Cas City Forum Hall & CAS-L

Special Interests - Groups & Societies => Cas City Historical Society => Topic started by: matt45 on January 01, 2022, 09:36:20 AM

Title: Interesting 1868 Springfield
Post by: matt45 on January 01, 2022, 09:36:20 AM
     My brother in law has this 1868, and asked me to clean it up.  It appears to me to have spent some of it's life w/ native Americans.  The front sight is gone, there are hole in the right rear stock w/ part of a brass tack still in place.  The most interesting thing to me is a small screw is just to the right and behind the trigger.  This puts pressure on the sear, and bypasses the trigger- the hammer will fall when released by the hand.[email][/email]
Title: Re: Interesting 1868 Springfield
Post by: matt45 on January 01, 2022, 09:39:59 AM
OK, how do I post the pictures?
Title: Re: Interesting 1868 Springfield
Post by: Dave T on January 02, 2022, 03:22:20 PM
I'm no help with the picture thing, but the rifle sounds interesting and I look forward to seeing the pictures you have - when you get that part sorted out.  (smile)

Title: Re: Interesting 1868 Springfield
Post by: RattlesnakeJack on January 10, 2022, 08:36:22 PM
To post a picture here, you can click on  "Attachments and other options" below the box in which you are typing your post or reply, then use the "Choose File" box which will appear to select the image file from your computer files. 

Click on "Choose File", which should result in a drop-down window letting you browse your computer files for the image you want to insert.  Note the list of file types you can attach, and the restriction on the number of attachments you can make in a single post, as well as the limitation on indivdual file size - i.e no larger than 400KB, maximum of four, so maximum total size of 1600KB.  If your image file is larger than that maximum allowed size (because it is direct from the camera, for example, and too high resolution or physically too big) then it simply won't appear, and you'll have to re-size it or save it at a lower resolution to get it down to 400KB or less.) 

If I'm not mistaken, the above method will simply add the picture (or up to four pictures) at the end of the post ... i.e. you can't insert images in the body of your post this way.  Note that I also added the "image icon" I am using in this post by this method ... which is why it appears at the very bottom of this post as an attachment, as well as having been inserted right into the body of my post by using the method described below ...

The other way to post images ... which in fact allows you to insert them in the middle of a post ... is to have them hosted somewhere else online i.e. in an ImageShack or similar account ... in which case you can retrieve the URL of the hosted image from the account, and insert it into your text using the little "image icon" in the toolbar above the text box -


- click on that icon, which will insert the [ img] [/img ] HTML coding into your the message composition box right at the point where you left off typing (albeit without the extra spaces I have added here so the codes will actually show up in my post) ... Your cursor will be flashing between the two codes and you just paste the URL address of your online image into there. 

Needless to say, you probaly want to space down when doing this, so the image codes appear on a new line, then space down again to resume typing your text ... which is what I did to post the image button picture above ...
... otherwise ( your image will appear right in the body of the text, like this.
Title: Re: Interesting 1868 Springfield
Post by: matt45 on January 16, 2022, 09:30:12 AM
I can't get the file down small enough to post
Title: Re: Interesting 1868 Springfield
Post by: Major 2 on January 16, 2022, 09:41:29 AM
email me the photo, I'll attach it for you