At the suggestion of Postman63, I am setting stickies for load data. If you have pet loads for the 50/95 WCF, please share them here. As always, use caution when posting and when using data posted on this and any other forum. :)
Great idea Grizz. The best load for my .50-95 Uberti is:
Ten-X brass
Winchester large rifle primers
78.0 gr of Swiss 2F poured through drop tube, .030" card wad, then compressed to .370" below case mouth (about .150" compression).
after compression, 2 newspaper wads added on top of the card wad.
Rapine 350 bullet, 20:1, sized .515", lubed wiuth SPG.
Bullet seated .365" into case, O/A cartridge length: 2.255"
This load shoots about as good as I can see:
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So am I the only one on the forum who reloads the .50-95? Or are the rest of ya'll just keeping your loads under your hat?
No sir
I acquired a Chaparral 76 in 50-95 not to long ago
After getting all burrs knocked down and the action all smooth out
A Marble tang sight has been mounted
Barrel has been slugged at 510
Bullets cast and a number of rounds both with TB and BP loaded
I am ready to test her out
Just need the family and work to leave me alone long enough to get to the range
As soon as I do I will post my results
QuoteJust need the family and work to leave me alone long enough to get to the range
Good Lord, I know what that's like. I traded for a Uberti 50-95 a few months ago and have barely had time to shoot it. I do have 79 rounds of full case BP ammo with 300 grain 312 bullets loaded for it. One of these days, I'll get to see how she shoots.
Howdy guys,
I have had no luck shooting Buffalo Arms-made 300gr and 350gr rounds through my Uberti 76 28" rifle (purchased new is 2012).
They can't even consistently hit paper on a 17" target at 50 yards.
I now have a new friend at the range who is a very experienced long-time reloader who believes the BA bullets must be undersized.
He's willing to reload for me if I get the dies and bullet mold.
As for the bullet mold he's recommending a Lee mold (.515) 450gr so here's my question:
In all my research I haven't seen anyone mention more than 350gr so is there anything wrong shooting 450gr?
My friend assures me there's no issue, but I'd like a second or third opinion.
According to an Ideal Reloading Manual, (1890's) reprint, Wolfe Publishing 1991, the rearmost Mould List shows, "512138.(450gr.)
This bullet was first made by our Mr. Barlow for a heavier ball for the .50-95 Winchester. It was afterwards adopted as the standard bullet for the .50-110-450 (.50-100-450, actually) Winchester." (I'm assuming that this is the Mould being used.)
I believe that A.C.Gould MAY have designed this bullet, and had the Ideal Co. cut the Mould for him, but those books are packed, and can't verify. My immediate assumption was that the bullet was designed for the Winchester Single-Shot (Hi-Wall) chambered for the same Ctg. My belief was that this longer bullet, if seated into the case SO AS TO CYCLE PROPERLY IN THE WIN. 1876, the bottom most lubricated grooves might protrude past the neck, into the powder, and cause powder contamination, or aggravate barrel fouling, whereas in the "Hi-Wall", one MIGHT be able to seat the bullet out enough to eliminate the possibility. I currently don't have an Ideal/Lyman #512138, so that I can't check this myself. Please do post with details, and let us know how this loading works for you, as I have wondered myself! If your friend has a different Mould, please post the Manufacturer/Number!
Be Well!
Quote from: mtmarfield on July 05, 2015, 10:58:56 PM
According to an Ideal Reloading Manual, (1890's) reprint, Wolfe Publishing 1991, the rearmost Mould List shows, "512138.(450gr.)
This bullet was first made by our Mr. Barlow for a heavier ball for the .50-95 Winchester. It was afterwards adopted as the standard bullet for the .50-110-450 (.50-100-450, actually) Winchester." (I'm assuming that this is the Mould being used.)
I believe that A.C.Gould MAY have designed this bullet, and had the Ideal Co. cut the Mould for him, but those books are packed, and can't verify. My immediate assumption was that the bullet was designed for the Winchester Single-Shot (Hi-Wall) chambered for the same Ctg. My belief was that this longer bullet, if seated into the case SO AS TO CYCLE PROPERLY IN THE WIN. 1876, the bottom most lubricated grooves might protrude past the neck, into the powder, and cause powder contamination, or aggravate barrel fouling, whereas in the "Hi-Wall", one MIGHT be able to seat the bullet out enough to eliminate the possibility. I currently don't have an Ideal/Lyman #512138, so that I can't check this myself. Please do post with details, and let us know how this loading works for you, as I have wondered myself! If your friend has a different Mould, please post the Manufacturer/Number!
Be Well!
Thanks M.T.
I will be sharing the words in your post with him.
Hatman _ I hate to bust your bubble but I don't think that Lee 450gr bullet will work well in a '76. That is a fine bullet for the .50-70, I use it myself. But the 50-95 is an express round with a rate of twist designed for the lighter 300-375gr bullets. That 450 bullet is not likely to stabilize in a '76. Plus its extra length will reduce powder capacity and could cause overall length issues. Your new friend may be an experienced reloader, but if he does not have real first hand experience with a '76, he may be leading you down the wrong trail. I recommend you slug your bore first and find out the groove size. Then look for bullets under 375gr that are around .001" over groove size. Use the search function to search this forum for .50-95 loads and experience from others who have been there. These rifles are capable of good accuracy, but you have to feed them a proper diet.
See my posting of 1/26/15 under the Topic "Uberti Short Rifle" (1/24/15)
My loads are listed there.
Waddie Bill
Quote from: ndnchf on July 06, 2015, 12:13:50 PM
Hatman _ I hate to bust your bubble but I don't think that Lee 450gr bullet will work well in a '76. That is a fine bullet for the .50-70, I use it myself. But the 50-95 is an express round with a rate of twist designed for the lighter 300-375gr bullets. That 450 bullet is not likely to stabilize in a '76. Plus its extra length will reduce powder capacity and could cause overall length issues. Your new friend may be an experienced reloader, but if he does not have real first hand experience with a '76, he may be leading you down the wrong trail. I recommend you slug your bore first and find out the groove size. Then look for bullets under 375gr that are around .001" over groove size. Use the search function to search this forum for .50-95 loads and experience from others who have been there. These rifles are capable of good accuracy, but you have to feed them a proper diet.
Thank you sir.
I sent your post to him and just got off the phone. We'll be going with the smaller size (300 or 350 most likely).
I had a feeling this might be the case so I really appreciate your input confirming my concern.
Compared to you guys, I'm relatively new to all this and a total amateur. I've made a few mistakes along the way with a doozie being that I purchased 600 rounds of the BA ammo before I even shot the gun. :( Oh well, at least I have a lot of brass my friend can reload.
Quote from: Waddie Bill on July 06, 2015, 12:46:39 PM
See my posting of 1/26/15 under the Topic "Uberti Short Rifle" (1/24/15)
My loads are listed there.
Waddie Bill
Thanks Bill.
I forwarded your info as well. Very much appreciated.
Hatman - a lot of folks have had very good luck with that Lee 515-450 mold by machining the base to remove the last groove. This brings the weight down to about 350gr. It's popular with the Spencer shooters (I'm one of those guys too). In fact most of the bullets that work well for the 56-50 Spencer will be good for the. 50-95 too. You might want to peruse the Spencer forum for bullet suggestions. The Lyman 515139 is a popular choice also.
I also suspect that the BA ammunition has undersized bullets for your rifle. Do you know your groove size? My uberti is. 513" but they can vary a bit.
Quote from: ndnchf on July 06, 2015, 08:23:35 PM
Hatman - a lot of folks have had very good luck with that Lee 515-450 mold by machining the base to remove the last groove. This brings the weight down to about 350gr. It's popular with the Spencer shooters (I'm one of those guys too). In fact most of the bullets that work well for the 56-50 Spencer will be good for the. 50-95 too. You might want to peruse the Spencer forum for bullet suggestions. The Lyman 515139 is a popular choice also.
I also suspect that the BA ammunition has undersized bullets for your rifle. Do you know your groove size? My uberti is. 513" but they can vary a bit.
I don't know if my friend has the equipment to remove that base. (Keep in mind I'm a total moron regarding reloading).
I don't know the groove size but my friend said we could slug the bore although he did seem to poo poo the need to do so.
Is there a reason to think that my 2012 '76 is other than .513 as is yours or varies enough to require more than a .515 mould?
I really appreciate your wisdom. I would like this '76 to be a good shooter, but I have to admit sometimes I just pull it out of the safe, stare at it, and smile. :)
Unfortunately, groove size varies more than you'd expect. Yours may be. 513" but it could vary a couple thousandths. It only takes a few minutes to slug the bore. Then you know exactly what you are working with. Conventional wisdom is that your bullet diameter should be . 001" - .002" larger than groove size. What is the advertised diameter of the BA ammunition you have?
There has been a number of good discussions on this subject on the Cast Boolits forum, Leverguns sub-forum too. One thing I've picked up is that the original factory loadings changed over the years. At one point they went from using 2F to 3F black powder. This seems contrary to conventional wisdom. But as mentioned, this is an express cartridge. 3F gives higher velocities, but at a slightly higher pressure. The '76 is plenty strong to handle it. Some fellows report excellent accuracy with 3F. I loaded some up, but haven't been to the range to try it yet.
Quote from: ndnchf on July 07, 2015, 05:22:46 AM
Unfortunately, groove size varies more than you'd expect. Yours may be. 513" but it could vary a couple thousandths. It only takes a few minutes to slug the bore. Then you know exactly what you are working with. Conventional wisdom is that your bullet diameter should be . 001" - .002" larger than groove size. What is the advertised diameter of the BA ammunition you have?
There has been a number of good discussions on this subject on the Cast Boolits forum, Leverguns sub-forum too. One thing I've picked up is that the original factory loadings changed over the years. At one point they went from using 2F to 3F black powder. This seems contrary to conventional wisdom. But as mentioned, this is an express cartridge. 3F gives higher velocities, but at a slightly higher pressure. The '76 is plenty strong to handle it. Some fellows report excellent accuracy with 3F. I loaded some up, but haven't been to the range to try it yet.
IIRC, the BA ammo was .510 (or maybe .511).
Sounds like the prudent thing to do is slug the bore, do some more research and then select the appropriate tools.
Yep, now you are on the right track.
I probably sound like a broken record but one place to look for answers is where I got two custom molds out of. They are "Hoch" custom molds. One for my 40-82 and the other for my 45-75. Both cast in the shape and weight you would specify. They are a bit spendy but i am and have been total satisfied with the ones I got. So, if you would be interested, let me know and I can send the address and other stuff.
Quote from: larryo_1 on July 07, 2015, 08:36:54 PM
I probably sound like a broken record but one place to look for answers is where I got two custom molds out of. They are "Hoch" custom molds. One for my 40-82 and the other for my 45-75. Both cast in the shape and weight you would specify. They are a bit spendy but i am and have been total satisfied with the ones I got. So, if you would be interested, let me know and I can send the address and other stuff.
Sure, thanks Larry.
I'm not one to turn down wisdom and experience from others. :)
OK, we slugged the bore and it came out .513 and all the ammo I bought was .509.
So we now have a 340gr .51539 mould and the 450gr mould which one of the guys at the range can reduce down to 350.
My reloading buddy is now asking for recommendations for smokeless powder.
Would appreciate some wisdom/experience.
I shoot mostly black or subs. But I asked the Accurate ballistician about 5744 loads. For the lyman 515139 he recommended a low of 26.5gr for 1200-1300 fps to a mid-level of 35gr for 1450-1550fps. Being conservative I tried 27gr under the lyman and found it pleasant to shoot and quite accurate. But I only tried that one load. I really prefer black powder.
Quote from: ndnchf on July 23, 2015, 07:10:02 PM
I shoot mostly black or subs. But I asked the Accurate ballistician about 5744 loads. For the lyman 515139 he recommended a low of 26.5gr for 1200-1300 fps to a mid-level of 35gr for 1450-1550fps. Being conservative I tried 27gr under the lyman and found it pleasant to shoot and quite accurate. But I only tried that one load. I really prefer black powder.
Thank you nd.
Today was a very successful day.
I was able to procure some 5744 and we (and by we I mean my friend while I watched) loaded 5 rounds of 27gr of 5744 under 35gr of Cream of Wheat with the 350gr Lyman.
The groups dropped from 4 ft (with BA loads) at 50 yards to 4 inches. :)
That's great! I think the bullet diameter made all the difference. I would caution against using fillers with 5744. I've read that Accurate says they are not needed and can raise pressures. Do a Google search on this for more info. I don't use them in my 5744 load and it shoots fine without it.
Now that you have a bullet that works, get some real black powder or pyrodex and have some real fun!
OK thanks.
I've passed this info on to my friend along with some google-search links.
As for BP, I'll probably do that eventually.
I recently bought a Uberti Walker and am having great fun making smoke with that one. :)
Today we tried 5 rounds same 27gr of 5744 but no filler.
Worked great and got a 2 1/4 by 2 inch group at 50 yards. Yay!
My friend will be loading up some more and wring it out to 100 yards next week.
Quote from: hatman on July 29, 2015, 05:38:05 PM
Today we tried 5 rounds same 27gr of 5744 but no filler.
Worked great and got a 2 1/4 by 2 inch group at 50 yards. Yay!
My friend will be loading up some more and wring it out to 100 yards next week.
That'll make a heck of a varmint rifle!
Quote from: ndnchf on July 29, 2015, 07:43:06 PM
That'll make a heck of a varmint rifle!
Thanks for your insight and experience to get us to this point.
I have an Uberti 50/95 on order so all this reloading info is great. Thanks for posting it. I am wondering about converting brass for this caliber as 3 bucks a peice for the preformed stuff is a bit rich. I have read that you can start out with 348 Winchester, 50 Alaskan, or 50/90 sharps. Has any one here made up some 50/95? What did you start with and what was your procedure?
Also been looking at dies online and have noticed that there are dies listed for 50/95 express and for 50/95 Uberti chamber. So this means that Uberti has come up with there own chamber dimensions for the 50/95?
Buckheart - Congrats on the new rifle, Yer gonna love it!
I use Jamison. 50-95 brass. Buffalo Arms has it for between $1.94 and $1.53 each depending on the quantity purchased. It's good brass and ready to load. Why bother with trying to make it from something else? I use the Uberti Ch4D dies, they work great. If I recall correctly, the shoulder of the uberti chamber is a little different. But not much.
True - Just a few pennies more for the formed stuff from Buffalo arms.
