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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => The Barracks => Topic started by: Delmonico on July 02, 2022, 05:17:57 PM

Title: Update on me
Post by: Delmonico on July 02, 2022, 05:17:57 PM
Jerry said people were asking about me, as an Update for those who don't know all that went on, I had plans on making it, or at least a day or so visit right up to early May.  On May 9th I woke up unable to move from the waste down but could wiggle my toes at least, but was in lever 8-9 pain, had made ER trips the two days before, the wife hauled me to the ER for Mother's Day, the next day the Ambulance hauled me in because I was having trouble walking, had an accident in the ER that day but they forgave me and didn't rub my nose in it. ::)  In case you don't know ER people have an odd sense of humor, spend enough time in them and you pick it up. ;D

Ambulance crew picked me up out of bed and hauled me in, they got a line in me and they put stuff in one arm and took stuff out of the other one.   They gave me a shot in the line that was 3 pain drugs and a muscle relaxer and I felt much better but couldn't move below the waste.  Decided it was a bad staph infection and swollen muscles were pushing hard on my siatic nerve.   Anyway they kept me for 9 days in which I walked less than a dozen steps and they told me I would likely walk again but let me know I might not.

They shipped me to Tabatha a rehab hospital for 35 days, all medicare would pay full on, they told me they hoped to have me walking with a cane by then but at least a walker.  I got rid of the walker by the 20th day and walked to the car on day 35.   Went to the gym today and did 30 minutes 1800 steps on a thing called a Nu Walker the recommended piece.  Am making supper nd my back and hips feel better than they have in years.  I'm sure most of you have seen me get up and do stuff and sit right back down, because of my back, well I am not doing that now. 

I want to come back so bad, 3rd year in a row I missed and this was the worse being in the hospital.
Title: Re: Update on me
Post by: Abilene on July 02, 2022, 07:45:17 PM
Del, I've never met you but hope to some day.  That was quite an "adventure" you had.  And sure glad to hear of the big improvements!
Title: Re: Update on me
Post by: Niederlander on July 02, 2022, 08:20:38 PM
Glad things seem to be looking up!
Title: Re: Update on me
Post by: Pitspitr on July 05, 2022, 03:27:30 PM
Cathy and I are looking forward to the day you come back up here!
Awfully glad you are doing better
Title: Re: Update on me
Post by: Major 2 on July 05, 2022, 04:06:10 PM
 :)  keep on keeping on  :)
Title: Re: Update on me
Post by: Delmonico on July 05, 2022, 11:37:08 PM
The home nurse and the home PT released me today. They asked my how I was doing, I got down, sat on the floor and got back up with one hand, they decided I didn't need them any more. ;D

Over 65 get a free gym membership, that way wife and I can go