I looked at the rules and did not see anything keeping me from getting my front sights done in brass or gold paint. I see that the slick magic sights are legal. However, being cheap I want to get the same look using paint. Yes/No?
Yes. What works well is to go to Home Deport or Lowe's and get some appliance repair paint. Comes in a little bottle with a built in brush. White works very well and the paint is pretty durable. Just make sure you paint the entire rear sighting surface. You can't just paint a dot at the top of the sight. (Assuming we are talking about revolvers. Rifles can have a bead front sight.)
My bad. It is for my revolvers. So just the rear vertical portion of the blade or the whole blade?
Just the rear vertical portion.
Thanks for the clarification.
Before I switched to optic sights on my bowling pin revolver, I used to paint the front sight white.
What worked well for me was a base coat of white enamel out of one of those little "Testor's" bottles that they sell in the hobby shops. Once that dried I would go over it with "White-Out", which gave a low gloss white.
In fact, back then that is just about anyone around here who didn't have optics did.
Of course, for pin shooting just about everyone now has optics and... do they still sell "White-Out"? Not sure.