What dies are you using?
I use the Uberti .50-95 CH4D dies.
Are those CH4D dies carbide. They are 3 times the price of the RCBS legacy dies. Currently have mostly RCBS stuff and its all good. I know I'm pinching pennies here but the more I save the more I can shoot.
No, not carbide. Back when I got mine 5 or 6 years ago CH4D was the only game in town. If the RCBS dies are for the Uberti chamber, I'd buy them.
Well today was a very good day.
We again shot AA5744 with no filler and 350 gr 514 lead bullet at 50 yards and got a 2 inch group.
We then took it to 100 yards and got an honest 4X2 1/2" group.
We used 27 gr of AA5744 and also 27gr of the factory-loaded powder (which came in at 33 gr) with similar results.
Given that before this journey i was getting 4 foot groups at 50 yards with BA factory rounds saying I'm very happy would be an understatement. :)
What do you mean by "factory loaded powder"? Did you pull apart some old production cartridges? Or change the bullets in the BA rounds?
I'm glad to hear that it is shooting well for you. This caliber seems to get a bad reputation for accuracy. It certainly isn't a long range cartridge. But with a little load development it can hold its own within barrel sight range. I added an authentic Riflesmith tang sight to mine. It really helps with my aging eyes.
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Spot on NDN. Here is a reply I got from Buffalo Arms:
Hello, I would order the RCBS. When Uberti started making those, the chamber dimensions were different so 4D made dies to compensate. Those are only for very early Uberti's. Thanks
Dies and brass ordered. Have some 50/90 sharps brass on the way too. The 50/90 will give me something to fiddle with and the stuff from Buffalo Arms will get me shooting quicker.
I am not into casting yet. Any suggestions as to were to get some good cast bullets?
Nice picture NDN. Got one of the whole rifle?
I have another couple months to wait on the next bunch of 76's to get imported so I hear.
Not sure of a bullet source other than BACO. They used to sell the Lyman 515139. There are probably others too. It sounds like the RCBS dies will be just fine. Here a another view of my rifle.
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Quote from: ndnchf on August 08, 2015, 06:37:47 AM
What do you mean by "factory loaded powder"? Did you pull apart some old production cartridges? Or change the bullets in the BA rounds?
I'm glad to hear that it is shooting well for you. This caliber seems to get a bad reputation for accuracy. It certainly isn't a long range cartridge. But with a little load development it can hold its own within barrel sight range. I added an authentic Riflesmith tang sight to mine. It really helps with my aging eyes.
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Yes we (I keep saying we, but it's really my friend doing all the work) pulled the bullets off the BA rounds and inspected the powder under magnification and it looked identical to 5744. So we loaded up 5 test rounds with 27gr of that powder and compared results with the known 5744. Shot pretty much identical.
We're feeling confident now that we can reclaim the powder so all we have to do is pull the bullets, remold the lead 51539 mould and re-assemble.
FWIW the 300gr and 350gr BA rounds both contain 33gr of powder but with yesterday's results we'll be loading up a bunch more with 27gr and down the road experiment with loads up to 33gr.
I originally bought 600 rounds from BA so we have plenty of reusable brass, powder, lead and primers.
ETA: Thanks again for your help in getting my 76 to be a real shooter.
Disclaimer: Just want to say the above info is working for my rifle and I'm not making any blanket recommendation for others.
Quote from: ndnchf on August 08, 2015, 08:55:59 AM
Not sure of a bullet source other than BACO. They used to sell the Lyman 515139. There are probably others too. It sounds like the RCBS dies will be just fine. Here a another view of my rifle.
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Thanks Ndnchf. Going to look at that picture every so often till I get mine. Just re-watched Crossfire Trail. I might have to get a Schofield too. ;)
Got 50 rounds of brass and dies from Buffalo Arms. Great looking stuff although there is a slight shoulder to it which I don't see in any of the pictures of 50/95. I guess this will fire form to the chamber dimension once I start shooting it.
Also picked up 50 rounds of 50/90 sharps. I can see that of course you have to trim it to length but am wondering how the difference in base size will effect things. Will it matter that the 50/90 Sharps brass is .036 bigger than the base dimension of the 50/95? I am figureing that this will effect feeding and ejection. Any one have any experience re-forming cases from the Sharps to the 50/95 Exp.?
Just for knowledge sake here they are.(//)
That's a pretty big difference in base diameter. I've never used 50-90 brass, so can't comment on how it will work. Are you expecting the. 50-95 sizing die to swage down the base to the proper dimension?
Quote from: ndnchf on August 21, 2015, 07:26:44 AM
That's a pretty big difference in base diameter. I've never used 50-90 brass, so can't comment on how it will work. Are you expecting the. 50-95 sizing die to swage down the base to the proper dimension?
Thinking that I might have to turn the base diameter down somehow. Don't have a mill or a metal lathe. Not really sure how exacting I can be with some kind of jury rig in my drill press.
I've turned down bases on other cartridge conversion projects, but I have a lathe. It would be difficult to do a good job of it without one. In this case, since ready to use Jamison 50-95 brass is available, I don't think it's worth all the effort to try to make it from something else. If for some reason you can't get the jamison brass, I have some extra I can spare.
Thanks Ndnchf for your generous offer. I have some proper Jamison brass but almost 40 years in the trades has made me some one who likes to tinker with things. Making up some properly demensioned brass would be a project that I might be able to pull off.
Went to a gun show this weekend and spoke to one of the regular vendors from New Hampshire who thinks he might have some Bertram brass kicking around some where.
Thanks again for your offer.
So I got a call yesterday from my local gun store telling me that my 1876 had arrived. Closed up shop early and went to pick it up. It had a cracked stock. Right on the bottom point of the crescent but plate you could see a dent in the metal that sent a crack up both sides of the lower part of the stock following the grain. Very disappointing. Interesting thing about the dent in the but plate that caused the crack was that the dent it self was finished over with blueing. It made me wonder if someone realized the damage and tried to make it passable by applying some touch up blueing.
Also, these guys have bullets from the Lyman 515139 mold mentioned in this thread. They will size them to your preference and apply lube for smokeless or black. Going to get some on order.
Wow - that's a shame. I assume you did not accept it and will get another? If so, you might want to wait on the bullets until you have a rifle in hand and slug the bore. They do vary some. I live about an hour away from Taylors & Co. When I bought mine 5+ years ago, I drove over there and picked mine out from their stock. I hope you get it resolved soon.
No I did not accept it. Hope it doesn't take too long to get a replacement. The order for this one was placed in the beginning of July.
Well the replacement 50/95 came in yesterday an I'm actually glad I had to wait for a new one. The wood on this one has some real nice figure in the butt stock. The color case colors are not a vivid as some I've seen here which leads me to believe that they may now be using a chemical treatment as opposed to the real deal. It's still pretty though.
Heading to the reloading room to make up some trail boss loads for tomorrow.
Pictures man pictures! You are teasing us ;D. Glad your patience paid off. Have fun and let us know how it goes.
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Put 20 rounds through the new 1876 today. 16grs. of Trail Boss under a .514 350gr. bullet from Buffalo Arms. After a minor adjustment I was able to keep all of my shots on a paper plate at 50 yards. More of a pattern than a group ;D. Of course there was virtually no recoil with these cream puff loads. I need to get some 5744 and take it up a notch. I also see some people use 4198.
The sights leave a bit to be desired, especially the front sight. 60 year old eyes don't get along too well with tiny black front sight blades. I forgot my Merit Aperture sight too. That thing really helps.
here's some pictures. She has some nice figure.
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That's great looking wood! I added a Riflesmith tang sight to help with my aging eyes. It's an exact reproduction of the original factory tang sight. It works great, really helped my sight picture. I had mine out a couple weeks ago. My load was 78gr by weight of Goex 3F over a Lyman 515139 bullet. It shoots pretty good. But I'll tell ya - it creates it's own thunder and lightening! Every head on the firing line turned to see what it was. A slip on recoil pad is a welcome friend.
That is a very nice looking rifle there Buckheart! I like that wood. Fill them cases up with some Bp. and feel what that old 50 can really do. ,,,DT
Thanks for this thread, guys. Just this morning, the transport truck dropped off my new Uberti .50/95. Along with it, I received 40 rounds of loaded Bu.Arms ammo made from .50/90 brass as well as 200 B.A. 510" and .512" bullets. I did not know of the groove size deal, but no problem. This afternoon, I pulled all of the bullets anyway, dumped the 80gr. of what looks like 2f Swiss or perhaps 2f GOEX Ctg. or Enysford - very shiny hard angular BP grains. I loaded them up with some IMR4895 and IMR4198 soft-ball loads with the .512" bullets. With must the calipers, it appears to have a .512" groove diameter, but perhaps tomorrow I'll slug it properly & find it's .513" or .514".
One the subject of moulds, I have an old #515141 Lyman mould. Some books call it a 422gr., others 450gr. as with the Lee mould for the same bullet that I also have. I drilled out the nose of the Lyman mould some time ago and installed a plug making it cast a shorter nosed 420gr. bullet in quite soft alloy, perhaps 30:1. This bullet shoots very well indeed in my original .50/70 Sharps 1859 carbine barrel.(on an Italian action I finished) As original at 450gr., it started opening up at 100yards and were keyholing at 200, due probably to the original barrel's 42" twist. since shortening the bullet, they shoot amazingly well, holding 2 1/2" at 100 meters with the original carbine sights- off bags, of course.
The barrel, still marked 1859, was chambered for a long .50/70 case, actually 1.9", under Army contract in 1867. It would have been called a model 1868, I assume. Good bore, 3 groove.
That's all beside the point, I am now looking forward to shooting some of those bullets. I also have another 60 Jamison cases coming. I also need to start casting & experimenting as I want to use it the end of this month for Whitetails up North.
Thanks again for the thread and suggested loads.
And the picture's of the new rifle are where? I can't see them! ;) Must be waiting to take them with downed deer perhaps?
Didnt think you would let that slide! KM,,,,,DT
I see this over and over. BACO selling undersized and very expensive loaded ammunition with no cautions about slugging these 1876 Ubertis for groove size first. Most of the Uberti 76s I've heard about slug 513"-514". With the slow twist these barrels have, i'd suggest keep bullet weight under 350gr for best performance.
I received 40 rounds of loaded ammo with the rifle - apparently unfired. they were loaded with .509" 300gr. bluff nosed bullets that lacked enough of an ogive to chamber. I pulled them all and threw them into the junk bin. I loaded the cases with the .512" 300gr. bluff osed Buffalo Arms Co. bullets I also received. I have not too much hope for them to work but they will serve to Fire Form the shortened .50/90 brass they were loaded in. I slugged the bore and it is .5125" evenly in all grooves. they may or may not shoot well enough.
I went over to bro's and collected a whack of the 434gr. #515141 bullets (WW alloy) I gave him some time ago, to try in his Sharps. It did not like them, but since they measure .515", I'll try them in my M76 - after I shorten the noses that is - a fairly quick job in the lathe. Might be easier just to cast some new ones in my shortened mould.
Quote from: King Medallion on November 03, 2015, 09:12:14 AM
And the picture's of the new rifle are where? I can't see them! ;) Must be waiting to take them with downed deer perhaps?
The only picture I have and it's my bro's .45/60. LOL- I haven't figured out how to upload pictures from my camera into my new computer it is balking and won't download the disk I have, so he'll have to photo it for me, then mail them to me.
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If those 512" diameter bullets aren't too hard, they may work ok in your rifle. Having a 5125" groove size, they should bump up a little, so long as they are loaded with black powder.
TKS for the note, ndnchf. I figured they'd probably shoot with BP, but the noses of them are SO short, they won't feed unless I point the muzzle down with the bolt back all the way, to allow the case to fall out from under the extractor, and drop into the chamber - then I can close the bolt. Pain in the posterior I might add. I am going to cast up some bullets in my shortened Lyman #515141 mould that run 420gr. and might just go ahead and order a 350gr. mould form Buffalo arms, a .515<> I think. If I make a bump die, smaller commercial bullet diameters might be reclaimable.
Check out this thread from the Spencer forum. This mold might be just the ticket:,55140.0.html (,55140.0.html)
That does look like a great bullet and one that will hold enough lube as well. Thanks for the link to the thread. Now, to find moose Bullets
Got my Bro to snap a picture and mail it to me. Was over there showing him my new .50/95.
That is his M1876 in .45/60- also a Uberti, which he restocked in some nice walnut. He also has some sights from Montana Vintage Arms, I think it's called. That is a LOT of money, just in sights.
The bullet loaded in my case, is a 415gr., shortened #515141 form a Lyman mould.
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A nice pair! Your friend does nice stock work :)
Tks guys - Yes- my brother is recognized by the best of them, as being in the top 8 to 10 of muzzleloading gun makers in the States.
Quote from: ndnchf on November 07, 2015, 08:13:10 AM
Check out this thread from the Spencer forum. This mold might be just the ticket:,55140.0.html (,55140.0.html)
chomping at the bit to get Moose Mould 516375 is in the mail box....
Quote from: wymanwinn on November 12, 2015, 03:46:15 PM
chomping at the bit to get Moose Mould 516375 is in the mail box....
Please post some pics and details!
Quote from: ndnchf on November 12, 2015, 04:10:37 PM
Please post some pics and details!
will do....gonna turn on the pot as soon as i get home and cast some up....!!!!
Well, the Moose Mould 516-375 arrived as scheduled.....have to say, these are REALLY, really great folks and they produce a VERY nice mould
i ordered a double cavity, right handed aluminum mould/precision steel sprue comes with handles and is a work of art...
AND it produces a very fine bullet from ~20:1 alloy (725f) at about .5165" dia, ~.773"long, ~285"meplat and ~.370 from the face of the meplat to the top edge of the crimp groove...which added to the JBA .50-95 case length makes the COL of the round about 2.292" wihich is about .033" shorter than the 2.325" mortise on my rifle....this just may work without needing to trim the cases...will load some dummies for test cycling over the weekend....
now i need to acquire a .516" sizing die for my Star.... ;D
edit...well, i could not wait...i loaded 5 dummie rounds (even without sizing the bullet) and the COL ended up being about 2.280" with the roll crimp firmly in place....pushed them into the mag tube and cycled them all out without a hitch.....!!!!
this mould is a winner in my book....
Boy that mold is a beauty, as are the bullets. I'll have to compare the bullet specs to my Rapine mold bullets. They sure do look very similar. I uses a 515" sizer in my Lyman 450. It works well for me. It will be interesting to weigh a bullet before and after lubeing to determine the weight of lube that big groove holds.
