I have high jacked this thread and made it a sticky to showcase your BELLY GUNS .... with do respect to Queasy Dillo
BTW "if you posted your photo, from Photo Bucket and they pimped your photo for ransom...and replaced with the big ugly
notice to pay for hosting your photo's ...KNOW this , I will delete PHOTO BUCKETS big gray blotch, nothing personal about your post or cool belly gun...I just dislike Photo bucket pimping and high jacking the photo's ......
This is possibly my longest-running project in the time I've been at school. No particular prototype, though it does follow the lines of surplus Colts cut down to belly guns in the waning years of the 19th Century.
The base gun is a 1860 Army model with what may be the smoothest single-action I've yet to encounter on an Italian copy. The barrel has been cut back about as far as I care to go, and because I need an excuse to buy more guns chamber in .45 Colt, I got one of the more convoluted (but cooler-looking, I think) R&D drop-in cylinders. The frame comes from a Cimarron Thunderer and, though not as easy a fit as some other parts, went together with the frame well enough.
I can't remember if I've posted pictures before, but I made the grips by hand from scrapwood out of the shop...the colors really don't show up as well as I'd hoped in these pictures. Viewed up close the grain is magnificent.
There is no front sight, nor will there likely ever be. As I figure this one's probably limited in utility to shooting minute-of-cardsharp at ranges of barroom or less. Presumably, it can also be used for generating large fireballs when shooting after dark.
I have plans to do similar to an 1851 at some point, though I'd like to try one of the Kirst gated cylinders on that project. But - another gun, another time.
Still not that great a picture, but...grips.
Nice job on the grips! I've used Thunderer grips on '51 conversions and like the look.
Most people haven't been sure what to make of birdsheads at first brush. They're either cool or ugly, depending, but once they pick up a gun so outfitted they tend to change opinions. ;D
That is a really cool gun. ;D
Didn't Work. Oh well.
I've built 6 "sets" of guns with 3" or 3 1/4" barrels. With sights. Shoot em in CAS Gunfighter. Some with Cartridge Cylinders, some straight Cap Guns. Super FUN!!
There you go Mike .... here are 2 of your Beauties :) M2
I'll play ;)
Gary Barnes (Hoof Harted) fine 1860 w/ an R&D
This one was the late James Coburn's gun in his roll as Porter Rockwell in "The Avenging Angel"
May I beg your indulgence for one more of mine ?
they are like 'tater chip's can't have just one ....
I need a holster. Haven't decided between a shoulder rig and a huckleberry, though.
Decisions, decisions...
Nice Job Dillo!
Quote from: Coffinmaker on May 05, 2016, 06:40:16 PM
There you go Mike .... here are 2 of your Beauties :) M2
Ohhh Coffin - that is sooooooo cooooool leaving the little loading lever stubs on!!!!!!!!
Nice ones, Major2 - did you supply Coburn's for the movie? \hey wait, deceased? when did that happen? I'm not getting my memos...
Qball & Dillo - Shoulder Rig. Definitely. Perhaps a skeleton clippy thingy.
prof memos
Yes Sir , and Mr Coburn passed in 2002 :(
Quote from: Major 2 on May 06, 2016, 06:56:03 PM
Yes Sir , and Mr Coburn passed in 2002 :(
Wowsers. I am outta the loop .
But hey I am rubbing electrons with famous people who knew/worked with/were yelled at by/ famous people!
and I love those snubbies.
prof babbles.
Professor Marvelous,
I do thank you for the complement sir. I do like it when there is appreciation of my work.
It's really fun when we play "Snubbies."
