.....heavy mess hall cup or watch mug?
Mess hall
appears to be a watch mug on the left, mess hall cup on the right. The mug is one of the smaller ones, but they varied in size from different manufacturers. Can we get a look at the bottom?
Quote from: Drydock on December 21, 2021, 08:08:31 AM
appears to be a watch mug on the left, mess hall cup on the right. The mug is one of the smaller ones, but they varied in size from different manufacturers. Can we get a look at the bottom?
...Chuck, the watch mug a reproduction is one of the 1917 centennial mugs from Glass Beach Mugs as shown in the article. The mess hall cup my Dad probably liberated during his time in the Army, later the Air Force reserves after WW2. I have a handful that my folks used for years. Here are the bottoms of the cups.....not 100% certain they are military cups but appearance wise they look like what you see in many photos from the 40's and 50's.
The ceramic military cups weren't property-marked or dated - the brown and light green plastic ones from the Korean War onwards are - those replaced the earlier ones almost en masse.
They're still in issue - and so are the mess trays, bowls and glasses that made up the assortment.
Those white coffee cups were in every diner and restaurant in the country and are still in production - earlier ones being maker-marked via imprint or color - they're long-wearing and practically indestructable.
Scouts Out!
I literally have a hundred coffee cups, but nothing as historic as these. Thank you for this post. Now, if you'll please excuse me, I need to try to find more stuff I neither have room or money for. Thanks...
Just Google Navy Handwarmer Mug. They're out there, both original and reproduction.
Quote from: Capt Quirk on December 21, 2021, 11:34:27 AM
I literally have a hundred coffee cups, but nothing as historic as these. Thank you for this post. Now, if you'll please excuse me, I need to try to find more stuff I neither have room or money for. Thanks...
....this hobby does tend to drag one in all sort of directions. I had never heard of or seen a watch mug until digging around militaria sites. Got two from Glass Beach mugs, they aren't cheap. I had to have a couple, lol......during my time in the service (1980-84), I remember using the heavy cups, as well as the China ones with green or brown stripes. I think we had the brown plastic ones up on the border camp in Germany. My wife thinks I'm nuts when I find mermite cans and mess trays at flea markets.
The Navy mugs are handleless for a reason - the handle's the first thing to break...
They also found that they'd stack well in the galley without them.
The Army Medical folks also had cadeucus-marked ones for use in hospitals - even marked the blankets (and dated some) - and they had a full mess service.
'Then' you can go after the Officer's Mess Set and Chest - all stainless - all marked.
There's also the mess cups used from the ACW to the Mexican Border - two different sizes - both tinned and enamelled - they went away with the new web equipment of 1910
Collecting the peripherals never ends...
Scouts Out!
...yep, I've been looking at serving trays and maybe one of the carafe type serving pots. Seems the majority of the available stuff is USN marked.
I started looking at railroad wares, from an era when trains were something else. That stuff is pricey!
Vintage shaving mugs are going nuts too!
Quote from: DeaconKC on December 21, 2021, 09:01:10 PM
Vintage shaving mugs are going nuts too!
.....yeah, it is funny what some stuff goes for. I dabble in N Scale model railroading and yes as mentioned above most RR related memorabilia Is expensive.