Finally!!! I don't know where you guys are, but here in NJ we finally got a break this past weekend(3/23/14). Shot our first match and the tempts got all the way up to 38-40(I like that number) with a steady wind blowing. Even then we still had one last blast of cold and more snow a few days before the match. No matter, today it looks like almost 60(but heavy rains) so am looking forward to the up coming season. As much as I like to shoot, I am also greatful for the wonderful friends I've made in Cowboy shooting and this winter made me realize I was I missing them as much as the dressing up and shooting. So here's to good luck to all of you this new season, good shooting, ignore the minor aches & pains but not your friends! Best Regards, Navy Six
Was in the mid forties today here in Maine. Went back to work. :(. Would have been more fun to go shooting, but I found more stuff over the winter that I can't live without. It did feel good to get out and get back to work.
Keep your powder dry