Quote from: ndnchf on November 13, 2015, 04:41:08 PM
Boy that mold is a beauty, as are the bullets. I'll have to compare the bullet specs to my Rapine mold bullets. They sure do look very similar. I uses a 515" sizer in my Lyman 450. It works well for me. It will be interesting to weigh a bullet before and after lubeing to determine the weight of lube that big groove holds.
just ordered a 515" sizer with 6 lube holes for my star....need lots of holes to pump all the lube in...
i will weigh the bullets before and after and post here
i will also, when i get some free time, create a detailed drawing for the bullet....
thanks for all the help ndnchp....very much appreciated...
Glad to be able to help.
I measured my Rapine bullet in 30-1 alloy. It measures .745" long, .350" from meplat to crimp groove, .516" diameter and weighs around 353gr. So its a little shorter and lighter, but not much. I've loaded this over 76gr of Goex 3F with .150" compression.
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I look forward to your range report.
ok, could not let this rest...LOL
the above is a JBA .50-95 case sized with a CH4D Uberti full length die, primed with a Win LR primer, neck sized to .514, 75gr of Goex FFFg compressed .150" with a .509" compression die, seated w/ roll crimp a .515" sized Moose Moulds 516375 Spencer bullet (see abpove) that weighed 373.4gr w/o lube/375.6gr with SPG filling the huge lube groove and the COL is 2.280".....
this is a VERY fine looking cartridge....looking forward to putting it on paper
ndnchf....went with 75gr of FFFg cuz of the extra length from the crimp groove to the base.....!
oh cycles and chambers beautifully in my Cimarron (Uberti) 1876 Centennial, 28"bbl.... 8) 8) 8)
Looks like a winner. Looking forward to your range report!
That is indeed a great looking mould. I have a Lyman #515139 in 350gr. coming from Buffalo Arms. In the mean time, I trimmed some .515141's from .970" to .740" at roughly 415gr. These I loaded up with H4895 using Fed 210 primers. I should have used my 215's due to some propensity towards hangfires unless I pointed the muzzle up before touching them off.
I set up a "25 yard Timed and Rapid Fire Handgun Target at 100 meters (109yards) and proceeded to test my new Uberti M76 rifle & the ammo ammo with it's factory sights. The black bull (9 and 10 rings only) on this target is 5 1/2" wide and made a decent aiming point for the open sights, shot off the bench.
The 300gr. .512" RFN's did not shoot very well at all, scattering around - perhaps 3foot group - all round the target and none of the first 10 rounds on it - both high and low, side to side - LOL, however they did not lead the bore, which surprised me. I merely blasted the rest of them off- 30 - to fireform the shortened .50/90 brass, of which I had 40. the other 60 brass I have, is Jamison, .50/95 WCF. Nice brass. The .50/90's also fireformed nicely, by the way.
When I first received the rifle, I ran a square of red Scotch Brite through the bore - perhaps 30 strokes, lubed only with WD40 then I cleaned it well with Patch-out and oiled with Kroil. The bore feels very smooth and even. It lacks the loose spot my brother's model 76 had, which we fire-lapped out, BTW.
The shortened #515141's, weighing from a low of 410gr. to a maximum of 420gr. I lubed them by hand, with a mix. of 60% (good) beeswax, 40" Vaseline which had worked for me, for 20years or more, smokeless or black powder. I made 2 deliberate, 5 shot groups, off the bags (resting the back of my left hand on the bench-rest's bag) ran a horizontal group 3 1/2" wide C to C and only 1 5/8" high, then the nasty, gusting cross wind shifted, to directly behind us & gusting making a group 2.9" C to C and only 2.3" wide.
For the first day at the range with a new rifle and new loads, I was quite pleased. Nice trigger and minor boot in recoil. After arriving home, a very tight dry patch removed one small sliver of lead - that was it, for 60 shots total. There was no other lead in the barrel and not much carbon fouling either. An easy cleanup.
It will be fun to test with the new mould when it arrives.
My brothers rifle, with the mid range aperture sights and Hadley eye piece put 10 shots (both he and I shooting) into 2.465" X 1.337", again, a horizontal group in the cross wind. The load in that .45/60 was a 300gr. FN with 14.0gr. of Trail Boss.
Just checked the mould again at Buffalo's site, seems to have a .400 from meplat to crimp groove. That might be too long, unless I trim the cases - might try crimping over the first band before shortening my brass.(after it arrives, that is. Was mailed yesterday - could take about 3 weeks - damn. I am not good at waiting.
That is mighty fine shooting, especially for the first time out. How are you shortening those 515141 bullets?
I have my Dad's little lathe - Standard Optical Company is the name of it. It's babbit bearings need replacing and due to that, it has too much slop for precise work. I use it for brass work on some of my wildcats and for shortening cases and such - worked well on the bullets.
There is no carriage feed, all by crank. Dad did a lot of good work on it - he was much more skillful than I, that's for sure.
What sort of velocity are you guys getting with 350gr. and 75gr. 3F GOEX?
I think Swiss 1 1/2F is denser than GOEX as I was able to load 80gr. with a 420gr. bullet (shortened #515141 450gr.) with 1/10" compression. I used a 36" Easton 2317 aluminum arrow shaft as a drop tube. I have funnels at both ends and trickle the powder into the top funnel.
I have not shot, nor chronographed these loads as of yet. I was going to wait for the new sight, but find the stock sights are quite accurate for me, on the 5 1/2" black bull of the 25 yard handgun target when placed at 100 meters.
I think I'll try some Trail Boss loads as well, with the shortened Lyman bullets.
Further to the previous post, I threw the same stricken weight in GOEX 3F, that weighs 80gr. is Swiss 1 1/2F. The measure threw 70 to 71gr. of GOEX 3F that had been in the powder horn for 3 months. The powder horn is water proof, so I do not thing there would have been any drying, but that is not an absolute. There may have been some weight loss due to evapouration due to the air space inside the horn. The Swiss is obviously more dense, hence more weight of powder for the same charge.
Judging by the extra .050" compression and extra 5 gr. of powder, it might be possible to get 85gr. of Swiss into the same case with a 350gr. bullets. I must experiment with this.
I've not yet chrono'd my 3F loads, but I expect they are around 1350-1400fps. They are noticeably more stout than the 2F loads. A slip on recoil pad is my friend ;D
Sounds good, just more testing as time and temperature allows. My Buffalo arms mould is in Vanvouver - record time, only 5 days, so far.
I was hoping to get 95gr. in the case, but 80 to 85 will be nice. If it's going to be an express, it should be an express.
Yes - I may pick up a slip-on for myself, unless I can talk my brother into re-stocking my rifle- another 1/2" pull would be nice and higher comb, just like his. Was shouldering it today and it felt very nice indeed.
Quote from: DTS on November 15, 2015, 02:29:17 PM
What sort of velocity are you guys getting with 350gr. and 75gr. 3F GOEX?
I think Swiss 1 1/2F is denser than GOEX as I was able to load 80gr. with a 420gr. bullet (shortened #515141 450gr.) with 1/10" compression. I used a 36" Easton 2317 aluminum arrow shaft as a drop tube. I have funnels at both ends and trickle the powder into the top funnel.
I have not shot, nor chronographed these loads as of yet. I was going to wait for the new sight, but find the stock sights are quite accurate for me, on the 5 1/2" black bull of the 25 yard handgun target when placed at 100 meters.
I think I'll try some Trail Boss loads as well, with the shortened Lyman bullets.
as soon as my sizing dies shows i will load up about 10 rounds of each 75gr FFg and 75gr FFFg and chrony them for kicks and giggles...might be a week or ten days though...
I wouldn't get too concerned about not getting 95gr or even close. Modern brass is thicker (read safer) and the original bullet was around 300gr, so there was considerably more powder room bacck in the day. But believe me, when you touch off a compressed case full of 3F, you know you have a real rifle. It makes its own thunder and lightening ;D
IMAGINE - the mould arrived TODAY. Just got it out of the mail box. No taxes or custom fees either. I'm ecstatic. Small parcel, hand delivered. I'll cast come up tomorrow over at Taylor's. Casting outdoors now is too cold and he has an exhaust fan in the shop. He might even want to try some in his .50 Sharps.
As far as getting in 95gr. of Swiss, I knew it wouldn't work already, but would like to get 85gr. in with the 350gr. bullet. That will have to be Swiss powder as GOEX is lighter, but will be interesting to chrono that 85gr. of Swiss 1 1/2F against 75gr. of 3F GOEX.
That's prompt service! I look forward to hearing how it shoots.
I'll be casting some up this afternoon - Wed. Just checked my 1 1/2F Swiss against GOEX 3F both from fresh cans.
With my adjustable measure set to throw 85gr. Swiss, it throws 78gr. GOEX.
So, I loaded up 5 rounds with Gasket wad, .1040comp. & .512" BA RN seated to 2.3" (light crimp bottom of crimp groove)- perfect feeding.
Loaded up another 5 without the wad, same seating depth and compression .100".
Loaded up another 5 with 78gr. 3F GOEX .100" compression - all at 2.3".
This amount of compression too almost no pressure at all, and felt very minimal. I am sure I can load the 350gr. with same charges, but time will tell that tale.
Note, I use a drop tube to settle the powder before compressing with a die.
Now, off to a meeting then casting.
The mould, Lyman #515139AQ casts bullets in 6-7brinel (couldn't measure on the Lee scale) weight 367.2 to 367.8gr. I was fairly pleased with the narrow weights on the first 95 cast. I did coat the mould with Ms Moly after cleaning off the preservative oils. I didn't get it all off the sprue plate, as the first 5 or 6 bullets were had a couple wrinkles due to the oil vapours- perhaps from the plate's screw.
The mould drops them nicely, with only rarely having to tap the handle screw with a hammer handle. Their nose length, I thought too long, will be fine in properly trimmed to length cases. My action will allow 2.320" OAL, and these will give an OAL of 2.30".
I'll lube and load some up, perhaps tonight or tomorrow. Just in the throws of selling my Ram Hemi to a dealer.
I checked my loading notes. I've shot the 515139 a good bit with different loads. My OA length is 2.250".
Here is a photo of a Rapine 350 next to a bullet that I believe came from a rather obscure Ideal or Lyman 512137 mold. It is .512" diameter and weighs 300gr. I bought these from Mt Baldy bullets a number of years ago. They were suppose to be 515139s. Several emails with the owner did not clear up what they really were. It was only after a lot of digging that I come to the conclusion that it is from a 512137 (Ideal made 2 versions of this mold with the same number, a 300 and a 350gr). Unfortunately it is under size for my rifle. But I have thought about sending it to Accurate molds and have Tom make me one like it in .515" diameter. I'd like to have a real express bullet to load. With Old Eynsford or Swiss and this bullet, I could probably get over 85gr of powder in it. While not much for long range, it would be pretty flat shooting within 100 yards.
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Here is a better photo of the 300gr Ideal 512137 bullet I'm thinking about getting a mold for.
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Quote from: ndnchf on November 18, 2015, 06:38:04 PM
I checked my loading notes. I've shot the 515139 a good bit with different loads. My OA length is 2.250".
Yes - OAL would depend on your 'trimmed length'. I was afraid the nose might be too long, but should be OK. The small grease grooves might demand a grease cookie, though, with a 28" bl. Guess we'll see.
Yes, the 515139 shortcoming is lube capacity for that long barrel. I generally do not use them. But I pull a bore snake through every 5 or 10 rounds when shooting from the bench. Quick and easy.
I have seen note of a .515" sizer die. I checked both RCBS and Lyman sites and the largest they list is 512". That one, I gave to my brother for his Sharps.
Did you open up a .512"? Both Lyman and RCBS fit the RCBS lube sizers. I suspect the reverse might be true, but I do not know that for a fact.
Buffalo Arms sells custom sizing dies. Mine is a .515" I got from them.
Check out what I'm doing to bump up these 300gr bullets:,56434.0.html (,56434.0.html)
ok now...
received my .515" sizing die and fabricated a punch....sized and lubed up 20 Moose Moulds 516375 Spencer bullets, sized 20 primed JBL .50-95 cases, neck sized to .514", filled 10 cases with 75gr (by weight) of Goex FFFg and 10 cases with 75gr (by weight) of Goex FFG, all powder was measured with a Belding & Mull powder thrower and a 24" drop tube, compressed the loads about .150" or just slightly shorter (about .020") than the distance from the base of the bullet to the crimp groove....seated and roll crimped the bullet to a COL of 2.280"...
saturday will be the chrony/sight in day....stay tuned!!!!
Looking forward to seeing your chrony results. I have not yet run my loads across the speedometer. Stand by for thunder and lightening ;D
Quote from: ndnchf on November 24, 2015, 01:27:33 PM
Looking forward to seeing your chrony results. I have not yet run my loads across the speedometer. Stand by for thunder and lightening ;D
yup, love the "thunder and lightening"...i have a .45-90 Pedersoli Sharps that adds to the fun....pretty good out to 800 yards if i do my job right...500gr paper patched bullet over a ton of Goex FFg....hoot to shoot, that's for certain...
Quote from: wymanwinn on November 24, 2015, 11:07:07 AM
ok now...
received my .515" sizing die and fabricated a punch....sized and lubed up 20 Moose Moulds 516375 Spencer bullets, sized 20 primed JBL .50-95 cases, neck sized to .514", filled 10 cases with 75gr (by weight) of Goex FFFg and 10 cases with 75gr (by weight) of Goex FFG, all powder was measured with a Belding & Mull powder thrower and a 24" drop tube, compressed the loads about .150" or just slightly shorter (about .020") than the distance from the base of the bullet to the crimp groove....seated and roll crimped the bullet to a COL of 2.280"...
saturday will be the chrony/sight in day....stay tuned!!!!
ok, just back from the range and cleaned the 50-95....
with the above FFg load i sighted the rifle at 100 yards off of a rest with these results...
5 shots with rear sight at lowest position on the ramp, 1st sighter was low, moved rear sight up one notch on the ramp, better on 2nd shot but still low, moved sight to middle notch of the ramp and the next three danced on a 8" swinging plate....pretty good IMO...ran a boresnake/windex through the barrel
recoil was pretty mild and quite manageable
5 shots through the CED M2 chrony, 1299, 1303, 1314, 1320, 1308...1308fps avg, 21 extreme spread
ran boresnake/windex through the barrel
with the above FFFg load i again sighted the rifle at 100 yards off of a rest with these results...
