Hi guys...
I am new to Trail boss but not to reloading, i have a question about using tail boss and shooting 125 grain lead bullets through my Uberti 1866 yellow-boy. I don"t wanna end up with a squib load so is trail boss safe to use in my 1866 24" barrel and if so how many grains do i use. I loaded up a few with 3.2 and 3.9 grains but have not tried them yet.
If you stay within published recommendations your loads will be fine in your '66.
The .38 Special and Trailboss are a very popular combination. Buy a loading manual or use the on-line manuals for data. Here is the opening page from the Hodgdon site. Just type in the bullet weight and check off Trailboss and it will give you some loads.
Thanks for the replies i have that info from Hodgdons website....i just wanted to know if i needed to throw a certain amount of grains to use in the rifle.
I load one dipper full of the .7cc on my loads, with a 158gr bullet. You'll need that weight for reactive targets. It is quite comfortable to shoot in both revolver and rifle, and accurate.
River city... thanks.
I think you should be okay, considering the minimum is 3.0, but the COL you are using is relevant, I think, my not knowing the limits of the 1866 chambers (38 Special). I believe the data presumes crimping in the crimp groove. I tested 3.0 yesterday in a Uberti Stallion and thought it was really soft shooting compared to the 3.5 Bullseye also tested, a bit snappier. Both were 125 bullets.
Keep in mind that in Cowboy Action Shooting the object is to HIT the target, not kill it.
You will find that a load of Trail Boss that is about 10% above minimum with 125gr bullet will give light recoil and take down all but the most stubborn knock down target.
Most Shooters will shoot a 100 to 110gr bullet in their pistols but 125gr in a rifle allows a longer overall length of cartridge for reliable operation.