Queasy Dillo
here was my version of a shoulder holster
And with your indulgence ( not wishing to hijack your thread )
and given credit to you and others where credit is do ... :)
Here is a Remington by Bluesman
And a Richard & Mason by Johnny McCrae ( Length just under 4" )
And this one was made by and belonged to 40Rod I believe ( it was stolen as I recall him saying :( )
I'm liking the holster, Major. Got that short-and-to-the-point look about it. 8)
Quote from: Queasy Dillo on May 07, 2016, 10:37:16 AM
I'm liking the holster, Major. Got that short-and-to-the-point look about it. 8)
whats really comfortable about it is it slings over the off shoulder does not butterfly back or constrain your chest
It is adj. for a higher carry if you wish....
I've made several , that particular one is for a 3 1/2" store keeper
Those are all super , guess I'll have to start making one. Darn ;D ;) :D
Smokin .........
Got it done yet ::) ;D
Y'all are having too much FUN! I have a Pietta 60 that is going to get CUT!
I have an extra 51 Navy grip frame and a Tru-Ivory grip kit that I will put on the piece.
Summer project here we come !!!!!
"Avenging Angel" is the name of the Game !!!!
Major: you got yourself a nice Centaure Civilian model belly gun.
The one with the stag grips is from Belgium originally ... before someone cut the barrel and fitted a Navy type grip frame.
Long Johns Wolf
Here are the latest from the skillful talents of Coffin-maker
Note: the RD cylinders
Retaining the loading lever is a nice touch. Very distinctive.
Is there enough left to actually use?
Ah ...... well ...... No. Strictly there for appearance. Only way to effective load any of the Snubbies, including mine, is a Cylinder Loading
Stand. I like a little Flash and Bling and I thought including the Loading Lever Stub on a '51 frame was just ........ KOOL!!
My gratitude to Major 2 for posting my guns. I don't Post Pictures well. Will, OK ....... at all >:(
PS: My Snubbies are actually my Main Match Guns ;D
Post'n' these beauties for Coffinmaker
Super holsters
Just arrived
The new Limited edition Capt. Scheaffer
And the holster
Quote from: Major 2 on September 23, 2016, 11:31:05 AM
And the holster
Where did you get that holster. Looks very Mexican.
Perfection then ... The original (shown ) is Californio influenced, it belonged to Captain B F Schaeffer and housed the engraved 51 he carried.
Dennis Adler suggested to Pietta to produce the 1851 Navy Colt replica's of Captain Schaeffer ....
The original gun & holster together sold at auction for $ 6900
I commissioned the holster to my specifications, and it was carried to the next level by a very talented leather smith...
I'll leave it to him to chime in as I do not believe he does his fine work commercially. :-\
Quote from: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on September 23, 2016, 02:01:13 PM
Where did you get that holster. Looks very Mexican.
Texas was actually Mexico until about 1832! And, though I'm not Mexican, I've played one before...
Miguel Dos Santos...
California was also....I'm not Mexican either ...but I fought a few soldado's
in a few Films ;)
Here are a pair of Bobbed pistola's by the Coffin Maker...he calls them The Gamblers
Mogorilla's gun
This is the only picture I have of my snubbie ..... enjoy the eye candy
Dusty Texan's little fat friend.
Going to try this a different way, now that Photobucket made my life slightly more difficult.
Well Duh! I thought Major 2 had a real spiffy gun. So, double post on my apart because my brain is only partially functional today.
I wish we has 'Like' buttons on this forum... so many cool guns in this thread! I've done a few snubbies strictly as a hobby. Started when a Buddy said, "I've got a couple Remingtons and would love to have one turned into a snubby..."
"As it happens," I said, "You know someone that can do that..." We jawed it over for awhile and he sent two 1858s, one for him and one for my by way of payment. This was the result, which I call Pug:
I had previously done over my Richards-Mason .38 Special from Cimarron- bobbed and re-crwned the barrel, cut the frame and brazed on new brass to form the birds-head. Maybe my favorite revolver- the Shopkeeper:
Someone on the internet saw some of my work and sent me an old 1851/.44 Pietta they had lying around 'just to see what I'd do with it.' I did this- modified barrel to reflect the style of original Avenging Angels but left it at 3-1/2", changed the profile of the grip to be closer to an 1848 Pocket and added a gated Kirst Konverter in .45 Colt. It's a sweet shooter I call The Outlaw-
Several other projects in the works, which I have been requested to keep y'all up to date on, so expect to see some more examples of my poor impulse control soon... ;D
Sweet! I want
Quote from: Major 2 on May 05, 2016, 09:38:25 PM
May I beg your indulgence for one more of mine ?
they are like 'tater chip's can't have just one ....