5 shots with rear sight at lowest position on the ramp, 1st sighter was slightly low, moved rear sight up one notch on the ramp and bingo....danced around and on the 8" swinging plate....VERY good IMO....liking this as it shoots slightly flatter..ran boresnake/windex through the barrel
recoil was more robust but not overly so, i could probably run 50 rounds through the rifle and feel good...
5 shots through the CED M2 chrony, 1425, 1444, 1439, 1438, 1410...1431 avg, 34 extreme spread...
ran boresnake/windex through the barrel
packed up my gear and headed for the garage to clean the gun thoroughly....not too bad, windex w/vinegar and a couple of passes with a bronze bore brush and 6 windex soaked flannel patches, two dry follow-ups and finally a patch soaked in TriFlow and the barrel was gleaming...!!!
i should also note the the Moose Moiulds 516375 "big lube groove" bullet left a nice lube star on the muzzle....just enough lube for this beauty of a forearm i would say...:)
overall, i will be loading Goex FFFg 75gr by weight, thrown from a Belding & Mull powder thrower!!!!
Great gun, and a VERY good load i would it when it all comes together like this...
ps...had a few "spectators" too....and they too were impressed.....:)))))
Thanks for the detailed report. What alloy and weight are the Moose bullets? That 3F load really moves along, a true express load. Sure glad to hear your first outing was successful.
Quote from: ndnchf on November 28, 2015, 03:23:04 PM
Thanks for the detailed report. What alloy and weight are the Moose bullets? That 3F load really moves along, a true express load. Sure glad to hear your first outing was successful.
~20:1 alloy and 375gr lubed bullet...
Ok - thanks. Keep us appraised of your progress!
Quote from: ndnchf on November 28, 2015, 05:56:15 PM
Ok - thanks. Keep us appraised of your progress!
well, i was so excited about my successes with the .50-95 loads that i went out to my "Cave" and cast up about 200 bullets and lubed/sized them this morning....they are in the wine cooler waiting for another 75 JMB5095 cases....
now i just need a little brighter front sight instead of that skinny black sliver....LOL maybe i will solder a brass bit to the back of the sight blade....!
dang this is fun, can't wait to shoot the beast again...:)))))
How about a Beach combination front sight. I've thought about getting one several times, but not followed through. (
I've given thought to those sights as well. Not being a mathematician, which is the 3/8th dovetail?
I have not measured the front sight dovetail myself, but 3/8" = .375".
Thanks, that's what I thought.
I finally got to the range today and tried out a couple loads at 50 yards.
The .515" swaged out 300gr bullet shot pretty well with swiss 2Ff, about 2.4". Not a target load, but a lot better than they shot at the original .512" diameter.
I tried 36gr of Accurate 5744 under a Lyman 515139. That shot about 2.4" also.
Over the years I've tried APP in various cartridges with so so results. It always seemed inconsistent. So decided to try it with a magnum primer rather than the usual LR primer. That really seemed to make a difference. I loaded 63gr by weight of APP 2F under a Lyman 515139. That put 4 shots under 1.5". It sounded strong with no noticeable difference between shots.
While I like shooting real black and will continue to do so, this was an interesting and unexpected display of what a difference a magnum primer can make with APP. I'm going to explore this further.
Some of the reading I have done about cartridge loading BP has said that magnum primers are the best way to go with black, black substitutes too. I have been shooting Blackhorn 209 in a 45 colt SAA with good results. It makes great smoke and flame and accuracy is acceptable for shooting steel at 25 yards. Cleaning has been easy too. I may have to try some 209 in the 76.
So far I have only shot Trailboss loads in my 1876. Accuracy was 3 to 4 inches offhand at 50yds. I did shoot some of these loads over my chrony. Will have to get the notebook in hand to get the specifics. Finally got some 5744 powder in at my local supplier. Haven't tried that yet. I will be loading some up for the 1876 with it later today.
Ndnchf- I like that front sight you posted a link to. Some where on here you posted something about a rear sight for the 76. A ladder type I believe, maybe Smith industries?
Yes, I added a riflesmith ladder sight. It's an exact copy of the original 1876 Winchester sight. Unfortunately they are no longer in business.
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Can I have yours then? ;) ;D
Gee, I'd love to but I can't find a screwdriver to remove it ;D. Fortunately, there are other tang sight options that will serve quite well.
Quote from: ndnchf on December 29, 2015, 10:44:51 AM
Yes, I added a riflesmith ladder sight. It's an exact copy of the original 1876 Winchester sight. Unfortunately they are no longer in business.
i found and ordered this...
Happy New Year!!!
Quote from: wymanwinn on December 30, 2015, 01:27:29 PM
i found and ordered this...
Happy New Year!!!
That's a nice sight, but I thought you were looking for a tang sight ??? My original 1873 carbine wears the same original sight on its barrel. Let us know how it works out for you.
Quote from: ndnchf on December 30, 2015, 03:01:05 PM
That's a nice sight, but I thought you were looking for a tang sight ??? My original 1873 carbine wears the same original sight on its barrel. Let us know how it works out for you.
you are correct ndnchf, i was looking for a tang sight....but on recollection, decided that the Hoke tang sight on my Pedersoli Sharps would be enough for long distance....and figuring that the 50-95 is prolly only decent to 125-150 yards that the ladder would suffice...
i say "the guy is out to lunch" on this....but i do like to play about...:)
Happy New Year to you and yours!
That looks exactly like the sight that WAS on my Browning 1886. Sporting a Buckhorn now, much better. The ad says exactly like every model EXCEPT the 76? Well, good luck with it.
Ok got it. I hope it works out for you. My original '73 shoots pretty good with that sight.
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Quote from: ndnchf on December 30, 2015, 04:00:40 PM
Ok got it. I hope it works out for you. My original '73 shoots pretty good with that sight.
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VERY nice....your 73 is a 44wcf i assume...!!!
i have an original in 44scf and 38wcf....both very nice pieces, but i rarely if ever shoot them....
I did some chrono testing with my .50/95 last time Taylor and I were out. Didn't get to shoot for groups, but ran some over the 'clock' with both GOEX 3F and Swiss 1 1/2F and the 300gr. .512" Buffalo bullet, using the 34" droi tuvbe
85.0gr. 1 1/2Swiss: Fed210 primer: 1/10" compression: 1,580fps
78.0gr. 3F GOEX::: Fed 210 primer: 1/10" compression: 1,650fps
edited - 3F not 2F GOEX
Some I did a while back. I haven't shot much for groups yet either.
350 GR. Buffalo Arms .512 16 gr. Trail-boss avg. 1162.5 fps.
330 GR. Buffalo Arms .512 26.5 gr. AA5744 avg. 1185 fps.
330 GR. Buffalo Arms .512 27 gr. AA5744 avg. 1237 fps.
330 GR. Buffalo Arms .512 27.5 gr. AA5744 avg. 1261 fps.
455 GR. Montana .513 16 gr. Trail-boss avg. 1055 fps.
455 GR. Montana .513 32.1 gr IMR4227 avg. 1394 fps.
all averages from 5 shot strings
federal LRP
So far, my handloads using the 368gr. Lyman mould, #515139AQ are:
56.0gr. H4895 Fed 210 ---- 1,626fps.
52.0gr. IMR3031 Fed 210 - 1,700fps.
52.0gr. AmmoMart 44N Fed 210 - 1,650fps. Note this powder is marked - use IMR3031 data. In appearance, it looks like H4895, but with blacker, slightly smaller granuals. It burns much more cleanly than either IMR3031 or H4895. It seems quite accurate and since I have a few pounds of it, I am going after that 1,000 meter buffalo with it, this summer.
Further to that old post, here is some data I found and had written down - I do not remember where I got this from, so here it is, anyway.
This data is for the Uberti model 1876 .50/95. No make or brass nor primers used, is mentioned.
This is the data I was sort-of following/extrapolating my data from.
I also don't remember where I got this list from.
I also recall Uberti saying these actions are MUCH stronger than people give them credit for.
Note, this data is mostly jacketed bullets, which are undersized to our rifles - as far as I know.
339gr. Cast Ten-X Factory??? - 1,477fps.
300gr. Barnes FN - 53.3gr. 5744 - 1,657fps
------------------ 60.7gr. H4895 - 1,744fps
------------------ 47.2gr. IMR4198 - 1,815fps
------------------ 60.3gr. VN133 - 1,819fps- MAX
------------------ 52.7gr. IMR4198 - 2,057fps
------------------ 62.8gr. 2015 - 2,126fps
450gr. Barnes FN - 46.4gr. H4895 - 1,336fps
------------------ 32.1gr. IMR4227 - 1,363fps
------------------ 35.8gr. IMR4198 - 1,370fps
------------------ 45.3gr. IMR3031 - 1,456fps
------------------ 46.7gr. VN133 - 1,402fps
------------------ 50.5gr. H4895 - 1,473fps
------------------ 48.8gr. IMR3031 1,582fps
Has anyone shot the Jamieson 50-95 win out of any of their Ubertis???
While in the process of working up a load for my hotly anticipated Presidio model's arrival, I had been researching etc loads for this caliber. While searching out powders and bullet weights I decided to take one of the Jamieson cartridges and pull the head in order to get some info on what their loading might be. Although I thought it would be a long shot to identify the powder I actually caught a very unexpected break in that regard!
There is very little doubt in my mind that the powder they are using is in fact HODGENS "Trail Boss" ! I was surprised to see that because I didn't think that powder was very conducive to such a large case much less in such an old timey caliber. I looked into its use in rifle cartridges and in fact they have a loading for the 45-70 "Trapdoor". As many of us know the Trapdoor is considered the weakest action in that caliber and hence is loaded significantly less than more robust firearms.
So........ the loading they are using is a 350 grain lead bullet in front of 18-18.2 grains of the Trail Boss. I say 18-18.2 because the scale actually showed .2 and I figure it was meant to use an even 18 grains. This 18 grains , however, seems to be at the HIGH end of the loading spectrum and I am wondering what anyone on this board may think about this information. Right now I have a bunch of 365 grain lead bullets but I don't think I want to load them up with 18 grains. I'm thinking firstly lets see how the Jamieson rounds work in the soon to be had new rifle and then maybe look at loading 14-16 grains behind the 365 grain (.515 dia. I believe) lead that I have recently received.
I'd love to get some feedback on all of this and would appreciate any worthwhile "musings" regarding same........ thanks!
the Jamieson brass is what i use, with 1f black powder, compressed, fiber wad, std. primer, ideal 512138 430 gr. cast bullet. the combo prints nice 100yd groups and with the original style repro tang sight, able to consistently hit a 14" gong at 200 yards. never tried for a group at 50 yds.
You're using a 430 grain bullet?!?!?!?
yes sir fine with the 1-48" twist. plus this ideal mold has the large black powder grease grooves. no leading, lube star on muzzle.
it is not the the express load of the original, but Uberti chose the rifling twist, and the little 300/350 grain pellets never seemed to work for me at 100 yds. a little less powder in case but, really makes no difference in performance.......sounds good going off too!
Quickie update:
So I took the Presidio Carbine out to the range for fun this weekend. Shot about 10 rounds of the Jamieson 50-95 win commercial loading and it was surprisingly mild. I was hitting the paper a little high, around 6 inches ( maybe even a bit higher) or so at 50 yards. I may have posted previously, that it seems the load they are using is 18-18.2 grains of "Trail Boss" behind a 350 grain lead bullet. I have very limited experience with this powder and was wondering what others here on the board think about the load they used. It seems that the recommended loading for a 45-70 Gov't is about max of 16-16.5 grains. That is recommended for the weak action "Trapdoor" models.
Also, I loaded a few of my own with a 365 grain lead bullet propelled by 41 grain of IMR 4198 . I found this loading has been used to great effect here on the "presidio" thread and decided to reduce the loading used by another cowpoke here just to be a bit conservative. The results were certainly a more "stout" load and recoil. But it shot a little bit lower at 50 yards and certainly closer to the point of aim. What was also interesting is that when I aimed at a piece of a clay "bird" at 100 yards I hit it dead on! Perfect!!! so this load is certainly worth giving some further investigation on. I may even try a heavier bullet.
I am going to pour through these boards in this regard to loading this caliber and then return to Mike Venturino's book on loading for Lever Action Rifles. If I understood how to post photos I'd post my targets for show and tell. But so far I haven't figured out how to post photos just yet. Thanks to all for the postings and help in this forum!
Quote from: frimath on September 12, 2017, 03:24:42 PM
Quickie update:
So I took the Presidio Carbine out to the range for fun this weekend. Shot about 10 rounds of the Jamieson 50-95 win commercial loading and it was surprisingly mild. I was hitting the paper a little high, around 6 inches ( maybe even a bit higher) or so at 50 yards. I may have posted previously, that it seems the load they are using is 18-18.2 grains of "Trail Boss" behind a 350 grain lead bullet. I have very limited experience with this powder and was wondering what others here on the board think about the load they used. It seems that the recommended loading for a 45-70 Gov't is about max of 16-16.5 grains. That is recommended for the weak action "Trapdoor" models.
Also, I loaded a few of my own with a 365 grain lead bullet propelled by 41 grain of IMR 4198 . I found this loading has been used to great effect here on the "presidio" thread and decided to reduce the loading used by another cowpoke here just to be a bit conservative. The results were certainly a more "stout" load and recoil. But it shot a little bit lower at 50 yards and certainly closer to the point of aim. What was also interesting is that when I aimed at a piece of a clay "bird" at 100 yards I hit it dead on! Perfect!!! so this load is certainly worth giving some further investigation on. I may even try a heavier bullet.
