I have an old hammered dbl barrel coach gun. It's marked
Wells Fargo 57 (probably a fake), It's marked Gold Hibbard
which i believe was made by Pieper in Belgium. Somebody
put the wrong right hammer and firing pin holder and firing
pin in it. I would like to find originals if possible. I probably
will just shoot blanks for reenacting, and it's a cool gun for that.
The cobbled up setup does work, just isn't right/ doesn't match.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Try Simpson's ltd. They sell a ton of old Belgian shotguns. They may be able to help.
Simpsons only sell guns not just parts, too bad because they are one 1 1/2 hours
away. they don't have the same brand Belgian as I do.
I got a pair of Belgium shotgun locks with hammers off ebay.
The one I needed was off a percussion rifle, so I had to tig weld
about .070" on to it. But it works fine now, and both hammers
look close to the same, the knurling is a little different is all.