Who is your favorite manufacturer/importer of revolver(s)?
Option 1: Colt Firearms
votes: 22
Option 2: Charles Daly
votes: 1
Option 3: Cimmaron
votes: 27
Option 4: Navy Arms
votes: 2
Option 5: Ruger
votes: 101
Option 6: Taurus
votes: 4
Option 7: Uberti USA
votes: 47
Option 8: USFA
votes: 26
Option 9: Other
votes: 20
Let us help the newcomers with answers to a few of the questions they ask us who have been in this sport for some time.
What is your revolver(s) of choice? Why did you pick the model you are using?
Was it price, looks, authenticity or other specific reasons?
My revolver of choice is Pietta '58 Remington New Army .44 BP with R&D conversions to .45LC.
1. Of course, is PRICE. I am just a poor boy.
2. Looks, I just love the look of the gun and like those 8" barrels, they feel more comfortable in my hand. I am in the sport for the fun more so than the competition. I only compete with me, try to better my score each match.
3. And the authenticity of the model never gets questioned. Purely period correct.
EMF's Frontier Marshal from Uberti, covered most everything. Cost was good, looks were just what I wanted, and the quality is what I had in my Hartford models before.
Colt 2nd. Gen. 1860 Army's , but I also have Cimarron 72 open top Army frame & Uberti 60'Armies.
See the pattern :) the feel of the 1860 Army Grip is by far my favorite & the balance is perfect.
I've had Ruger Vaquero's ,I was never quite comfortable with the balance or feel.
I echo this statement.... "I am in the sport for the fun more so than the competition."
I prefer Uberti 1858 (NMA) Remingtons. I like Ubertis better than Piettas although I hear that these days the Piettas are a better quality than they used to be. No one else makes the Remington NMA's. The NMA's fit my hand better, point shoot better and have a shorter action than anything else made. You can get great cartridge conversion cylinders for them, too.
My main match SASS pistols are SS Ruger Bisley Vaqueros in .45 Colt. I like the gripframe and lower hammer better than the Vaqueros.
My main match NCOWS pistols are Navy Arms 1875 Remingtons in .44-40. I like the looks of them, and the way they feel and point in my hand.
USFA - What else for me??
Because, IMHO, it is the best made gun out there. The best material is used and their machining processes are second to none.
RUGERS! Price, quality, reliability, safety. By far the most reliable, rugged pistol made reguardless of price bar none.
Ubertis. Wouldn't recommend them to a new shooter or someone who can't work on them or repair them on their own.
For me, I don't need a better revolver for the game. They fit my hand. I like the variety of barrel lengths and grip frames. As long as I'm going to be shooting clones, I'd rather be beating up cheaper ones rather than the more expensive models. I tend to get kindah rough every now and again.
Ruger Vaqueros. Original.
The Wells-Fargo box of handguns.
Not required to half-cock to load, which is a very important consideration for shooters with little or no experience with SA handguns.
I already had a new model Blackhawk so I knew the feel.
Well, you can only vote once, but I like my Ruger Bisley Vaqueros and my Navy Arms Schofields the same amount. They feel different, but they both shoot nice, and I have apair of each.
I have yet to shoot BUT I come to the sport with 2 Colts, a Ruger Old Army and a Pietta 2nd Model Dragoon. Looks like I won't have to buy too much but a USFA 5 1/2" is on order as the Colts are both 7 1/2.
Colt. It's what all the others want to be. There's a reason for that. I've got Pietta's, Ubertis, Armi San Marcos, Rugers, and have fondled all the others. Nothing is quite like a Colt.
2 Rugers (one stainless).
For me, reliability. I also have an Uberti, but I feel like my Rugers are "tanks" and could stand the wear and tear and little maintanence.
Ruger Old Vqueros, birdshead grips shot 1 in each hand as it should be.
Price was good. The reliability of the Ruger is second to none, As Boss Spearman said in Open Range " I always liked a gun with a little heft to it". I put a couple sets of the Executioner's world famous moose horn grips on them babies and shoot em fast with the Black.
Whew, I've got to be alone now.