I really like your 3-1/2" , I too reworked the Grip tail on this Pietta pictured .... your version's barrel profile is very cool.
Sadly mine , the one below, now fills another's holster.... unknown to me.
It was a gift to my late friend Texas Law Dog, where it might be now :'( I can't say
Quote from: Major 2 on September 05, 2017, 11:51:12 PM
I really like your 3-1/2" , I too reworked the Grip tail on this Pietta pictured .... your version's barrel profile is very cool.
Sadly mine , the one below, now fills another's holster.... unknown to me.
It was a gift to my late friend Texas Law Dog, where it might be now :'(
Nice looking gun, Major! Yeah, they are kinda' like kids, aren't they? You just let 'em go out into the world and hope for the best.
I now know what I am going to do with my brass framed revolvers.... make snubbies!!!
Here is my 1860 Pietta with it's 3 1/2" barrel:
where can one pick up a birdshead grip frame for 51?
Lord MacKenzie,
Depends (no .... not the diapers). If your looking for Birds Head or Thunderer (there is some GREAT confusion) for Uberti 51s, you can often get pre-fitted (metal and wood) "sets" from VTI GUNPARTS and perhaps Cimarron. If your looking for Pietta, you will probably have to trade for them. I have not seen complete sets on offer.
When you try to buy, insure you ask for the correct item. A "Birds Head" Gripset has a constant Radius to the Back Strap with no "hump." A Thunderer Gripset begins at the top with a very prominent protrusion ala the original Colt Thunderer that provides a tasty rest for the web of the thumb. There has been a great and very annoying tendency for folks to call the "Thunderer" a Birds Head. They are quite different. Where was I ......... oh yes ..... I rememberer ....... For the most part, Thunderer pattern grips for Pietta are on someone else's gun. Trade and Barter.
Quote from: Tornado on September 07, 2017, 08:01:19 AM
Here is my 1860 Pietta with it's 3 1/2" barrel:
Tornado...where is the barrel wedge??
Originally posted by Tinker Pearce ( his handy work )
This started life as an unfinished kit-gun that was missing the locking-bolt. It's an 1849 replica, probably an ASM, but it had no marks, no proofs, nothing. I decided it needed to be a .22. I cut the barrel and reshaped it to resemble the 'Avenging Angel' style of gun- though this one is more of an 'Irritable Cherub...' I sleeved the barrel with rifled barrel-liner and cut a forcing-cone, then turned down the back of the cylinder, bored it through and sleeved the chambers.
I had to modify a locking bolt from an Uberti, but eventually it worked out. The breech-plate is half-hard 5160 spring steel with a loading port cut in one side. I want to mount a rebounding firing pin, but there's not a lot of room...
I'd set this one aside for a few months, but now I really want to get it done.
While I'm here I'll post my new toy....
Began as a 31 Caliber cap & ball
Steel Liner and Chambered in 22 CB Short
Grips are Faux Ivory ( both sides cut and shaped from a spare single SAA panel )
Grips were replaced with American Holly
Nice popper !,,,DT
Quote from: Major 2 on January 13, 2018, 02:47:16 PM
While I'm here I'll post my new toy....
Began as a 31 Caliber cap & ball
Steel Liner and Chambered in 22 CB Short
Grips are Faux Ivory ( both sides cut and shaped from a spare single SAA panel )
This was the first gun I made from scratch in my shop. Made from mild steel and 5160 spring-steel with a rifled barrel-liner. In .45 ACP/.45 Cowboy Special. I originally intended to round the gun off considerably, but after test-firing I decided I really shouldn't take any more weight off the gun. At 22 ounces it's, uh, 'exciting' to shoot with full-power .45 ACP. I've put a few hundred rounds through it, and still shoot it occasionally.
