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CAS TOPICS => Gunsmithing => Topic started by: DeaconKC on June 15, 2023, 09:50:14 PM

Title: grip shape question
Post by: DeaconKC on June 15, 2023, 09:50:14 PM
Okay guys, here's a question. I have large hands, usually an Army grip feels better in my hand than the Navy size grip on Colt copies. I have an El Malo with the Navy grip that I shoot okay and have an Army grip ready to go on it. However, I also wound up with a square back Dragoon style grip that could fit and with that octagon barrel on the El Malo would look great. The recoil with .38 Specials is sweet but I haven't shot it with .357 loads yet. Have any of you shot a .357 with the Dragoon style grip and if so, did it beat up your knuckles? Wanted to ask before having to shorten the trigger to fit the grip frame.
Title: Re: grip shape question
Post by: Coffinmaker on June 16, 2023, 09:32:56 AM

:) Well Howdy Doody Deacon  ;)

From the guy with "Medium" (girlfriends said FAST) hands, yes.  The Square back Grips just beat the bejabbers out of my "Social" Finger.  Ouch!!

Also, I believe the El Malo to be a Pietta and if your Army Pattern grip is for a Uberti, yule have just gobs of fun getting it to fit.

Just as an additional, even with medium hand span, ALL of my CAS guns have been equipped with Army Pattern Grips.  I much prefer the Army Grips.
Title: Re: grip shape question
Post by: Major 2 on June 16, 2023, 02:00:29 PM
+ 2 for Army Grips....  I have medium hands but thick fingers Sq. backs cramp my trigger finger.
Not to say I don't have one, but it's not shot all that much....

Seems to me Pietta made a Hex Barrel  SAA with Army grips called the Alchimsta now discontinued.
A fantasy piece but very cool.