Is a Marlin .444, suitably loaded for power factor limitations, an acceptable firearm for use in cowboy action? I realize it is not one of the ideal choices by any stretch, but the only lever action I have is a .444 and if I can at least get started with it here in Ontario, then I will. Otherwise, I'm waiting until I can get something in .357/.38 to match my Pietta .357/.38 1873 Millenium revolvers.
edit: I need to edit a bit, duh, as .444 is available in models such as 1895 guide gun which would seem to qualified but my Marlin is a .444S, not a era-replica model, so am I SOL?
Your Edit, pretty much answers your question...
On the end of the stick ..444 Marlin is not a Pistol caliber and would be precluded by that anyway....
I used to use it , cut down and crimped for blanks , in my 44/40 Henry ( reenacting ) though
Thanks for your reply. I suspected as much, more because my .444S is not an era specific replica than having the .444 designation as it is essentially a stretched .44 magnum (which is a pistol calibre). Looks like I'll have to wait to get started until I get a .357/.38 (hoping for a Marlin 1894 but may grab a 1873 if I see one at a nice price. :-[
I have seen .444 cases used to load .410 shot loads.
Take a couple of boxes of .38 lead target loads and a box of 12 ga dove loads and go to a local shoot, you will be over whelmed with offers to share.
Period correct really has nothing to do with it. It is a rifle caliber. It is legal for long range side matches, but not as a SASS main match rifle.
Thanks for the replies Gents. I ended up picking up a new Rossi R92 .357/.38 (blued octagonal 20" barrel with case hardened receiver) while I still have a Marlin 1894 .357/.38 on order. The Rossi's still a virgin but hope to deflower her next week, slick up the action if necessary (not too bad as is but haven't tried loading/ejecting cartridges yet). I've already got various sources for what/how to do a slick-up if I need to. Now need to start shooting the Rossi and the Pietta 5 1/2 inch 1873 Millenium revolvers.
This doesn't help the OP but is related to the caliber in question, the 444 Marlin. I gave some serious thought to finding a Remington Rolling Block action, getting a 28" barrel with a .429" groove diameter and a slower than pistol twist rate (I found one but can't remember the name these 25+ years later). I'd also found a suitable bullet mould for some thing like a 300-320g bullet. I was going to call it the 43 Remington and have the barrel so marked. My intention was to shoot black power through it. Thought it would be a hoot. (smile)
While not legal for use in a regular CAS match, 444 in a H&R Handi rifle would make a dandy Plainsman Side Match Rifle. ;D
Although this comment has no bearing on the OP. ::)
Been looking for a 444 for awhile now, also had the idea of a single shot in 444 for BP.
Got me thinking again.