Have any of you had this problem (light hammer/firing pin strikes and no ignition in the ammo) with the new 3 click floating firing pin safety newer model Ubertis? Is there a solution that does not involve replacing the hammer with a traditional one?
In the past year or so I have had a half dozen customers come in with the same issue on the new Uberti SAA with the new safety hammer. While the system could possibly be modified, it is much easier to replace it with old style parts. I have been able to obtain new old style hammers and triggers from Taylors for less than $100. -------- GeezerD
:) Well heck,
We all know I retired just before that stupid Uberti "Safety" thingie was fostered upon us. I have however taken a few jobs just to keep "my hand in."
Regardless of my opinion of that Stupid Firing Pin, I'm with GeezerD. Frankly, piddling around with odd solutions is just silly. Change out the hammer/trigger and be done with it.
I believe I may have mentioned in passing, I don't like Uberti hand guns and the retracting firing pin is one more real good reason to not like Uberti.
Stay well Geezer!!!!
Coffinmaker - I have been retired for a little over 10 years now. But working on guns is one of the only things that is still enjoyable to me.
In a couple of weeks, I'm getting a pacemaker/defib implant to add to the list of things that are not enjoyable. If I had known that I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself. --------------------- GeezerD
Quote from: Virginia Gentleman on October 31, 2021, 02:20:16 AM
Have any of you had this problem (light hammer/firing pin strikes and no ignition in the ammo) with the new 3 click floating firing pin safety newer model Ubertis? Is there a solution that does not involve replacing the hammer with a traditional one?
Just replace the weak Main Spring with a regular one from Taylor's & Company.
Then it will go BANG every time.
Happy shooting...
Have you tried Federal primers, they go off easier. I have an original Spencer that
had a terrible trigger pull(20) lbs. I Put in a lighter hammer spring and then had
problems with rounds going off. Switched to Federal primers and so far problem solved
I just fixed mine it was pretty easy after just looking at it and studying it out . Keep all original parts in except for the spring . I will try to take picks tomorrow when I do the other one . It will take the headache out .
I've never encountered an issue with any of my Uberti's, but my Pietta could use a new hammer and firing pin assembly. It had issues right out of the box.
I changed out the Hammer and Trigger for the old style, non-safety Hammer and Trigger on my Uberti Dalton, works good.
Are these a simple drop in? Or is smithing required?
Mine just dropped right in, easy peasy.
Might have to order a couple, just cuz. They fit any Uberti SAA 3 clicker?
Quote from: King Medallion on November 22, 2023, 09:31:28 AM
Might have to order a couple, just cuz. They fit any Uberti SAA 3 clicker?
Yep. Except for the short stroke models (well, I can't swear they will work on stainless models). I have two of those hammer/trigger kits, one bought from Taylors and one from SASS Classifieds, like you, "just cuz" in case I find a deal on 3-clickers that I like. You can buy the same parts from VTI-gunparts, but they are considerably more expensive there than Taylors or Longhunter for some reason.
I have one Uberti which had the 3 click hammer, never had trouble with misfiring, but did not like the amount of overtravel the trigger had once the sear released.......you could feel the sear release, though I pulled through, my youngest was constantly have misfiring problems, and it was easily duplicated by stopping the trigger pull after you felt the sear release.......changed out with standard old style parts, upside is no worries about light strikes, and an improved trigger pull.
so many keep blaming Uberti for imposing this safety on us.......it was not Uberti's idea, nor any lawyers, we can thank the politicians for this as to be able to import a revolver, it has to have a safety that will pass the ATF drop test to be approved for importation. Uberti used to make a safety hammer with the pivoting block on it, activated by putting the hammer on the safety notch....this had several moving parts and was/is prone to having a failure that allows the block to 'free float' and it drops and does it's job by not letting the gun fire until it is repaired or removed........the newer safety is actually a simplier approach and the hammer doesn't have any visible contraption on it like the old one.........now, the old model hammer is approved for importation because of it using the old Hammerli Virginian "Swiss Safe", which is a long base pin rod with 2 positions, one which acts as a safety. Other markets may also require the safety hammer, and the ones sold by Stoeger (Beretta owned) all have the safety hammers.....the importers, Taylors, Cimarron, etc. could simply specify only the four click hammer/base pin be used.....as the MP line from Cimarron was at one time, but this probably would cost a bit more.....which would raise the price, besides they make more $$$ by selling you the gun, then selling you the "upgrade" parts.
Cheyenne, that is very interesting regarding the trigger pull technique and light strikes, have not heard that before. Makes sense.
The Old Model (BP frame) Model P from Cimarron continues to have the regular Colt-style 4-click hammer (without the hammer-block wedge below the firing pin), and the two-position base pin.
Good morning all.
1) In regards to light strikes, to affirm what Cheyenne said, you must do a "complete" trigger pull. If there is not pressure on the trigger the safety mechanism (retractable firing pin) will engage.
2) Saw a video posted by a gentlemen who was having light/no strike troubles and sent to gun to Cimarron's repair place. They sent it back after an unknown "adjustment" and now it works fine.
3) FWIW read somewhere (wish I could find it again) that some metal part in the safety was of softer metal then it should have been and Uberti has switched to a harder metal part that has taken care of a problem. #1 still applies though as it is a "feature."
I ordered a couple 4 clicker hammer's, just cuz. be here monday. :)
Quote from: King Medallion on November 26, 2023, 10:21:36 AM
I ordered a couple 4 clicker hammer's, just cuz. be here monday. :)
Did you order the matching triggers?