Pair of Uberti's Scofields. ;D ;D I realllly like being able to load and unload my pistols quick and easy, especially when it cold and my finger are numb. ;D
Been shootin' Colt SAAs since 1971. Nothing else feels as good in my hands.
Ruger. Fit, reliability.
Schofields, Cav. model.....converted by Bill English....style points calore, fast, who would not want to shoot the most handsome SA revolver ever designed.
Quote from: Marshal Will Wingam on December 27, 2005, 11:28:57 AM
I prefer Uberti 1858 (NMA) Remingtons. I like Ubertis better than Piettas although I hear that these days the Piettas are a better quality than they used to be. No one else makes the Remington NMA's. The NMA's fit my hand better, point shoot better and have a shorter action than anything else made. You can get great cartridge conversion cylinders for them, too.
where did you get those grips for your remmie?
AWA Longhorns have the best actions, but they aren't in production under the AWA name anymore, my main match guns recently have been Uberti 1851 RM Conversions with 5 1/2 inch barrels.... Also have a pair of EMF Hartfords as backups to those... ;D
It may be thet Ah voted afore in this here poll. But Rugers are, to me anyway, the "Colt" of today, reliable, affordable [which Colts are not!] although they art relable, I find that they are a bit small for my hand(s) and although I load within the accepted (cowboy) limits of the powder I use, I'll never have to worry about my Old Model Vaquero Blowing apart.
Well I am just getting into the SASS never even been to a match YET. I have a couple of Rugers Would either of these do
Still need a shotgun and rifle probably some clothes maybe I will head to the next match and watch first
Quote from: Maddog on March 16, 2006, 06:24:06 PM
Well I am just getting into the SASS never even been to a match YET. I have a couple of Rugers Would either of these do
yep, they'll both do. The BH will put you in the Modern category, but don't worry, you'll still have fun. Just bring some .44Spl loads instead of the .44Mags.
I have Uberti's from two listed importers, Cimarron and EMF. I also have two EAA Bounty Hunters and one Ruger NMV. The size of the grip influenced my liking of the Uberti clones. Just feel better in my hand............Buck 8) ;)
I have a Beretta Stampede which is made by Uberti. Looks and feels great. 5 1/2 bbl. balances real well for me. 45 LC like my 73 Winchester. I have to keep it simple :o so only 1 kind of ammo. :D Don't want to confuse myself.
RUGERS! But I reckon you knew that if ye ever checked out the RATS forum.
I reckon second place would be the Schofeld designs.
i been hunting & shooting the pettia 58 rem 44 in 12" barrel. c&b revolver for 15 years. its the only c&b i had ever shot or held, it has served me well so natrally i wanted a nother one when i started in sass
go pettia
uberti cattleman 4 3/4" pair. the fit is great in my hand. the technology is period correct. and I learned to shoot with a old ruger single six. And last is the price. the ruger is out of the late 50s or early 60s and has never been worked on, and still gets shot regularly. I do know that my ubertis wont make that for both have had to have springs replaced due to breakage.
I shoot Pietta and Uberti Remington Revolvers. I like the way they look, I like the fact that there are less screws than colt, and I like the one-piece frame. '58 and '75 model.
The only Colt I have is a '51 Navy Konverted to .38.
Quote from: Griff on December 28, 2005, 02:38:50 AM
Colt. It's what all the others want to be. There's a reason for that. I've got Pietta's, Ubertis, Armi San Marcos, Rugers, and have fondled all the others. Nothing is quite like a Colt.
Why because it has a pony on the side and is a better investment? Never mind that the third gen Colts are JUNK!
For my hands, the 1851 Richards Mason Conversions are perfect!! I shoot double duelist and when one of my pards let me handle them, I decided for duelist, they were perfect. The open tops are a pleasure at the loading table too when showing the hammer on an empty chamber!!
Panhead Pete
The springs need to be replaced in a Colt or clone about every 5,000 rounds. A Ruger needs to be cleaned about every 5,000 rounds. I love my Rugers. I have 10.
I shoot Uberti made 1860 Armies. I like shooting c&b pistols and the 1860 Army model just feels right and I like the larger grips of the Army. At the time I got mine I liked the quality of the Ubertis compared to the Piettas. I have heard that has changed.