I am going to pour through these boards in this regard to loading this caliber and then return to Mike Venturino's book on loading for Lever Action Rifles. If I understood how to post photos I'd post my targets for show and tell. But so far I haven't figured out how to post photos just yet. Thanks to all for the postings and help in this forum!
posting pics is easy - when you are here writing - just go out the left lower corner of the text box and theres a button sez Additional options - hit that - up comes a little bitty menu with Attach : Browse - hit the browse box takes you into your computer to find whatever pic you wanna post - just click it an its done - itll show down below when its right - - at the other end take pic with phone and email to yrself from the phone - that puts it on the puter ........ the kids or grankids would have a way smarter way that tha to do it all but it works
Have just completed loading 50/95 cal. Jamison brass for the 9th. time , without any brass failure . Bp. was used in all loadings . How many times are you 50/95 shooters getting out of your brass ?,,,,,DT
yes, i am at 9-10-11 reloads myself with the jamison brass. have not had a split yet. i basically just neck size mine by leaving the die 1 turn short of touching the shell holder. the uberti chamber neck is in a different place than the rcbs die. my loads now are doing real well at 200yds, so am very pleased. 1f powder and .060 fiber wad, std. primer. will eventually try the 1 1/2f next.
montana territory
Same here KW1876 , all I do is neck size enough to get a good bullet grip leaving the shoulder out of the sizing , then crimp after bullet seating . Works for me and does not overwork the brass . ,,,DT
Hodgdon's Trail Boss works reasonably well in all normal rifle ctgs. and will not produce pressures, it seems, over about 28,000psi - and pressures that high seems only in the large case, small bore rounds like the .300 magnums shooting 180gr. jacketed bullets.
A full case of it (6" drop tube) in my wildcat .375 - 80gr. capacity case, with a 310gr. cast bullet, produced only 1,380fps and no pressure to speak of - go-pow - load, like a very soft cast bullet load.
I've used 15gr. TB in a .45/60 (.45 1.9") chambered Sharps with 385gr. cast with no problems and 1 1/2" to 2" accuracy at 100 meters off the bags. It was a 100% loading to the bottom of the bullet. I was able to seat the bullet out to about the same
OAL as a normal. .45/70 due to the 3/8" leade (throat) I put in my chamber.
In the .50/95 Uberti for a top load, quite safe in the 76's - likely new or old, 100% to the base of a seated bullet is the max. load. It will be a go-pow load, with very low pressure, likely under or at 20,000psi and might produce about 1,150fps - with about any bullet weight.
I just uploaded and printed off a chart of "Modern Uberti 1876 ONLY, 28" barrel" data:
Pressures calculated using Quick-Load, running from 20,000psi starting loads to 26,000psi for the maximum loads.,%20Uberti%201876.pdf
This data is for cast 339gr. as well as 300gr. and 450gr. jacketed ammo, using Bertram brass and Federal 215 magnum primers.
I am going to start using 5744 as I was able to find 3 pounds of it and will start at 38.0gr. and work from there, with my 368gr. Lyman mound.
I expect 1,600fps for the starting load and perhaps 1,700fps for a working max.
Last summer, I was able to get into the dirt underneath our 1,000meter buffalo target with my last 3 rounds. I use a Smith sight.
This is the sight, available from Smith in Oregon or from Brownells - same price, $169.00. The detents between the 100yard marks make for repeatable sight settings for long range shooting. I was using 52.0gr. N44 AmmoMart powder, with the 368gr. Lyman bullet, for 1,650fps with a thin beer-box card wad between powder and bullet, Fed 210 primers. My rifle likes this load and those last 3 rounds at the 1000metre buffalo appeared to drop into about a 3 to 4 foot group. Next summer, I'll ring that fellow. 4' x 8' buffalo He has no legs below the knees and is mounted, hanging on chains, so he rings with a bullet hit. Brother Taylor got on him with his .50/90 Sharps, 600gr. Buffalo Arms bullet and 91gr. Swiss 1 1/2.
Loading for the 24" 1876 Winchester with original tools . The loads feed and shoot very well in the little short rifle . Bullet cast with WW dropped @ .513 @ 331 gr. SPG lube , 86 gr. Swiss FFg , Winchester LR primer , Jamison case . That oughta kill a boar !,,,DT
Quote from: dusty texian on April 24, 2018, 11:27:32 AMThat oughta kill a boar !,,,DT
Only one way to find out! Post pic's of boar and rifle together!
King do you really want me to put my 76 on one of them stinky old boars ? ,,,,DT
Yes! Yes I do! ;D
Well if you put it that way , Ok then ,,,,,DT
I don't think we'll have to wait long for a photo ;D
Well???? We're waiting!!! ;)
The pressure ! The pressure !!!!! ,,,,DT
Quote from: frimath on September 06, 2017, 04:06:38 PM
You're using a 430 grain bullet?!?!?!?
Couple years ago (has it been that long?) when I bought my 76 in .50/95, I first tried a shortened Lyman 515141 mould that I had cobbled up for my 42" twist .50/70 Sharps Carbine.(original 1859 barrel - lined and chambered by Sharps)
"The shortened #515141's, weighing from a low of 410gr. to a maximum of 420gr. I lubed them by hand, with a mix. of 60% (good) beeswax, 40" Vaseline which had worked for me, for 20years or more, smokeless or black powder. I made 2 deliberate, 5 shot groups, off the bags (resting the back of my left hand on the bench-rest's bag) ran a horizontal group 3 1/2" wide C to C and only 1 5/8" high, then the nasty, gusting cross wind shifted, to directly behind us & gusting making a group 2.9" C to C and only 2.3" wide."
This was the only time I have deliberately shot paper with this rifle. I have since mounted the Smith Enterprises ladder sight I pictured on a previous page.
With that sight & the 44N powder load f 52gr. + 368gr. Lyman 515139 (1,650fps), I got into the dirt underneath our 1,000 meter buffalo.
This was after hitting the 200 and 300 meter 16" x 14" AR500 plates. I ran out of ammo and promised myself I'd hit that buffalo this summer. I have some ammo loaded (same load) and a rough idea where to set the slide and yes - it is near the top. Have to be careful or the heal of the butt really digs into the collar bone.
Quote from: King Medallion on April 24, 2018, 05:14:30 PM
Only one way to find out! Post pic's of boar and rifle together!
Here Ya Go King M. Shot was at 50 yd . Hog dropped in its tracks .,,,DT
Been trying to find/ buy some 50-95 win brass but it's either not available or crazy expensive , more than ever before. I've read some postings about alternative brass and 50 Alaskan came up............I could use some help and recommendations. Thanks John
Quote from: frimath on December 15, 2018, 03:54:38 PM
Been trying to find/ buy some 50-95 win brass but it's either not available or crazy expensive , more than ever before. I've read some postings about alternative brass and 50 Alaskan came up............I could use some help and recommendations. Thanks John
dang! over $4 a case....AND not even available....glad i got mine when i did....:)
Quote from: frimath on December 15, 2018, 03:54:38 PM
Been trying to find/ buy some 50-95 win brass but it's either not available or crazy expensive , more than ever before. I've read some postings about alternative brass and 50 Alaskan came up............I could use some help and recommendations. Thanks John
I think most of us with these 76's are gonna have to get used to converted brass --- 348 w, 50 Alaskan, 50/110 W, all share same parentage - My Uberti 45/75 functions flawlessly with converted 348 brass .... 50/95 from 50 Alaskan should work well
I made a trim die setup for the lathe (didnt own a good case trimmer at the time)
Well......... I ordered up 100pc of 50 Alaskan for use in my Uberti 50-95 win. Other than cutting the new brass down to the overall length of the 50-95 win. Is there anything else I need to do?!?!
Also, is there anyone stocking lead bullets to use in this caliber? I've got a new set of dies coming so now the only thing I'm lacking is 300-330 grain lead a .510-.515 dia range ....I thought maybe Buff Arms Co. Might stock them but their website is just awful to deal with and find anything. Graf & Sons only had gas checked lead bullets............
Midway USA list the 300 gr. @ .510 ( Montana Precision Swaging ) bullet as available . It looks like a good bullet . ,,DT
Quote from: frimath on February 14, 2019, 08:42:21 PM
Well......... I ordered up 100pc of 50 Alaskan for use in my Uberti 50-95 win. Other than cutting the new brass down to the overall length of the 50-95 win. Is there anything else I need to do?!?!
Also, is there anyone stocking lead bullets to use in this caliber? I've got a new set of dies coming so now the only thing I'm lacking is 300-330 grain lead a .510-.515 dia range ....I thought maybe Buff Arms Co. Might stock them but their website is just awful to deal with and find anything. Graf & Sons only had gas checked lead bullets............
seeing that you also have aUberti 50-95 is i would strongly suggest you slug the bore...i bought my Uberti 1876 50-95 centennial from Buffalo Arms and they stated the bore was .509....WRONG is slugged out at .514...i bought their suggested ammo for it and could not hit the barn standing in the doorway....cast my own 375 grain Spencer bullet from Moose Molds at .515-.516, sized them to .515 and wonder of all wonders...could easily group them on a 12" steel target at 100yards....
slug your bore THEN purchase reloading goods....
btw, Buff Arms was amazed that i even thought about slugging the bore....WTF!!!
50 Alaskan brass! Well I got it from Starline and now I?m ready to cut it down ( uniformly) but it?s 99 pcs left . I ordered an RCBS die for the 50-70 but the 50 Alaskan will only go in about a quarter of the way in. I thought I would either use a Dremel tool or a file to cut the brass down but no good. My Wilson case trimmer cutter is not wide enough to cut the 50 cal diameter so I?m quickly out of options and could use some advice.
Fwiw, I annealed the first piece of brass I used after hand cutting it and then lubed I and it went right into the FL resized die and came out with the slight bottle neck that is needed. Should I continue to anneal the remaining cases or can I bypass that step? I?m so close and I really want to get out and shoot this baby again but I need help. Thanks in advance compadres!
If you want to keep your brass, I sure would take the time and anneal those cases. That may cost a bit of time on your part but in the long run, you will have what you want and those cases will last. Just remember to anneal them after about 5-10 times of shooting and they will be well worth it in the long run. You can force the cases in without annealing but you will most likely ruin some.I fireformed and annealed all my 45-75 cases and am still using them.
Quote from: frimath on October 14, 2019, 01:19:51 PM
50 Alaskan brass! Well I got it from Starline and now I?m ready to cut it down ( uniformly) but it?s 99 pcs left . I ordered an RCBS die for the 50-70 but the 50 Alaskan will only go in about a quarter of the way in. I thought I would either use a Dremel tool or a file to cut the brass down but no good. My Wilson case trimmer cutter is not wide enough to cut the 50 cal diameter so I?m quickly out of options and could use some advice.
Fwiw, I annealed the first piece of brass I used after hand cutting it and then lubed I and it went right into the FL resized die and came out with the slight bottle neck that is needed. Should I continue to anneal the remaining cases or can I bypass that step? I?m so close and I really want to get out and shoot this baby again but I need help. Thanks in advance compadres!
Do you have a lathe???
whip up a little "depth guage jig" attached to the side of a copper pipe cutter.
using tight fitting dowling in the brass, cut the brass down with the pipe cutter.
that will manage the heavy lifting and can be quite accurate.
then anneal, size, etc
good luck
prf mvl
Professor! Thanks for the deceptively simple fix! I like the idea of the copper tube pipe cutter , I even have one.
Is it best to fireform the cases and THEN anneal them or..............anneal them first and then load them and fireform them?
I know that this probably don't apply to your 50-95 but the way I did it for my 45-75 was to cut and trim and fire form and then anneal the cases. I know this was quite some time ago and most likely left something out but I believe that this was the way that I think that I did it. also, about every 5 or 10 shots, I clean and re-anneal the brass. That keeps them healthy for a bit longer before they start to crack and whatnot. After all these cases-no matter what the caliber, are damn pricey--IF you can even get any now. So I hope that this tidbit helps you.
Soooooooooooooo! Just an update and my first attempt to download some photos. The good news is that I?ve learned how to use the 50 Alaskan brass to make 50-95 Win , YIPPEE !!! I used the little pipe cutter recommended and a brass rod as a support while cutting. I measured with a micrometer and marked the casing and then cut. Thereafter I ran them through a cutoff die and anything higher than the die I filed down ( not a great consistent measurement but it?ll do for now). Thereafter I ran them through the FL resize die and got a verrrrrrrrrrry slight bottle neck that inserted just fine unto my Uberti Model 1876 Presido model 50-95. Thereafter , I annealed them all, and reloaded with about 10 grains of unique and a wax wad and fired them formed them ( kind of.....🤔) and the bottleneck was ever so slightly more apparent. I will try to post photos here.....
If I did this right the first photo should show the original casing that came with the rifle i( is on the right) and the one on the left is the casing cut down and run through the resize die......the second photo shows the original casing in front and the rest behind it are resized and annealed........don?t remember now if they were ? fireformed? with the wax wad or not.........more to follow
Here is the original casing on the right and the newly cut casing on the left.....
Here is the newly formed casing on the left after it was run through the resize die.....
Soooooooooooooo..........after filling them with 10 grains of unique and using a wax wad, I proceeded to tumble them again and then reload as proper ......first with 41 grains of IMR 4198 with a 350 grain .510 dia lead bullet ( spg lubed) and see attached photo........they look pretty nice actually.......
After loading the smokeless powder I then proceeded to reload several different BP loads.......from 71 grains of FFG to 76 grains of FFG and used a Remington 9 1/2 magnum primer ....... the load had to be compressed and I just barely fit the 76 grains into the case. Someone recommended a load of 86 grains but that was going to go into case without spilling over onto the reloading bench......ugh :(
The good news is that once fired with the normal leadings the cases looked fabulous! Nice bottlenecks and they fed flawlessly and ejected/extracted flawlessly. So THAT was a WIN! However, the accuracy was disgustingly terrible........ ???.......... :D. See newest photo of newly bottlenecked casings!
I know from my initial experience in shooting this rifle and posting my experiences here previously that I was pretty happy with the initial reloads and at that time ? factory? loading available at that time for this Presidio carbine. However, as the targets will attest the loads brought in a ? spread? rather than a ? grouping ? at 50 yards...........
New to the 50-95 game. I have acquired an original 76, with a new barrel. I see a lot of posts about the Uberti and using BP and Bertram brass. My question is, I understand the original Winchester 76 had a larger diameter case rim than the new reproduction rifles and the new Bertram brass has this smaller rim and not well suited for the original 76. Is this true? I found a supplier of 50-95 brass (reformed ) that has the alleged proper, and thus larger, .628 diameter rim. Has anyone ever used the Bertram brass in an original 76?
The brass I have found is less expensive than Bertram, so it also has that going for it.
