Anyone out there make such a holster?
They were made from 1885 to 1908 so any late 19th century/early 20th century holster design should do fine.
My choice would be something like this, made for the appropriate barrel length, of course.
Alas, I've tried the New Frontier in several of my holsters that happily take a Colt Model P. The S&W with its high top strap and huge trigger guard just doesn't fit. Tried to post a photograph of a period holster that handles the enlarged trigger guard of a Bisley but, like my other holsters, won't accept the S&W New Frontier.
I got one from David Carrico, several years ago.
You might try Rick Bachman of Old West Reproductions, as well.
come to think of it... I have an Old West Reproductions one as well I bought from Two Flints.
If that doesn't fit, I would guess he can make you one that does. He has a pretty extensive collection of originals for patterns.
David Carrico Leather is well known for their high quality custom holsters. They can create a holster that will fit your S&W New Frontier .44-40.
I have patterns and have made some. It's pretty much the same as for a Russian or a Schofield.
Carrico on the left, Old West Reproductions on right.
Second photo is the Carrico holster with my Russian.
Cliff Fendley is also a very fine choice.
And here is my NM #3 with a Webley holster which fits great.
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