I have also found that when using a lubed wad as a normal part of my loading procedure the Colt designed 1860 Army just goes and goes. All c&b pistols benefit from lots of lube.
Ransom Gaer
If I have to have a gun I know will work it's my Ruger Bisley's they are my most often used main match pistols because I know they are going to work every time. I shoot my Pietta 1858 Remington's with conversion cylinders when I want style points. I want to get a pair of Open Tops next, but I will always have the Ruger's with me in case the others fail.
Ruger Vaqueros
1. They are not very expensive - Not cheap but you get great value for the price.
2. They last and last and last
3. They shoot where you point them
4. If you have a problem, Ruger will fix things very quickly
5. Did I mention they last and last - seriously over built a bit heavy in the old model Vaqueros but...
Quote from: Virginia Gentleman on February 04, 2008, 01:06:31 PM
Why because it has a pony on the side and is a better investment? Never mind that the third gen Colts are JUNK!
Au contraire, my friend. I believe you have just sampled far too small a field. Yes, there was a period when Colt quality slipped, quite far in fact. From the mid 80's to the mid 90's I wouldn't buy one. But... that has been turned around for so long, it's laughable to still be beating that pony. I can accept that some folks feel they're overpriced, but what isn't? As I almost said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Don't get me wrong, I think that the introduction of high quality copies (read USFA) has done much to bring Colt back up to the high expections of their buyers. And I wouldn't rule out owning one, or maybe more... but... I admit, I'd rather be buying more Colts.
Being new to CAS, I bought a Cimarron P Jr. 3 1/2" in .38 for my first cowboy shootin' iron. I've got really small hands and those Rugers make me feel like I've got on Levi's that are too big! So, for me, it was a matter of "feel". I can actually hit things with this little bugger too. Looking to buy another soon to complement the .357 fish rifle. ;D
I have two different pairs of main match guns. 4 5/8 inch barreled stainless Ruger Vaqueros (original models) and 5.5 inch barreled blued Ruger Old Armys.
I chose to go to the Rugers because they fit me and they are built like a tank.
When I first got into cowboy action shooting, I was introduced to a family member of someone that I knew who was an experienced shooter. He showed me around my first match and sort of played "tour guide" as well as introducing me around. Everyone let me handle their guns to see what felt good to me and what fit me well. When I was done trying every type of gun represented at the match, he looked at me and said "You should probably buy old model Rugers." When I asked him why, he explained that they were the only guns I didn't regrip three or four times to find where my hand fit. I just picked them up and was in the right place. (Helps to know I am a bit on the large side.)
I found a pair for a good price on the used market that had been tuned up and have been shooting them ever since. I put on Eagle's Gunfighter grips and now my petite girlfriend shoots my Vaqs with me.
I got the Old Armys when I decided I wanted to play in the cap and ball game. Ruger indestructible construction and just feel good to me.
No, neither gun is an actual reproduction of any design made in the 19th century, but the value and durability of these guns is beyond question. You can shoot them right out of the box, and they work.
There's my two cents.
Jack Lee
I'm first going for some Remmie's Old Army's b/c of price and I love that gun.
but I had to vote for USFA, because of the accuracy in detail of the arm, the finish, the quality, and the stamp that basically reads:
"This is a piece of American Iconic History, and as such is made in the Good ol'USA!"
after I get my Remmie and some community college classes finished in CAD and CNC I'm going to be looking forward to maybe scratch-building a 58 here... in the good ol' USofA!
Pair of 2nd Generation Colt 1861 Navies are my primary main match guns. For back-up I have a pair of Uberti 1861 Navies; Pair of 2nd Generation Colt 1851 Navies; and a pair of Uberti Frontiersman 1851 Navies.
Why? A few reasons. 1. They're authentic to the period and persona I portray - Ex Civil War Confederate Cavalry Sgt that is Justice of the Peace in an East Texas town around 1880. :) 2. The Colt Navies are the best looking and balanced pistols that were ever made. Everything that came after is just a cheap imitation. :-\ 3. They are accurate and natural point shooters. ;) 4. They're economical to shoot. ;) ;) 5. They make smoke and fire when shot, and cause spotters to back away in fear - or maybe just to get away from the smoke. ;D ;D 6. Besides, that Yankee Scout/gunslinger used Colt's Navy Pistol and got famous doing so - what was his name? Jimmie? Willie? or maybe it was Bill?? can't rightly remember. ??? ???
Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee
Quote from: fingersmcgee on January 01, 2009, 12:31:22 PM
Pair of 2nd Generation Colt 1861 Navies are my primary main match guns. For back-up I have a pair of Uberti 1861 Navies; Pair of 2nd Generation Colt 1851 Navies; and a pair of Uberti Frontiersman 1851 Navies.
Why? A few reasons. 1. They're authentic to the period and persona I portray - Ex Civil War Confederate Cavalry Sgt that is Justice of the Peace in an East Texas town around 1880. :) 2. The Colt Navies are the best looking and balanced pistols that were ever made. Everything that came after is just a cheap imitation. :-\ 3. They are accurate and natural point shooters. ;) 4. They're economical to shoot. ;) ;) 5. They make smoke and fire when shot, and cause spotters to back away in fear - or maybe just to get away from the smoke. ;D ;D 6. Besides, that Yankee Scout/gunslinger used Colt's Navy Pistol and got famous doing so - what was his name? Jimmie? Willie? or maybe it was Bill?? can't rightly remember. ??? ???
Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee
LMAO that's awesome! I'm the same way, except with the Remington's now... gotta go with the James' choice, that and I mean dude, they're just so sick... and capable of gunfighter, that ramrod actually stays in place.
In fact Ruger Vaquero, second hand purchase and later a Pietta 1873. Both in .44/40 with 5 1/2 barrels.
Due to difficulties for imports in France, I had to take what I found, the reason for the Pietta after the Vaquero.
Ruger works fine, Pietta works cool, so I'm happy with both.
For BP I use either a 1858 Remington or a Navy 1851 or a Spiller and burr all replicas by various italian manufacturers and all .36 cal. Lot of smoke but the TO doesen't appreciate to receive small parts of caps in his face!!!!
All leather hand made by myself.
your caps go flying?
have you heard about treso nipples and such? just curious as to what's making them fly... since that's the route I'm going with too.
Rugers are probably my favorite modern production revolver. While I really like the cartridge converted Colt Navy revolvers, they are a bit on the pricey side, even when compared to many of the more "contemporary" models that are available on today's market.
Over time I have consistently opted for Uberti replicas, primarily because they seem to fit my hands better. On Piettas the hammer spurs always seem to be just out of reach of my thumbs. You see, I have big hands but short fingers.
I always opt for "conversions" because that's what would have been (a) cheaper, and (b) more available during my chosen time period. My main match pistols are (Uberti) Remington New Model Army revolvers with (R&D) 45 Colt conversion cylinders. My back-ups are a brace of (Uberti) "1851 Navy" Richards-Mason conversions in 38 Special. I have a brace of unaltered (Uberti) 1861 Colts just waiting on the sidelines.
Quote from: Missouri Marshal on December 27, 2005, 02:12:19 PM
RUGERS! Price, quality, reliability, safety. By far the most reliable, rugged pistol made reguardless of price bar none.
Me too
Uberti Walker converted to .45 Colt. I ditched the loading lever and fabricated an ejector assembly. Stoked with 2FF loaded cartridges, it has lots of smoke and flame and...well...style. The weak side gun is a Pietta 1860 Army converted to cartridge also. Guess I'm a sucked for oddballs.
Ruger vaquero 71/2 in original 44 mag.
Cheap and reliable. When I bought it you only needed 1 6gun. Since acquired a 2nd, mine are miss matched a blued and a stainless but when you are clocked with a calendar or hour glass the minor style point penalties dont change your overall position.
Long before I even thought of SASS i got a Cabelas 58 remmie by pietta. Last year bought its twin for a good $50 more than the original cost back in the day. Have not fired the second one yet. Am thinking of going over to the dark side once in a while.
I chose Ruger Old Model Vaqueros for many reasons.
1. I have pretty good size hands. The NEW model Vaqueros have slightly smaller grip and frame, and my hand would slide up and stop me from fully cocking my pistol. (meaty part of my hand got stuck between frame and hammer spur). Old Model Vaqueros have just enough handle for stopping that (or I have learned to shoot!)
