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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => Shotguns => Topic started by: Will Lynchem on August 31, 2014, 10:51:12 AM

Title: Interstate Arms model 97
Post by: Will Lynchem on August 31, 2014, 10:51:12 AM
Just found a Interstate Arms model 97 for sale in my area for $350.00. Gently used, no competition use, for home defense only. Bluing is in good condition and action seems smooth. Anyone have any experience with these? Are they reliable?  And what if any work do they need for wild bunch shooting? Thanks in advance, W. L.
Title: Re: Interstate Arms model 97
Post by: Will Lynchem on September 01, 2014, 06:36:11 PM
So. No body out there shooting SASS or Wild bunch ownes one of these??? ???
Title: Re: Interstate Arms model 97
Post by: Pettifogger on September 01, 2014, 10:58:27 PM
The IACs improved as production went along.  The first ones had really crummy wood and lots of action problems.  Then they started shipping American walnut to China to make decent stocks and starting improving QC.  The first two digits of the serial number is the year made.  If it is 05 and later it should be OK.  If it is earlier and has the crappy wood I'd pass unless you can get it really cheap.  For WB you need a six shot mag tube spring and follower kit.  All guns used in competition can stand an action job.  Anyone that works on Winchester 97s can tune the ChiCom version.
Title: Re: Interstate Arms model 97
Post by: Coffinmaker on September 20, 2014, 07:26:41 PM
As an additional, IAC has gone the way of the DoDo Bird and the manufacture of '97s in China has ceased.  At least that is the most current information I have.  Run hard in CAS, guns break.
There is a bunch of "work" that can be done to make an IAC '97 or any '97 more user friendly.  However  with limited band width it would hesitate to begin a primer on the '97.
Suggest you check in with your local CAS clubs and find out who the '97 shooters are sending their guns to.  A starting point is to take the gun apart and polish ALL the mating surfaces.

Title: Re: Interstate Arms model 97
Post by: Will Lynchem on September 23, 2014, 02:52:59 PM
According to the IAC website,  they still offer the model 97. List price for a new one is $435.00. I talked to Jim Bowie from the Cowboys & Indian store and he is willing to do the action job but he says parts are getting hard to find.  Thanks for the input guys, W. L.   :)