denise wanted me to thank everyone for your thoughts and support. Just going to take time for the healing process. We appreciate all of you.