2. They are ready to roll right out of the box. No special tune-ups are required to go out and start shooting. You can have tune-ups done to them, but it is not necassary.
3. I got a really good deal on them from a fellow club member.
Hope this all helps. Best scenario is to go out and get your mitts on as many SA revolvers as possible, shoot them if you can.
Quote from: Virginia Gentleman on February 04, 2008, 01:06:31 PM
Why because it has a pony on the side and is a better investment? Never mind that the third gen Colts are JUNK!
they are much better made and finished than Ubertis, and the steel is much better than Piettas, for instance, and the frame is not an investment casting like RUGERs.
they shoot a lot better than Italian clones, as the chambers are more carefully drilled, as well as the bore, and the chambers and bore dimensions are very adequate too.
the finish is much better, too. They are made in the USA and they are allways collectable. Italian replicas, unlike german, belgian or spanish ones, have no collector value thought they are well made in general, but just cant compare with the original. Even their blueing is quite forgettable.
A complete newbies point of view ... I chose Ruger New Vaqueros. It seems a good and safe way to start. No need to put the gun in half cock to load, and then full cock to place it down on an empty chamber. There is enough to remember that I'd like the safe simplicity of the Ruger. Rugers are built like tanks too.
Look, I just want to dress like a cowboy and shoot stuff, the Rugers seem to be a good way to start doing that. If I even get good or want to be more authentic then I'll get new guns. They are "authentic enough" for me!
I picked up a used pair of EMF Hartfords. Why? The guy selling them was getting out of CAS, so he was selling his gear. So I got the pair of them, with a bag of spare parts, a spare barrel and cylinder, and two holsters for $500. He had them slicked up by a smith a while back, so hammer and trigger pull are smooth like buttah.
I'm Shooting Ruger New Model Vaqueros in 357 now. For history, I started off with an unknown Mfg. 1858 replica and a Uberti 1860 army. Next step was to an EMF Dakota in 44 Spl. and then added a Ruger OM Vaquero in 44 Mag. After a while, I ended up with another Ruger OM Vaquero in 44 Mag and retired (sold) the EMF. Developed Carpal Tunnel problems and arthritis in my hands and went to Armi San Marco colt clones that had been well used and tuned and shot them until they wore out the second time. Finally ended up with the New Model Vaqueros and have been running them box stock for the past few years. i like the Rugers because I am not having to repair them as often (none yet) and it I want to I can shoot them with some stout loads outside of CAS.
I may get a pair of 5-1/2" Open tops in 38spl some day just to be different, but with my son now shooting with my wife and I, that is a long time down the road.
Gonna run around on this one for a minute too. Haven't been here before and don't know why not.
Currently I have Six or Seven sets of Main Match guns. They are all Cap Guns and they are all Snubbies. 44s and 36s.
Because Snubbies are just so incredibly COOL!!
I use Rugers (Bisley). They are tough, work fine out of the box and lots of parts to slick them up.
Just for fun though every now and then I take the Beretta Laramies out. Lot's of fun at the unloading table, snap open, pistol clear in seconds.
1860 Colts Londons...Custom built on Pietta frames, Kirst conversion to 45CB, 5" barrels, Ruger hand spring conversion, ......Why?...because they fit my hand so well and they are just so neat!
Howsoever,...... Every time Roy Posts a photo of his Pietta conversions, I get the itch. I'm thinking I really want to turn my 1860s into
conversions just like Roy's. Really KOOL toys Roy!!! ;D
Thanks Cmaker!
If you like those, maybe you'll also like my backups...1858 Remingtons with Kirst converters and bone grips.
More nice toys Roy. But ...... Unfortunately ..........
Remington beat my middle finger like a rented mule. Gunfighter ..... Both middle fingers. Just can't shoot Remingtons. Oh well.
Tried to post some photos of my toys, but the pictures are too big to post dagnabbit. I'll figure out how to post pix yet.
Shrinkem or trimem. wM1
Quote from: wildman1 on January 19, 2016, 02:27:33 PM
Shrinkem or trimem. wM1
Coffinmaker, he means trim the PICTURES, not the barrels! You've probably trimmed the barrels short enough!