....thought this was interesting.
I'd buy one for that! (Maybe even two.......)
My Dad's friend bought a Krag Carbine through the NRA in the 30's for $3.00, but my Dad decided to buy 2 rifles and cut one down at $1.50 each. I still have both, and the rifle was made in 1903 and has a 1903 dated bayonet with it.
It was a mis-print. They just put the decimal point in the wrong place ;)
Back before Nov. 22 1963, I recall many such ads
Only had we know then :-\
Wasn't all THAT long ago you buy just about any Krag out there for under $300. We probably should have snapped up a lot more of them then.
I bought a Nagant pistol under a hundred about 7 years ago now bringing well over $300
and I also have Mosin that was $99, but I did not buy it, it was given to me. :)
Don't even get me started on C96 Mausers... :o
Surplus Carcano M91 Cavalry Carbine's are $219.00 now...
Picked up my Moisin back in 1999 for $125 - made by Westinghouse in 1916.