Thank you
Howdy ! I'd like to thank the admins for adding me . This is the most info on the '76 50-95 I have been able to find . I bought mine in the hopes of using it for the cartridge shoot in our BP Rendezvous . I've made a number of attempts , with less than good results . I intially bought all the loading supplies from Buffalo Arms , which was difficult to get into Canada , but through the help of Rusty Wood shooting supplies I managed to get , A box of loaded rounds , 20 extra brass, the RCBS dies , and a 350 gr RCBS bullet mould , a box of 50 lubed 325 grn bullets . I first started to load with FFFg , 75 grn, with a card wad on top of the powder , and a light compression , then stepped up to 85 grn powder , with more compression , but it was leaving a ring around the top of the bullet , so I went to a 2' brass drop tube , and that went fine . Now I am using my cast bullets , but they dont seat far enough down , even though it crimps on the proper ring , they seem to jam up in the action . I further checked against an older load with the lighter bullet ,and found the new ones to be too long . Anyone know of a company that makes a case trimmer for this round ?
Just seat them in to the proper overall length. If it is sitting atop the compressed powder charge, you dont have to use the crimp groove. Just crimp it over the front band. It's not going to telescope. I wouldn't shorten the brass. But if you really want to. The Lyman universal trimmer works. On mine it took maybe 30 seconds with a Dremel to open up the chuck just a smidge to allow a 50 to fit in.
Its time to blow the dust off this thread ! So who's been shooting their .50-95 lately? Tell us about your loads and how they are doing.
I decided to do something I've wanted to do for a while - cut down a Lee 515 450 mold to use in several of my .50 cal. rifles. This is nothing new, the Spencer guys have been doing this for years with both the 450gr and 500gr Lee molds. Have any of you tried this? I'm always up to learn from others ;D
The newer Lee molds have the handles staked in place and use a left-hand sprue plate screw. The staked handles means the mold can't be set up in a lathe to be shortened as others have done. But, it can easily be set up in a milling machine. After taking careful measurements from a stock 515 450 mold and bullet, I determined that it needed .175" taken off the base to remove one band and one grease groove. It was a pretty straight forward operation.
I cast up a batch using 20-1 alloy. They came out at about 352gr. I'm haven't loaded any yet, but looking forward to giving them a try. I may cut down a 500gr mold too and see how it works, they are cheap enough. If it doesn't work, no big loss. This shows both the stock and modified bullet and mold.
I would be interested in how accurate they shoot @ 50- 100 yds.,, don't have a 50-90 , but might work for other cals. ,, good looking work ( I have a mini mill ).
coffee's ready ,, Hootmix.
I have a .50-45 rolling block carbine and a Spencer rifle that shoots the same cartridge. I plan to try it in all of them.
Regarding the cut down Lee mold I mentioned above. Out of concern about the small meplat and possible contact with a primer. I made up a simple rig to swage the bullet nose down a little, enlarging the meplat. Its just a .514" bullet sizing die, a 1/2" fine thread bolt and lock nuts. Put a bullet in the die with the bolt on top. Press it down until it stops on the nut. Ta-Daa - s slightly shorter bullet with a nice wide meplat, sized and ready to load.
Quote from: ndnchf on September 08, 2020, 06:41:42 PM
Regarding the cut down Lee mold I mentioned above. Out of concern about the small meplat and possible contact with a primer. I made up a simple rig to swage the bullet nose down a little, enlarging the meplat. Its just a .514" bullet sizing die, a 1/2" fine thread bolt and lock nuts. Put a bullet in the die with the bolt on top. Press it down until it stops on the nut. Ta-Daa - s slightly shorter bullet with a nice wide meplat, sized and ready to load.
Thank you!!!! this is one of those "why didnt I think of it ideas" ------I have been fooling with the LEE 459-5003R for ages - like the boolit because of the lube it carries - and the BC is fantastic - but its an unstable thing out around 400yrds - little bit of wind will turn it upside down - lots of blokes have tried it and all tell the same story throw that mold they say................................. more to this story that is right now starting to make sense
I swaged the nose of 25 of the cut down Lee mold bullets. Then loaded them up over 77gr of Swiss 2F. The nose is still a little long so I had to seat it .420" into the case. That was right to the end of the neck. So I didn't use a card wad. The powder was compressed .175". I have no idea how it will shoot, but its fun to try.
The photo shows a bullet from the original Lee 515 450 mold, a bullet from the same mold cut down to 350gr. Then that builet's nose swaged, doubling the size of the meplat. Then the completed cartridge.
Quote from: ndnchf on September 11, 2020, 07:49:15 PM
I swaged the nose of 25 of the cut down Lee mold bullets. Then loaded them up over 77gr of Swiss 2F. The nose is still a little long so I had to seat it .420" into the case. That was right to the end of the neck. So I didn't use a card wad. The powder was compressed .175". I have no idea how it will shoot, but its fun to try.
The photo shows a bullet from the original Lee 515 450 mold, a bullet from the same mold cut down to 350gr. Then that builet's nose swaged, doubling the size of the meplat. Then the completed cartridge.
Wow!! that loaded round is about as perfect profile as a winchester round can get - classy!!
I got to the range today and tried the modified Lee 350 bullet discussed above. Cataracts are making it difficult to see the target, so I tested it at 50 yards. There were a few that went wide, no doubt my fault. But overall I'm pleased with the results and will continue testing.
Big Holes!
I cast up another batch of the Lee 515 350 bullets, this time in 30-1 alloy. I then swaged some of them down to get that that nice broad meplat. It is a bit labor intensive to make them. First I size and lube them. I think having the lube grooves filled before swaging keeps the grooves from deforming. So after sizing and lubing, I remove the sizing die and take it over to the arbor press and then swage each bullet.
I don't know if they are any better than other available bullets or molds, but I like the swaged profile and large grooves. It is fun to try something new ;D
I got back to the range a few days ago. Three loads were tested with the cut down and swaged Lee bullet. 50.5gr of BH209, 61.0gr of APP 3F and 32.0gr of 5744. They all seemed to shoot well, but cataracts make it a challenge to see the target clearly. So some of the error is surely my own doing.
Has anyone tried these 276gr bullets from Blue Falcon? They are a little lighter than the original 300gr bullets. But Im thinking of trying them.
Got out and shot a a few different loads through the 50-95 today. The 91 grains of Goex cartridge, WLRM primer, .030 Wad, and 51-350CL sized .512 and lubed with SPG did pretty well. Still only good for 5 rounds or so before fouling becomes an issue as it doesn't hold quite enough lube. Also got some Old Eynseford FFG and tried that, it didnt shoot well at all so I will keep trying with it as it seems to foul a little less, Pyrodex RS was all over the place and seems like a waste of time. RL7 and 5744 seem to shoot well but there is much less recoil than any of my BP loads, I need to drag the chronograph along next time and see what the velocities are doing.
I still have a little Goex Cartridge grade. I've tried it it in quite a few different cartridges, but never got great accuracy from it. Goex 2F, old E. 2F or Swiss 1.5 have all performed better. Not sure why. But I guess there is a reason why it was discontinued.
Have you tried IMR4198? My 45/75 loves it.
Yes, I've found 41.0gr of H4198 to be very accurate with a Rapine 350 bullet. But I prefer the smokey stuff.
Bought me some Jamison 50-95 new brass today. Guess I gotta buy a rifle for them. And one in 40/60 too. Dang-it. ;)
Quote from: King Medallion on November 18, 2020, 04:05:46 PM
Bought me some Jamison 50-95 new brass today. Guess I gotta buy a rifle for them. And one in 40/60 too. Dang-it. ;)
I Wondered about that - saw some on an Aussie site yesterday Jamison headstamp AU$110 for a box of 20 --- new bloke took over our main BP supplier - good marksman better at markup some say .................. maybe he is at the money - see other adds around U$80+ per box and marked out of stock. ????
Think I would have to go with the Starline 50 Alaskan (cheap I am) but one box of that Jamison --------sitting folorn and lonely on the shelf for a couple of years ??? maybe that would call a rifle in?
Got 120 pieces of virgin Jamison 50/95 brass today. I'm on the lookout for a Uberti rifle in said caliber, I see a couple Presidio's on gunbroker, kinda pricey.
Anyway, today's question. What dies are you big 50 guys using? Also what shell holder? The vast majority of my dies are Lyman, I'd like to stick with that if possible, if not, well gotta go with what I can get. I tried a .50 in 45/75 shell holder and it fits fine, as does the 40/60 brass. That one is a Lyman #36. Oddly the .50 did not fit in my Lee shell holder, which is #23. That one was a regular holder that I modified a bit to fit my lee hand held priming tool, the older round good one. Anyway, I'm rambling.
CH4D dies, RCBS #31 shell holder.
So, 1 that is reloading this caliber. I got a #31 shell holder and modified it to fit my Lee hand held primer tool.
I'm really leaning towards getting a Uberti Presidio. Reading this thread, I have to ask if all Uberti Chambers in 50-95 are not created equal? What would the differences be that dictates the use of CH4D or Lee or Lyman or RCBS dies?
Check out this post from 2009. I commented about the differences. I've been pleased with the CH4D dies.
I bought a Uberti/Stoeger off of a online auction earlier this year, I have no idea what year it was produced. I bought the RCBS dies (on a whim hadn't found this web site) and they work just fine in my rifle. I use 50 Alaskan cases, trim to length, run them through the full length sizer, load and fire. I noticed that there is very little difference in my cases after firing, and after being sized after firing so I just use a deprime tool, and skip sizing all together after the first firing. Most of my cases have probably been fired 8 to 10 times each and I haven't had a neck split yet.
My uberti bore measures 0.516". Using Alaskan cases, with a custom bullet mold at 0.517", did not work out in the CH dies. Their seater die inside neck diameter is 0.532". The ID of my rifles chamber neck is 0.537". The Alaskan case with a 517 bullet has an OD 0.536. BUT if i run those thru the the CH seater die the neck gets gets squeezed to the 0.532, effectively reducing the bullet diameter to 0.512. Needless to say the rifle would not group into anything less than 6 inches at 50 yards. Instead of using the CH die, I am using a 50-70 seater die.
Using other cases to form brass was problematic because of two things. The neck thickness of those various cases are thicker than Jamison brass, which is what CH used as a basis (although TenX will work, but they are too short). The other issue is my bore diameter is too large.
I have a short story of trials and tribulations with this rifle i will share at a later date. Those barrels Uberti uses - adapted muzzleloading barrels.
SiringoMN - Welcome aboard! Sorry to hear you've had such difficulties. Did you mean to say .516" groove diameter, not bore diameter? If .516" is your bore size, then I'd expect groove size to be in the .524" - .526" range which would be exceedingly large. My rifle runs .5136" groove size. I shoot bullets either .514" or .515". I tried some .512" bullets at one time with poor results. Ive mostly used 30-1 alloy Rapine 350 bullets, but recently loaded some 16-1 to see how that does. It is an ongoing journey!
Yes - groove diameter.
Has anyone tried Pyrodex P? I have used that powder in my muzzleloading 50 caliber bullet gun with good results?
Quote from: ndnchf on October 10, 2020, 05:36:22 PM
Has anyone tried these 276gr bullets from Blue Falcon? They are a little lighter than the original 300gr bullets. But Im thinking of trying them.
I think I'm going to get a box, just so I have something to shoot in my new Presidio.
I never did get around to ordering those. Let us know how they work for you.
If I ever get the damn rifle. So far, payment was delivered last Thursday, the 24th. Still no notification of payment received or shipping info as of today, the 28th. Same story with dies. I understand it's the holidays, but....
I guess I shouldn't be in a big hurry, won't be out shooting anyway. I'm a fair weather shooter nowadays. Still, I want it!
I feel your frustration. I ordered reloadable 32 rimfire cases over 2 weeks ago for another project. They are still sitting in a USPS distribution center. Grrr..
I'm re re re re re-reading the thread again, I'm seeing the alloy used is 20:1. I'm adding that to my things to get. Shopping around I see that there are bars of this pre mixed/made. Is that how you guy buy your lead? Seems like the easy way to go for a beginner like me.
I've bought pre-alloyed lead when I see it at a good price. But more often, I mix my own. 30 minutes ago I finished a 30-1 alloy casting session using an antique .38 S&W mold and a Rapine 515350. This batch was made from 6lbs of WW, 6lbs pure lead and 6.2oz of tin. That comes out to about 30-1. Ive seen no real difference between 20-1 and 30-1 in my rifle.
Another 1st for me today. I slugged the bore of my new Presidio .50/95, and it measures .513. I used a fishing sinker bought specifically for this job. Funny how the first hunk of lead through the bore is going the wrong way! ;D
Mine is .5137", pretty close. I use .514 or. 515 bullets. Both work equally well.
Dies arrived today! Time to make some bowwits!
Awesome - get hot ;D ;D
Please forgive my ignorance. And also it's great to be a part of this great page and to be amongst all the vast knowledge here. So I am extremely new at reloading 50-95 express. So new that I have not done it yet . I have reloaded 45 colt and 45 ACP for about a year and love it. Anyhow back to the subject. I found some 50 Alaska brass at Wild West Guns (store) in Alaska, I bought that and a set of 50 Alaskan 3 die set made by hornady. Got an RCBS case trimmer bought the appropriate shell holder. Found some 50 caliber cast bullets 450 grain, diameter is .512. I'm trying to figure out what the case length of the 50 Alaskan brass needs to be? I have a 28 inch barrel Stoger 1876 made in 2019. Tried to call Uberti and couldn't get anyone. Called Cimmaron and they told me the bore diameter of the rifle is .507 from the bottom of the grooves. So would this bullet work? Will the 50 Alaska. Does work? And what should the case length be? 1.92-1.94? I'm really confused and any info is greatly appreciated.
Case length should be 1.920". The .50 Alaskan cases have a smaller rim. Ive never used them, but other have. Is your rifle made by Uberti? If so, groove diameter is likely larger than .507". You can't go by what someone else says it should be, each rifle is different. You need to slug your barrel to find out what it is. Generally speaking, soft bullets of groove size up to .002" over work well. Even soft bullets .001" under groove size may work well with black powder. But you need to slug your barrel and go from there. Mine is .5136" I shoot .514" and 515" bullets.
Thank you very much Sir. I did slug the barrel and the widest spot was .514
So I ordered the 51-350CL from Tom at I appreciate the case length specifications. My next question is will I need the RCBS legacy 3 die set for 50-95 or will the 50 Alaskan dies work? I'm thinking I will need the 50-95 dies for sizing? Again thanks for all the tips and help.
Yes, you will need 50/95 dies.
Yes, use the proper dies. I use these.
Does Lee make a Factory Crimp Die for 50/95? I don't see it listed on their site.
Don't think so. Ive found the ch4d dies to work fine.
Quote from: King Medallion on January 21, 2021, 04:31:42 PM
Does Lee make a Factory Crimp Die for 50/95? I don't see it listed on their site.
