Italian date stamps (updated 2021)
Note! The stamp is not a part in the serial numbers, and it is normally found on Frame in [ ] brackets
Year Mark Year Mark Year Mark Year Mark Year Mark Year Mark Year Mark
1940 1953 IX 1966 XXII 1979 AE 1992 BB 2005 BZ 2018 CT
1941 1954 X 1967 XXIII 1980 AF 1993 BC 2006 CA 2019 CU
Reflects changes
1942 1955 XI 1968 XXIV 1981 AH 1994 BD 2007 CB 2020 CZ 20
1943 1956 XII 1969 XXV 1982 AI 1995 BF 2008 CC 2021 DA 21
1944 1957 XIII 1970 XXVI 1983 AL 1996 BH 2009 CD 2022 DB 22
1945 I 1958 XIV 1971 XXVII 1984 AM 1997 BI 2010 CF 2023 DC 23
1946 II 1959 XV 1972 XXVIII 1985 AN 1998 BL 2011 CH 2024 DD 24
1947 III 1960 XVI 1973 XXIX 1986 AP 1999 BM 2012 CI 2025 DE 25
1948 IV 1961 XVII 1974 XXX 1987 AS 2000 BN 2013 CL 2026 DF 26
1949 V 1962 XVIII 1975 AA 1988 AT 2001 BP 2014 CM 2027 DH 27
1950 VI 1963 XIX 1976 AB 1989 AU 2002 BS 2015 CN 2028 DI 28
1951 VII 1964 XX 1977 AC 1990 AZ 2003 BT 2016 CP 2029 DL 29
1952 VIII 1965 XXI 1978 AD 1991 BA 2004 BU 2017 CS 2030 DM 30
Thank you for the info. I've seen these but never gave too much thought to them until now. I can see the benefit of knowing the date of manufacture.
you're very welcome
Roger can you make this list up as an attached file so that I can save it to my computer?
I sent it to you as email , you can copy and paste it to MS-Word and save it to My Doc.s
Johnson bar; You could have; 1. highlighted 2. control "c" then 3. control "v" onto a blank document. Then Robert is your father's brother. You see, for a card carrying geezer I have a few tricks up my sleeve! ;D
This appears to have changed in 2021. The mark is now simply the last two numbers of the year in a box.
Quote from: Drydock on April 14, 2021, 08:25:18 PM
This appears to have changed in 2021. The mark is now simply the last two numbers of the year in a box.
It must've changed in '20, since I have 3 or more with "20" in the box instead of "CZ".
Edited 5/26 for faulty memory:
I have at least 3 2020 Italian guns, of which at least TWO are marked "20" in the box.
I have made the exceptions based on observations - thank you
Letter code remains as a guide (updated 2021)
Interesting. I have a Pietta Navy with a "CZ" box marking. A mid year change?
Quote from: Drydock on May 20, 2021, 03:45:22 AM
Interesting. I have a Pietta Navy with a "CZ" box marking. A mid year change?
Unknown ...I have nothing newer than [CP] 2016 on a Uberti BP frame SAA.
Could be they ended with
C Z and will use
21- etc. rather than starting a DA
- etc. A quick search did not show the change from previous codes.
PlowboysGhost , would you please post a photo of the
[20] date code and maker(s) ?
I have a 2019 Uberti pocket navy with a box "CU", 2 Old Silver Dances with box "CU" ,an 2018 1851 RM Conversion with a box "CT" then the Pietta with a box "CZ" Last month I picked up a Uberti 2nd Dragoon with a boxed "21".
Another observation: sometime in the past few years Pietta has started putting dates on the underside of the barrels. These 4 number dates do not appear to always coincide with the proofing date. My 2 Dance "CU" revolvers have "2019" beneath the barrel, yet my "CZ" 1851 has a barrel date of "2018"! I suspect these are the production years of the barrels themselves, with the proof date reflecting final assembly and proof.
Went and looked at my other Italians, and noted an oddity: I've got a 3rd Model Russian, chambered in .44 Russian, with no proof date. It has the CIP and N stamps, but no date code anywhere on it.
Quote from: Major 2 on May 20, 2021, 06:00:43 AM
PlowboysGhost , would you please post a photo of the [20] date code and maker(s) ?
(Just saw the request.)
The first is my Cimarron (Pietta) El Malo II in .45 Colt.
The second is my 2020 Cimarron (Uberti) 7th Cav. model (.45 Colt) is marked "CZ".
The last is my Cimarron (Uberti) 1873 U.S. Marshal/ Indian Territory carbine in .45 Colt.
Quote from: Drydock on May 23, 2021, 05:03:58 PM
Went and looked at my other Italians, and noted an oddity: I've got a 3rd Model Russian, chambered in .44 Russian, with no proof date. It has the CIP and N stamps, but no date code anywhere on it.
Probably in an inconspicuous location, may be under the grips or inside the frame
Plowboys Ghost ...thank you sir
Quote from: Major 2 on May 26, 2021, 11:58:39 AM
Plowboys Ghost ...thank you sir
The new Cimarron 5-1/2" Open Top .45 Colt I traded for yesterday is marked "21" in the box under the barrel.
Ok, now you've gotten my interest up. Drug out the new Cimarron American I got late last year (right after they announced Smokin' Joe won) and had to hunt to find the date code. They put it under the grips, but on one side is the standard CZ in the box and on the opposite side is the Uberti logo with 2020, no box, under it. Weird.
Yep, found a Box CN under the grip on my #3. Along with "Uberti 2015" In fact, a lot of stamps were hidden under there. Wish they'd do that on more production.
Picked up a new open top. Date code is now inside a circle.