Quote from: Major 2 on May 07, 2016, 06:11:38 AM
Queasy Dillo
here was my version of a shoulder holster
And with your indulgence ( not wishing to hijack your thread )
and given credit to you and others where credit is do ... :)
I just found this and wanted to know if you could make another to fit my pistol. I've had three other "leather smiths" botch up holsters for me and all I want is something simple like yours.
You can message me or answer on this topic.
Tom "Forty Rod" Taylor
4T ..I am honored you like my design and would wish one ....
Sadly arthritis in my hand precluded hand sewing much anymore.... I don't have a machine.
Here what we can do... I have the pattern for my Shopkeeper SAA
I can send that and perhaps someone local would sew it for you :-\
BTW it is cross strap design , no buckles or constraining 2nd chest strap
Quote from: Major 2 on January 14, 2018, 05:56:02 AM
4T ..I am honored you like my design and would wish one ....
Sadly arthritis in my hand precluded hand sewing much anymore.... I don't have machine.
Here what we came do... I have the pattern for my Shopkeeper SAA
I can send that and perhaps someone local would sew it for you :-\
BTW it is cross strap design , no buckles or constraining 2nd chest strap
I'll take it. Thanks. Just a simple pouch with a minimum of leather and no buckles is exactly what I'm looking for.
Here is my little shooter, NAA 22 C&B revolver.
Major2 posted this in-progress, but I finished it this afternoon so I thought I'd share- Here's the gun as I first saw it-
- and here's the finished .22 Conversion. It's a true five-shooter as you can rest the firing pin safely between case heads.
This isn't the final blueing; I did 90% of the prep then cold-blued so I can test it on the range. If everything works out I'll do a proper finish.
Tinker both your guns are fine additions to this thread....
thanks for sharing....
The handmade 45 derringer is Menacingly cool ! :)
Major 2, If you could spare a second copy of the pattern I would like to have a copy. Would be willing to compensate you for your trouble. I have an Uberti OT in .44 SpL with a barrel cut down to 3 3/8 inches that sure would look good in a shoulder rig like that.
Thank you for the consideration.
Back Roads
BR...I could, but there's no address
M2, Sorry about that. In my old age a lot of things slip my mind (what's left of it) these days. I do appreciate your efforts.
If you need anything else just let me know.
Back Roads
New Avenging Angel- this one lined and chambered for .38 S&W (I already load it for other guns.)
Very nice Tinker , you are talented and dedicated ! ,,,DT
Coffin Maker has produced another pair of COOL snubbies....
This time from Pietta's Dance Brothers 44's
More photo's and a review may be seen in the GUN REVIEW BB,32.0.html
Quote from: Major 2 on June 28, 2018, 12:52:12 AM
Coffin Maker has produced another pair of COOL snubbies....
This time from Pietta's Dance Brothers 44's
More photo's and a review may be seen in the GUN REVIEW BB,32.0.html
Just finished this one- a long-cylinder conversion in .38 S&W. It's a mish-mash of features from Confederate Colt knock-offs, with a custom grip-frame loosely inspired by European revolvers that found their way into the hands of the Confederacy. Curly Maple grips. The barrel is copied from a surviving 'Avenging Angel,' which of course has nothing to do with the South or the Confederacy.)
I thought about calling it the 'Confederate Angel' but that just wasn't working for me. Then as I was finishing it the name 'Southern Comfort' occurred to me, and it stuck.
( ( ( (
Did you machine the backstrap ? is really unique ...I like it
Quote from: Major 2 on January 23, 2019, 06:58:53 PM
Did you machine the backstrap ? is really unique ...I like it
Thank you! Yes, I made that. It was made in two pieces, the part that attaches to the frame by the mamer, and a separate piece that forms the backstrap. These two pieces were silver-soldered together, then a screw was run in and cut off, further securing the two pieces. Now I am thinking about how to do a trigger-guard/frontstrap replacement with a spur-trigger.