A friend tried to order a set and Lee advised they don't make one for that size of cartridge. I think their web site says the will make them up to .501 diameter (S&W magnum).
A few years ago Bernie Rowles made me a .50-70 collet crimp die that works great. Maybe he could make a .50-95 version? You might ask him if you feel you need it.
Not that I really NEED it, I just like to bullet seat and crimp in 2 steps. Just my preference.
Quote from: King Medallion on January 22, 2021, 08:11:34 AM
Not that I really NEED it, I just like to bullet seat and crimp in 2 steps. Just my preference.
I do it that way with the normal dies
Quote from: Joey on January 18, 2021, 09:41:10 PM
Please forgive my ignorance. And also it's great to be a part of this great page and to be amongst all the vast knowledge here. So I am extremely new at reloading 50-95 express. So new that I have not done it yet . I have reloaded 45 colt and 45 ACP for about a year and love it. Anyhow back to the subject. I found some 50 Alaska brass at Wild West Guns (store) in Alaska, I bought that and a set of 50 Alaskan 3 die set made by hornady. Got an RCBS case trimmer bought the appropriate shell holder. Found some 50 caliber cast bullets 450 grain, diameter is .512. I'm trying to figure out what the case length of the 50 Alaskan brass needs to be? I have a 28 inch barrel Stoger 1876 made in 2019. Tried to call Uberti and couldn't get anyone. Called Cimmaron and they told me the bore diameter of the rifle is .507 from the bottom of the grooves. So would this bullet work? Will the 50 Alaska. Does work? And what should the case length be? 1.92-1.94? I'm really confused and any info is greatly appreciated.
Joey, I too have a Stoeger/Uberti in 50-95, unsure of production time frame as I bought it from an on line auction and have no information on it's past other than it appeared unfired. Here is what works for me.
I use RCBS 50-95 dies, Accurate 51-350 CL mold, and 50AK brass trimmed to 1.865. Lee will make a custom trim setup for this caliber but they can't/wont make a FCD over .500, the trimmer setup was inexpensive and works well. Cut your 50AK brass a little long then trim to you specified length, I didn't have to do anything else to the brass. I would recommend you make up 5 cases to try out and make sure all is well before doing the rest of them. 50Ak brass is slightly undersized at the base so after firing it will have a slight bulge forward of the rim but it doesn't cause any problems.
The original length of 1.92" was for at 300 grain bullet sitting over a compressed load of BP, then crimped over the ogive. I came up with the 1.865 case length from the following: OAL should be around 2.25" to feed through the 76, the crimp groove on the 51-350CL is .385" back from the flat nose 2.25"-.385"=1.865" it works for me, feeds fine and seems quite accurate. My bore slugs .511 and I would recommend that you check/slug your bore as you will want to be approximately .001" over your bore diameter, I size to .512". I find the 51-350CL works fine for smokeless but really doesn't hold enough lube for BP. If I were going to shoot strictly BP I would recommend looking at some different molds. I also have a Rapine 300 grain mold, as well as a RCBS mold for my 50-100-450 that throws a 450 grain bullet that seems slightly more accurate for the twist rate in the Uberti. However, I'm kind of old school and not too sure a steady diet of 450 grain bullets is all that good even in a modern 76 so I stick with primarily the 350 grain and some 300 grain, YMMV just my opinion.
Good luck with the project, the 76 in 50-95 (or any CAL for that matter) is quite a treat to own/shoot.
Quote from: ndnchf on December 31, 2020, 11:02:53 AM
I've bought pre-alloyed lead when I see it at a good price. But more often, I mix my own. 30 minutes ago I finished a 30-1 alloy casting session using an antique .38 S&W mold and a Rapine 515350. This batch was made from 6lbs of WW, 6lbs pure lead and 6.2oz of tin. That comes out to about 30-1. Ive seen no real difference between 20-1 and 30-1 in my rifle.
Exactly. At the low velocities of these rounds, quite soft bullets can often be found to be the most accurate as their "obturation" reaction to the expanding powder gasses continues up the bore.
30:1, even 40:1 should give as good or maybe better results.
I have mixed Cdn. WW (crimp-on lead alloy) with pure lead, 50:50 for a brinel maybe 7 or 8 & got excellent accuracy right up to 2,000fps - in a .50 Alaskan. That was a plain based bullet, shielded by
a 1/10" card wad. Oh yeah - an 1,800fps load with those, went into just under MOA at 200yards from the rolling block.
Just saying, softer alloys should be tried.
Referencing my post about my 50-95 saga, I clocked three loads I had used in that post. I'm using 330 grain bullet and WLRM primers.
20 grains of Trail Boss - 1373 FPS
35 grains of 5744 - 1443FPS
52 grains of pyrodex "P" - 1452 FPS
To date, "P", gives the best accuracy.
Adding to my post of velocities (corrected 10/21/21), I've added 3 velocities measuring by volume. I used 72 grains by volume of Triple 7 2f, Triple 7 3f snd Pyrodex "P". Loads still used the 335 grain bullet and WLRM primer.
T7 2f - 1548 fps
T7 3f - 1631 fps
"P" - 1473 fps
I only fired one shot each across the chronograph just to get a rough idea on speed. The weight of those volume charges of all three powders was between 53 and 54 grains. Even between the 2f and 3f.
I only fired 4 shots of each string at 50 yards. I had vertical stringing which was me (3 inches) but the horizontal dispersion hovered around 1.5 inches. Another issue is cases in my old Uberti barrel were 1.94 inches long. The new Winchester Barrels chamber seems to have a shorter neck compared to the Uberti. So my cases should be 1.88 inches long, which is the exact length of TenX cases I procured.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - I fiddled with some 50-90 cases and during the forming process I came up with a case length of 1.93 inches. Probably it would be prudent trim to 1.92 inches.
Nice - thanks for the update.
Thank for the info. Loading up some rounds now myself.
Quote from: SiringoMN on October 17, 2021, 08:29:22 PM
Referencing my post about my 50-95 saga, I clocked three loads I had used in that post. I'm using 330 grain bullet and WLRM primers.
20 grains of Trail Boss - 1373 FPS
35 grains of 5744 - 1443FPS
52 grains of pyrodex "P" - 1452 FPS
To date, "P", gives the best accuracy.
Did you use any filler with your 5744 load? How did it work?
Sorry for the late reply. Sometimes I use a filler. I have a batch that I am going to try this week. I'll let you know.
The filler does not all burn up. I fired ten shots and had 3 circumference neck splits. I'm pulling my loaded rounds apart.
What do you use for filler? I've found laundry lint from a load of towels works real well, just a thumbnail size pinch.
Polyester fill for pillows. That is what I was told to use by the internet. I failed to mention that at 100 yards the accuracy was not as good as without the filler. My guess is that since it is not consumed, it affects the base of the bullet exit. I am not an expert on fillers at all.
NOW, lint is a great idea. I never would have thought about that.
Got me wondering about navel lint too! Haha.
Some years back when I started down the road of trying a filler, I came across the PuffLon product and tried it. Have stuck with it and had good results. To my knowledge it is the only product sold as a filler and seems to do the job well. I use it in couple different cartridges for cast loads, including the 45-75. Just a suggestion.
keep us posted on how things go on the load work.
I have been trying to buy puffalon for the last year. Never available. I have only heard good things about it.
I use Kynoch (Kynamco) Nitro Express foam wads for my 'nitro for black' loads. Kynoch uses them in their loaded ammunition. Trader Keith sells them, here in the U.S. A few years ago, an extensive article was done for the Double Gun Journal about filler materials. Pressure testing was done using different materials. The Kynoch wads faired well in the tests.
Guys - not a good idea to use a filler with 5744 - as noted by Accurate Arms- "no filler necessary, may cause high pressure" of words to that effect.
If you are going to use a filler, fill the space between the powders surface and the base of the bullet, with dacron, kapok or better yet, as the loaders
of NE (Nitro Express) rounds now do, with backer rod. Backer rod is the foam rod sold for insulation around windows. The 5/8" backer rod should work in .50 cal. cases. 1/2" might also work, I don't know. My bro was using 1/2" backer rod with small charges of smokeless powder in his .45/60 M76, to good effect(accuracy).
In my 1876, (likely back on the 2nd or 3rd page of this thread) I loaded 52gr. of N44 ("marked use 3031 data") with a 368gr. Lyman bullet. I got really good accuracy
& with the Smith Sight, was able to get into the dirt right below the 1,000 meter buffalo at our long range. Yeah - .50/95 M1876 Uberti. Velocity was 1650fps.
N44 is/was an AmmoMart powder from years gone by. I came across a couple pounds of it & it is wonderfully clean burning powder, much better than 4895 and 3031.
I will never use a perchlorate or chlorate powder based powder in any of my guns. The fouling forms an acid when coupled with moisture.(just from the air) T7 does not have
perchlorate in it even though the MSDS sheet says it does. Pyrodex is some 17% perchlorate. Corrosive primers of the WW1 were chlorate based. Now you know. It's your rifle.
here's that Smith Sight. 3 detents between 100 yard marks so zero's are easily marked in your "sight/range book" and thus, are repeatable.
I saw the mention of using Pyrodex. Do so at your own risk.
Real BP will cause oxidation of the bore if not cleaned properly.
Pyrodex fouling, on the other hand, seems to have the characteristic that with the addition of moisture (from the air is enough) to become seemingly acidic in nature and
dissolves the iron molecules out of the steel, creating craters, not simple rust pitting. If you use it, clean your rifle VERY carefully using water, lots of water, then clean it
again with water the next day. Repeat as necessary. You also have to clean it well if using real BP. It's just that Pyrodex is the "gift" that keeps on "giving" - like STD's.
A gun smith friend of mine, said using a bore scope, he could tell if someone used Pyrodex in their ctg. rifle, even if they had cleaned the barrel well after it's use. Go figure!!
T-7, apparently, in spite of the MSDS sheet, does not contain perchlorates. The perchlorates used in Pyrodex compose something like 17% of the volume. Chlorates produce
excessively corrosive fouling. Many of the corrosive primers of the past, used chlorates. Perchlorates, I've been told, just produces more oxygen to the mix, something like 3 times
as much. It's still chlorates.
Gents, et al,
If y'all don't mind I'd like to reenergize this series somewhat.
I don't have enough equipment to reload just yet, so I got some Steinel ammo from Cimarron in 50-95...350 grain cast projo, but that's all the data...expensive.
I shot up a box last week with my Presidio. I have a little bitty Caldwell barrel brace and a t-shirt, shooting at 50 yards...I should have gone to Cabelas and got a limb saver before going to the range.....shame.(couple weeks before I shot without the muzzle brace...worthless for really assessing accuracy)..i might be repeating some things here but what I want to get to is that despite my worst efforts this rifle and this ammo CAN BE AC-CU-RATE!! Shoots rather high at 50 so the combination must be regulated at 100.
Has anyone shot this Steinel 50-95 over a cronograph??
This is a really good rifle/ammo combination!
I've never even heard of that ammunition. Is it black powder or smokeless? If smokeless, it is likely a very mild load.
I had to change my front sight to a higher one, a Marble 41w I believe it was. I really don't like Uberti front sights.
Thanks ndn and King!
I also got some Steinel in 45-60 with a 300 grain projo.. 1380 gos on the box...
Quote from: DrummerBoy on March 16, 2023, 01:36:51 PM
Gents, et al,
If y'all don't mind I'd like to reenergize this series somewhat.
I don't have enough equipment to reload just yet, so I got some Steinel ammo from Cimarron in 50-95...350 grain cast projo, but that's all the data...expensive.
I shot up a box last week with my Presidio. I have a little bitty Caldwell barrel brace and a t-shirt, shooting at 50 yards...I should have gone to Cabelas and got a limb saver before going to the range.....shame.(couple weeks before I shot without the muzzle brace...worthless for really assessing accuracy)..i might be repeating some things here but what I want to get to is that despite my worst efforts this rifle and this ammo CAN BE AC-CU-RATE!! Shoots rather high at 50 so the combination must be regulated at 100.
Has anyone shot this Steinel 50-95 over a cronograph??
This is a really good rifle/ammo combination!
I have purchased several boxes primarily for the brass. This ammo is specifically made for Cimmeron rifles. Its loaded with 350 grain hardcast bullets (from Montana bullets). If i recall they are sized to 0.509 inches. The powder is Trailboss. 18 grains. I would suggest you slug your bore, so when you start loading you can get the proper diameter.
.509? Wow, that would not be good for my Presidio. Mine slugged out at .513, I cast at .515. Most definitely you'd need to slug your bore.
I agree. My Uberti slugs at .5137". Those are way undersize.
THANKS!!! Sorry for the late response, I had a little hospital visit on Monday and yesterday I was in lalaland. That data on the Steinel ammo is much appreciated! I have slugged my Presidio and even with my toy calipers I'm getting more than .509....18 grains, no wonder there's no's a wonder I'm getting round holes...I think I'm gonna have to get one of those Caldwell sleds and get serious about determining my accuracy...BTW my die set is RCBS 21304.
Thanks Very Much Again!
18 grains?? I'm lost now.
SiringoMN was kind enough to post the makeup of those Steinel cartridges for Cimarron in 50-95...Montana Bullet projos at .509 over 18 grains of Trail Boss was how I was reading his information. Like him I think that's a good way to get headstamped brass in's pricey but you can shoot it ::)
Only problem is the undersized bullets might make for large patterns instead of tight groups.....
If a .509"bullet is way undersize for your rifle, consider breaking down those cartridges and reloading with a proper size bullet. A way undersize bullet will just be a waste of powder, primers and lead. Lead is cheap, powder and primers are not.
OK, I got it, Duh, was posted on the last page. Just woke up. I think also that you aught to pull those undersized bullets and replace with more appropriate size slugs. Any Idea what the powder is? If it's Black, make sure your new bullets have black powder lube, or you'll just be practicing foul language unnecessarily. If you don't know what it is for sure, probably best to dump it in mamma's petunia bed. If you need some bullets to try, I can spare you a few that are SPG lubed. ndnchf did that for me once, I will do that for you if you need them.
That's awfully darn generous of you,King! And NDN, you're painfully correct, especially with regard to primers...
What I must do is get more equipment. Much as I'd like to I don't have the tools or experience to pull bullets, but I'm sure willing to learn.
(At the risk of hate mail, my toy calipers are giving me a RCH over 16/32 for my slug or .515625 - ish maybe ...)