Looks to be two different styles of lawyer safeties in those Ubertis.
:) wM1 ;)
Actually, been somewhere in the neighborhood of three different "safety" doo-dads in Uberti guns over the decades. None of which have had anything much to do with lawyers. It has all been driven by that Stoopid import "Drop Test." Which incidentally, no domestically manufactured Single Action hand guns have been subjected too.
I don't even know "WHO" authored the "Drop Test" nor when it was actually made a requirement nor even rationale. I suppose I could do my Du Diligence and fully research the whole debacle but it really isn't worth the time nor effort as that bit of trivia wouldn't accomplish a thing.
I ordered the hammer and trigger that comes with it, the one that Tronicst1 gave the link for. Hammer and trigger come together.
The SAFETY I USE is load 5 rounds and finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
Quote from: Cheyenne Logan on November 22, 2023, 12:29:39 PM
........now, the old model hammer is approved for importation because of it using the old Hammerli Virginian "Swiss Safe", which is a long base pin rod with 2 positions, one which acts as a safety.
I have two Uberti SAA revolvers from Cimarron. Both have three click actions and one had the longer cylinder base pin with two positions. I replaced the cylinder base pin on the one revolver so as to have only the single groove. It's a tack driver.
The target after the first six. My handloads with Dupont 4227 under a Keith SWC 220 grain.
Quote from: RoyceP on November 27, 2023, 05:54:11 PM
Quote from: Cheyenne Logan on November 22, 2023, 12:29:39 PM
........now, the old model hammer is approved for importation because of it using the old Hammerli Virginian "Swiss Safe", which is a long base pin rod with 2 positions, one which acts as a safety.
I have two Uberti SAA revolvers from Cimarron. Both have three click actions and one had the longer cylinder base pin with two positions. I replaced the cylinder base pin on the one revolver so as to have only the single groove. It's a tack driver.
She's Pretty and looks like she shoots good too. 8)
Here is my Uberti.
Abilene, Kinda got busy and haven;t been on in a while, but as to the trigger technique, Once I figured it out, I was able to reproduce the failure by concentrationg on the sear release and stopping the pull, which usually resulted in a misfire/light strike....I swapped out for the standard Model P style parts to eliminate it.
>:( All >:(
Normally, that's "Normally" I try not to be a real Nasty A$$ when it comes to certain manufacturers and certain "Features" presented to the shooting fraternity.
I cannot, in all honesty, find one single thing to like or recommend that STOOPID (Quote Phantom) retracting Firing Pin. There are only TWO reliable fixes for the thing.
1. Replace the Hammer and Trigger. Acknowledging, it's an extra added expense we, the shooting public shouldn't have to bear.
2. Skip the Uberti altogether and spring for a Pietta instead. Yule get a better gun for your money. Eliminating the Two Position Base Pin is an easy 5 minute fix and costs absolutely NOTHING. Hacksaw MacGurk says "Go For It"
Quote from: Coffinmaker on December 06, 2023, 10:44:49 AM
>:( All >:(
Normally, that's "Normally" I try not to be a real Nasty A$$ when it comes to certain manufacturers and certain "Features" presented to the shooting fraternity.
WHAT ??!! You be a real "Nasty A$$" about Ubertis !!?? Nah, I don't believe it!! :D :D
Ordered three sets of the "4 click" hammers and triggers last week from Long Hunters.
Fine gentlemen to do business with and the parts got here in 3 days.
Quote from: wildman1 on November 27, 2023, 06:34:12 AM
Looks to be two different styles of lawyer safeties in those Ubertis.
True. Mine has a three click hammer but it had the older style longer base pin with "two positions". I did not like the way it fit or looked so I ordered the earlier base pin that is identical to the Colt one. I swapped it out and now there is no safety but the lawyers are probably still happy I left the three click hammer in place. It still goes bang every time I pull the trigger so I wonder if it is really an improvement to have four clicks instead of three.
:) Hey There Royce ;)
There are lots and lots of folks wrapped around the number of "Clicks." The number of clicks is immaterial. Simply doesn't matter at all. None of the Colt Pattern percussion guns had four clicks. Only had three.
The problem is the reliability of ignition with the Retracting Firing Pin. The retracting firing pin has been shown to be a particular hazard for Trigger Squeezers. Trigger Yankers have better luck. The retracting firing pin, in my opine, is really really STOOPID (quote The Phantom).ds
So, from the standpoint of eliminating an unreliable ignition component, YES, the Four Click option really is worthwhile. Were I presented with a "3" clicker, I'd take it apart and leave it apart until I replaced the Trigger/Hammer components. YMMV
Quote from: wildman1 on November 27, 2023, 06:34:12 AM
Looks to be two different styles of lawyer safeties in those Ubertis.
Not the Lawyers.....the ATF/US Gov't, GCA 1968....requires revolvers to pass a drop test for importation, also imposes a point system for importation, which is why the Cimarron Pocket model conversion has a 6" barrel! Not defending Lawyers, lord knows they screw up things all the time....this one is on the politicians, who are much worse than Lawyers.
This "problem" is caused by not staying on the trigger, or following through with the pull.
Quote from: Cheyenne Logan on December 30, 2023, 12:00:07 PM
......this one is on the politicians, who are much worse than Lawyers.
So I guess the very worst would be the lawyers who become politicians? ;D
Quote from: Abilene on February 11, 2024, 03:29:51 PM
So I guess the very worst would be the lawyers who become politicians? ;D
I think it is safe to say that nearly ALL of our politicians attended law school first.