I am looking for brass trigger guard for Uberti 1860 Richard's Transition Type II conversion revolver. I have checked with all of the gun parts businesses but everyone is out of stock. Trying to make onr of my Richard's to be close to the one used in Last Stand at Saber River.
Have you checked with the various Uberti importers - Cimarron, Taylors, Dixie ?
I'll check tomorrow, I might
Yes I have checked with all of them.
Sorry, mine is a Pietta. Was willing to trade.
Mine is blued :P sorry
How badly do you want it. Buy an Uberti 1860 Army percussion gun (new or used). Swap the entire grip frame and grips with your conversion. Sell the percussion gun that now has the all blued grip frame.
Quote from: Abilene on April 30, 2023, 11:31:39 AM
How badly do you want it. Buy an Uberti 1860 Army percussion gun (new or used). Swap the entire grip frame and grips with your conversion. Sell the percussion gun that now has the all blued grip frame.
thought about that. Will watch for an used one.
I sent you a PM.
The brass trigger guard I bought did not fit on the gun I was buying it for. The ivory grips don't fit the gun. So I had a thought to try it on the original gun I fitted the ivory grips to. And it fit. For some reason the grips don't fit quite the same as with the stock grip frame but I can live with it. I think I have another brass grip frame lined up. Just hope it fits the gun I really want it on. I will have to purchase another's up ivory grips and go through the process of making them fit.
That does look good, Pappy. The checkered ivory look is good on an 1860.
>:(why is the picture upside down? How do I correct it
When I click on the picture, it turns right side up.
That's weird
Quote from: Abilene on June 14, 2023, 04:58:47 PM
When I click on the picture, it turns right side up.
Same here. Certainly odd.
Same here, same oddness ;D
The gu above is not the one I wanted brass triggerguard and ivory grips. I was able to locate one that fits the gun I am really working with to make as similar as I can to Tom Selleks in Last Stand movie. The ivory grips don't fit so have to get another set. I put the ivory grips on another gun keeping the blued triggerguard. This is the one I plan to have the barrel shortened. The to gun inthe picture is the one I am going to put ivory grips on.
I finally got the faux ivory grips and brass tiggerguard on the gun I wanted them on. The other one is the one I am going to have shortened to 5 1/2.
Those always look good with ivory grips. Congratulations on a good job.
Should I put something on the grips to protect them? I don't think I am going tptry to antique them noe. One of the grips has some little pits. I tried to go over it with 400 grit sand paper but really didn't do anything and I don't want to take too much more off. I want to try and keep dirt particles out.
I would just use them as is. There might be something you could put on them that wouldn't flake off in time but I don't know what that might be. Maybe someone else can offer up an idea for that.