Go to Harbor Freight and buy anyone of these Dial Calipers. They will be better than what it sounds like you have been working with.
Now for pulling bullets there are several ways. The two easiest and cheapest are -- 1. If you have a reloading press. the cheapest way is go to Harbor Freight and buy an electrical wire stripper like this -- ---
With no die in the press put your bullet in the shell holder and raise it to the top of the stroke. The lead bullet should rise above the threads and to the top of the press. Then take the 'cheap wire stripper', spread them apart so that the teeth of the bottom section of the handles, that section that would strip different diameter wires are lined up around the lead bullet and the tool lays flat on the top of press. Squeeze the teeth into the lead (Only) but not real hard. Now while holding the handles in one hand use the other to slowly raise the press handle which will pull the casing from the lead bullet. Go real slow since they are loaded with powder. Also, do not touch the press die threads or you may damage them.
If your press stroke will not get the lead above the top of the press then go to this approach.
2. Buy an impact hammer from Amazon --
PS -- I had to use method #1 when method #2 would not remove the bullets.
Howdy Black River Smith,
Thanks for the detailed lesson! I'm off to cabelas!!!
Quality Cartridge makes the brass for the aforementioned cartridges. $90.00 (rounded) for 20 and as usual it is back ordered. Of course until they get enough orders and who knows how many that is!
Because I have an original spec Winchester chamber, I still had to ream the inside of the necks to accommodate the bullet to chamber fit. My barrel is 0.512" The largest bullet I can use is 0.5125". That's OK. It works.
I'll ramble on with my experience for what it's worth. My bore slugs at .513. I have shot .512's and .513's, both were accurate, but I have to do more shooting to see just how accurate those bullet sizes are. I load with 2ff black powder, loaded through a 30" drop tube allowing for probably 1/10" compression. I use 20 to 1 lead. Using real BP and soft alloy your bullet is going to punch up and fill the grooves.
Also, I'm loading for two old marlins in .40 caliber. Both of the barrels measure .410 grooves, one gun will only except a .406 bullet and the other will only take a .408. I thought I was screwed. :'( BUT, with soft alloy bullets and using a full load of 2ff black powder they both shoot very accurately. It's the combo of BP and soft alloy that makes it work. I'm think of casting for all of my guns with 30 to 1 in the future to see how it works. Even softer may be even better.
And that's all I got to say about that. :P
Thanks to everyone for pitching in! I hope I haven't exhausted everyone's patience, because I wanna pick at this scab again. King I think you have one of these Presidios...I have slugged my Presidio again, and it seems to be really big, as in 0.5187...I slugged it by using a heavily padded hammer to push a 54 cal hornady ball into the bore. Once it was started I switched to a wooden dowel to ease it down the bore till it free fell onto a bunch of towel lint in the carrier. Payday the 22 I swear I'm going to harbor freight for decent calipers BUT what I have closes at 16.6 over's not gonna get any smaller unless I dig it into the slug. The approximation is 0.51875...what I'm hoping for is for King or other Presidio shooters to tell me what they got...PROMISE I'll get decent calipers on the 22nd!
Mine is .513. I doubt yours is .518, Uberti barrels are purty good barrels, but I spose it's possible.
Shoot black powder and 20 to 1 or 30 to 1. The bullet will punch right up into the grooves.
Drummer Boy here, pounding away..
On my endless quest for more knowledge I looked at the CIP tables just now to see how that organization rates the 50-95 and the 45-70, for obvious reasons..
50-95 Win
Pmax is 2100 bar or 30,457.9 psi
Proofs at 2625 bar
Energy is 5000 Joule or 3687.8 ft lbs
45-70 govt
Pmax is 2200 bar or 31,908.3 psi
Proofs at 2750 bar
Energy is 3414 Joule or 2518 ft lb
It's my understanding that Uberti has to meet or exceed these standards at their proof house for their firearms
I have some questions, like what kind of projectile, if any, was used...I probably overlooked that, among other important stuff..
But unless I err egregiously the data shows me how much stronger the 86 action might be...
One more sort of critical "face saving" question for anyone who cares to answer:
When I close the action on my 45-60 and my 50-95 I can still see the rim of the brass cartridge......there appears to be a flush fit of bolt face to rim to barrel base....I've never really looked at any other Winchester lever there no recess to shroud the cartridge rim on the others?
I'm guessing that any slight misalignment of the bolt might expose the case base to that CIP PSI I wuz wondering about.....
(good ol BLR)
all of the toggle link actions are made that way. No worry.
Quote from: DrummerBoy on April 11, 2023, 06:08:07 PM
Thanks to everyone for pitching in! I hope I haven't exhausted everyone's patience, because I wanna pick at this scab again. King I think you have one of these Presidios...I have slugged my Presidio again, and it seems to be really big, as in 0.5187...I slugged it by using a heavily padded hammer to push a 54 cal hornady ball into the bore. Once it was started I switched to a wooden dowel to ease it down the bore till it free fell onto a bunch of towel lint in the carrier. Payday the 22 I swear I'm going to harbor freight for decent calipers BUT what I have closes at 16.6 over's not gonna get any smaller unless I dig it into the slug. The approximation is 0.51875...what I'm hoping for is for King or other Presidio shooters to tell me what they got...PROMISE I'll get decent calipers on the 22nd!
In the beginning of my trials and tribulations with my uberti, my bore diameter ended up at 0.516/7". Care had to be taken getting the measurements because mine had an odd number of lands and grooves. It was necessary to slowly turn the bullet in the calipers to get an accurate reading. I ended up using a bullet for Accurate Molds that gave me the proper diameter that was needed. I believe my weight was 335 grains. Also, my dies from Ch4D would size the neck while seating the bullet. The necks had a diameter of 0.532". So depending on the brass thickness of the neck, a 0.516 bullet would be sized down to a much smaller diameter. Hence accuracy sucked big time.
I really appreciate the info, voice of experience, and moral support! I guess if I just wanted to blast away I'd get one of those fabulous BigHorn rifles in .500 S&W....but....I'm just totally fascinated by the pre Browning approach to a repeating action...I don't really think I'll ever need any more power than the 50-95 can deliver, I just want it to be all it can be...same goes for all those 1876 calibers ::)
Quote from: DrummerBoy on April 18, 2023, 01:53:16 PM
I really appreciate the info, voice of experience, and moral support! I guess if I just wanted to blast away I'd get one of those fabulous BigHorn rifles in .500 S&W....but....I'm just totally fascinated by the pre Browning approach to a repeating action...I don't really think I'll ever need any more power than the 50-95 can deliver, I just want it to be all it can be...same goes for all those 1876 calibers ::)
I load all of the 76 cartridges with black and get the giggles every time I pull the trigger. More fun than a guy ought to have. Black powder gives me all the power I need.
Word is Goex will be shipping within the next month or so.
I have had several original 76's in .50 Express. My load is with a lead bullet cast from an original Winchester bullet mold. It comes out at .513 and I size to .512 (bore diameter). Shoots with awesome accuracy using resized .348 brass and 80 grains of 2f black. Just my opinion.
Quote from: Buck Stinson on April 24, 2023, 05:54:58 PM
I have had several original 76's in .50 Express. My load is with a lead bullet cast from an original Winchester bullet mold. It comes out at .513 and I size to .512 (bore diameter). Shoots with awesome accuracy using resized .348 brass and 80 grains of 2f black. Just my opinion.
Bore diameter .512"? What was the groove diameter? That soft bullet must bump up nicely.
Please help! Very clumsy trying to attach photo of calipers and slug
Whew! Finally got an acceptably sized photo of my dilemma: a rather larger slug size than those I've seen mentioned...all I can think to do is to get accurate to increase the size of a mold to .518 and then get a .517 sizer.
Any advice/criticism would be greatly appreciated!
Quote from: DrummerBoy on January 12, 2024, 07:10:42 AM
Whew! Finally got an acceptably sized photo of my dilemma: a rather larger slug size than those I've seen mentioned...all I can think to do is to get accurate to increase the size of a mold to .518 and then get a .517 sizer.
Any advice/criticism would be greatly appreciated!
What is the groove size of your rifle?
THANKS for the question! ( I'm beginning to think I need a machine shop to operate this rifle!!)
Long Answer: I got a Hornady musket ball .530 and a wood dowel and tapped on the dowel with a hammer until the ball flattened out and then a chunk went down the barrel..said chunk completely filled the bore and dropped into the action with a good print.. I measured all the raised "stripes" several times around...the most repetitive reading I got was .5165 with my new digital caliper. If there is a better method then I would definitely want to employ that!
Thanks Again,
Ok. A micrometer is more accurate than a caliper, but that gets you close. Maybe I missed it, but what size are your bullets dropping from the mold? If a couple thousandths undersize, a soft alloy and black powder may very well bump them up to fill the grooves. Its worth a try before opening up the mold.
Second the Micrometer measurement, and not a Chinese one. Also sounds like you have a tight spot in the bore if slug dropped to breech?
Thanks KW!
Sorry for the late response. I probably shouldn't have been so cavalier with my wording...when the dowel had pushed the slug into the chamber it dropped into the brass carrier. I'll get the best caliper I can, and then start on the rest of the shop..looks like I'll need it!!
Whoops I meant Micrometer!
Trying to post a target piccie from todays range trip...apologies for my less than stellar marksmanship :-\
My objective was to see how well these .508 Steinel projectiles worked in my .516 Presidio..
Well, the gun shoots way 100 yards an x ring aimpoint was off the frame so I had to try to hold below the 6 o'clock position...
Any observations would be much appreciated (other than sight alignment, sight picture, trigger squeeze, BRASS, spot weld, more range time, etc ;D )
DB again,
For what it's worth, here's a target from yesterday, an 8 inch roundel at 50 yards...previous post was about 18 inch roundel at 100 yards, both off a bench with a large Caldwell bag
Pretty messy background, but the big holes above and below are me bracketing the target trying to understand how high the gun shoots ???
To reiterate, I'm just trying to determine whether these .508 projos are just tumbling out of this .516 bore
I would not waste any more precious primers on these bullets. FWIW, I replaced my Presidio front sight with a Marbles 41W to get to print on paper at 50 yards. I don't shoot at 100 yards till I get something going at 50 first, but that's me.
I agree. You really need to get groove size bullets.
I'm actually surprised they aren't tumbling as is.
THANKS for the valuable feedback!!
Despite these accuracy issues it is SO MUCH FUN to make these two rifles and my top break pistols go bang!!!!! I know I have to fix the ammo.....
Semper Fi,
Drummer Boy again...
Please be patient with my naïveté but is it actually possible to pull the projectile off a live round and replace that bullet with a suitable bullet...keeping the primer propellant and brass intact???
Sure, very easy, if you have an inertia puller. That being the kind that looks like a hammer, putting the shell in one side with the screwable cap, whack it on the floor a couple times till said bullet comes free. Then carefully dump out the bullet and powder, rebell the shell, recharge the shell, and put in a proper sized boolit. With practice, one can tap that bullet out of the shell right up to the base and pull the bullet off without powder spillage, but it takes practice. Clear as mud, yes?
You're the MAN, King!! Or is it You're the KING, man! BTW I'm still working on that Tensas Parish hog hunt!!
In other news, I have another barrel coming from Cimarron!
What is the new barrel for?
???Thanks for asking! I'm sort of going back and forth on what the next step ought to be... so one course of action was to get another 50-95 barrel in hopes that I could just screw it on to the Prasidio and be done with oversized bores, I ordered one on approval from Cimarron....well, it slugs up around .514 and the twist rate is around 36, so I sent it back.
I got my inertia bullet puller in, but it wouldn't take a I got some dowels and sandpaper and spent a good part of yesterday reaming it out... now it fits but that little three piece collet is stretched to the limit.....maybe I'll whack it tomorrow....I need to find out what metal Montana likes for my bullet mold...
Looking around for a good site for my future machine shop....or maybe just a Marlin 45-70.....
Just use the shell holder out of your press, much simpler that idiotic three piece gizmo.
Got some boolits in the mail today, from Montana Bullet works. These are the 56-50 Spencer 350 gr RNFP .514 diameter. Thought I'd give them a try this spring. I'm thinking I will anneal the brass first before loading them up.
I got some of their 340 grain gas check for 45/60.....doesn't seem to be any 5744 available???
Try Shooters World Buffalo Rifle, it's the same thing.
I forget if I posted this before, but thought I'd share this bullet mold option. Get an inexpensive Lee 515450 mold and machine off the top band. Its an easy job for a home machinist or local shop. This reduces the bullet to 350gr. It shoots very well in my M1876 and other 50 cal rifles.
Hey ndnchf, that was mine; Hell er high water's; & Dakota Widowmakers bullets from back in 2005 Spencer timeframe. I filed my molds down by hand but they used mills. One of them even made a little business of that idea for awhile. That was back with the older style of Lee molds too, I don't know how easy it is with the newer model molds. I even made different nose diameters on my molds to test out. In the end I still felt the original mold had the best diameter for magazine tube use.
Good to know that same bullet is working for other rifles like the 1876 -- 50's
I machined this mold about 5 years ago. I think it is a new style. Its a good bullet and works well in my .56-50, .50-45 and 50-70 too.
I wanted to put a PS in my posting but had to leave for awhile.
I like your videos of your gun projects and shooting. I think the last one was 2 or more month ago.
Thanks. Glad you enjoy them. It has been a while since I posted one. But I'll get back to the range when it warms up and do more.
Quote from: Jeff Michel on January 28, 2024, 07:51:21 PM
Just use the shell holder out of your press, much simpler that idiotic three piece gizmo.
That did work, but I still needed to bore out inside of the hammer, 50/95 jus doesn't fit in it.
Quote from: King Medallion on February 08, 2024, 08:46:15 AM
That did work, but I still needed to bore out inside of the hammer, 50/95 jus doesn't fit in it.
Yes, I did indeed have to open the hammer out a bit to accept 50 caliber cases as well. Just failed to mention it.
Cast up some Big 50 Bullets yesterday.
Those look real nice! Is that the Accurate mold?
Yes Sir!
This week I assembled 18 smokeless test loads for the 50/95. Smart thinking eh, November? Bullets are Montana Bullet Works 350g RNFP, SPG lubed, which I must say they did a crappy job of lubing. I had to fill in lots of empty spots. Also my own bullets from Accurate 51-350CL mold, also SPG lube. Hoping now for a warm, windless Saturday.