My Dear Tinker,
I am absolutely enamoured with the back strap. Can you possibly post photos without the grip?
I am struggling with "how to " create the top part that screws into the frame...
Much obliged,
Prof Marvel
Hey Fellas. Thought I'd join in the fun with a picture of my newest Belly Gun. It started life as a .44 caliber Navy with a 7 1/2" barrel. I robbed some parts from it to finish one of my other projects, so I decided to make this one into a shorty. I crowned the muzzle, installed a new front sight and sculpted the loading lever attachment area. I may still re-shape the butt on it.
I haven't fired it yet, but it should be a good shooter. It has a really nice trigger pull and I installed a cap rake. Hopefully I'll get to burn some powder in it soon.
That latest from Tinker is just TOO KEWEL FER SKULE!! Making the frame a "flat side" like the Dance & Bros. is a real compliment to the Grip Frame/Back Strap. Absolutely Outstanding.
SMOKEY DAVE is putting up a really nice Navy Pattern Snubbie also. Really Nice.
Thanks Coffinmaker, appreciate it!
I really like the snubbies. I've made a couple now.
Is it just me, or does everyone have to resist the urge to cut the barrels off these guns? Sometimes resistance is futile....
:D Dave ......
Nah. Not quite everybody. Just us "Adventurous" types that can't leave anything the way "they" originally made it. Ya know, some of us just never saw a barrel too short. I personally never saw a CAS gun I thought wouldn't look a lot better ..... modified. Changed to the way I like it ::)
Then When folks like Myself and Tinker inspire "others" to pick up their tools and play ..... Wowzers. I really enjoy seeing others emulate what I do. Then there's Tinker's stuff ....... SHAZAMM :o
Yessir Coffinmaker, you are correct. This ain't for everybody. Every time I shorten up a pistol, I take heat for it. But I just say, to each their own, and keep on going.
Here's a little Euroarms Navy I chopped off a while back. I took a lot of flack on this one. It was a pretty nice stock pistol when I started. It lives with someone else now.
Keep on choppin!!
Don?t guess this truly qualifies but it certainly is a boot & belly gun and at some time in its existence it?s barrel was cut down and these Smiths do go back aways. And it sure is pretty.
My entry to the lineup: My 3" Avenging Angel in .45/Colt/Schofield.
I won one of these in .45 at the NE Regional in Thurmont years ago. The best grip design ever. They look sooo good too. Thought about getting a second but never did. Love your Avenging Angel conversion TL.
Quite fond of my Cimarron Lightning in .38 Long Colt.
Sweet! Both of them. I had a Cimarron Thunderer in .44 WCF for a bit. I really liked it, but all my other pistols were .45! If I had it in .45, I may have kept it! I did a Cowboy Chronicle Article on it about three or four years ago. One of the 3/4 frame sized Lightening in .38 would be gnarly also!
Quote from: Tuolumne Lawman on September 10, 2019, 06:53:24 PM
One of the 3/4 frame sized Lightening in .38 would be gnarly also!
Sweetest shootin' little gun I own. I've been thinking about it as a carry gun, and trading in the .380.
This one is a sweet little shooter- a S&W .38 Single Action (2nd Model.) Barrel's bobbed and crowned, new stag grips and front sight. This target was shot at a 'brisk pace' at seven yards... there's always got to be a flier... :P
Going to strip the nickel and rust blue it; it ought to look great with the black and antler contrasting...
Tinker, did you ever get the magazine that I sent you with the bulldog article?
Yes, I was going to let you know it arrived. Thanks- it was an interesting article.
My "Avenging Angel" with its big brother "Saber River"
Not mine, but I just saw this '51 Hideout on (current bid $625 fyi)