How much should a used 1863 Shiloh Sharps infantry rifle go for? It's got dings and shows use but has a very nice bore. I may have a chance to buy one and I'd like to know a ball park figure.
That's a pretty slim description but a WAG from my view would be $1400. If you get it we require photos!
I think it's a fairly long shot that I get it, but it sure would be cool! By the way, a WAG is just fine so I have a ball park figure. I can't really get pictures at this time, but I certainly will if I end up with it at some point.
Quote from: Kent Shootwell on February 27, 2017, 08:55:46 PM
That's a pretty slim description but a WAG from my view would be $1400. If you get it we require photos!
Just curious, what is a WAG? To me (Canadian) a WAG is a "Wireless Air Gunner". ;)
Wild A$$ Guess. Even better is a SWAG, Scientific Wild A$$ Guess!
Thanks. I knew the name but, the acronym stumped me.
Years ago I lucked out on my .50 '63 Shiloh Infantry Rifle. I was in a gun shop and the proprietor said - "Hey, you're into the old guns, right? Wanna buy one?". I said "Sure, show it to me". He produced the Shiloh and I asked "How much?" Answer $500! I almost broke an arm getting out my wallet.
This was on the QT for a friend and the gun was not taken into inventory back in the era of our now aborted long gun registry in Canada and the owner was damned if he was going to register it. I was asked if I was going to register it and said "Of course .... nudge, nudge, wink, wink."
I got a great deal of pleasure out of shooting that contraband rifle. It made no sense that an original rifle from the era was exempt registration but a modern repro like a Sharps or P-H Enfield required registration.
A pox on ALL anti-gun bureaucracies!
If I could get one for $500 I'd probably hurt myself getting at my money. Unfortunately, I don't think this one would come that cheap.