Can someone please do something about this weather? I don't know what its like where you guys live, but here in NJ we've had one heck of a winter so far! Growing up in WVA & NH I am used to snow, but I have been trying to get to the range for weeks now as I have a lot of Black Powder experimenting to do with both cartridge and percussion. I've been happy with my loading methods so far, but I would just like to experiment a bit just to keep things interesting. Maybe I'll end up right back here with what I'm doing now, but I also don't want to get stale or complacent. THAT is a sure recipe (at least for me) for becoming a self centered know-it-all. Oh well, I guess I'll have to pass the time buying a few more guns. Navy Six
You got to shoot more, and let the fire from your guns melt paths to the targets. That is the way we do it in the far north ;D
Shawnee, you are absolutely right! I never thought of it in those terms. That's why I can count on this site for seasoned veteran advice.
Far north, you say .... ?
Here in the Great White North, we are enjoying our umpteenth straight day of -30C+ temps. Today it was -36*C. -40* is where Fahrenheit and Celsius meet. That's cold, bro.
After -25*C, we just say it's 'cold'. Doesn't seem to make a hell of a lot of difference after that.
In the bright sunshine, it has warmed up to a balmy -18*C, the predicted high for the rest of the week. With even the slightest wind, human skin freezes in seconds. Metal is so cold, it 'burns'.
Good Day, PJ,
It is +20 F. today here in Maine. Beach weather for Canadians. Normally it is in the 30's. My only complaint with you guys in the Great White North is your exporting of that damn Polar Vortex. If you export anything , at least make it useful ,please. Well, I am going to the beach and do a little ice fishing, need some ice cubes for my rum drinks.
Well here in the South of Jolly ole England, we have floods everywhere the Thames Barrier is just about holding the mighty Thames back from flooding the whole capital, whilst here in Hampshire many poor folk have had to leave their homes to the mercy of the water, the Gubbment are at last getting off their fat butts and starting send help to the worst hit.
It really is disgusting All the money we give in aid to others and yet when we need it they hold it back!! I really REALLY hate politician's!!
We went shooting on Thursday but had to give in as more and more of the range was disappearing under water!!
It was the wettest January in Blighty for over 200 yrs!! And so far February looks set to follow!!
Paladin (Whats fed up with the rain >:( ) UK
And a great big southern California 69 degree slightly overcast day to you folks. ::) ;D
Quote from: Forty Rod on February 11, 2014, 03:35:24 PM
And a great big southern California 69 degree slightly overcast day to you folks. ::) ;D
Forty, you can just enjoy that nice weather as much as you want, right up until So. Cal. slides off into the ocean :)
That is why Forty is looking at property in Arizona, wants to find some good shore frontage . ;D :o
Not in the rush I was. Found out it's not due to slide for another four billion years. I thought they said four million.
Kinda takes some of the pressure off. ;D
Paladin, sorry to hear of the devastating floods in England as its been on the news here in the US quite a bit. Nothing worse than long term flooding. I should never have opened my mouth about the weather! I have been dying to get to the range and had a scheduled Friday & Monday off from school and thought I could squeeze in a day no matter how cold. Of course, it just snowed another twelve inches so there goes that! Even my two Great Danes are having a hard time trudging through the mess this year. Hurry Up Spring!! Navy Six
Hey guys, Guess we can all say that the weather has not been really tolerable. They say there is another storm coming into the Northeast today. The coast of Maine is to get from one to two feet of new snow. I keep telling myself I like snow, but that isn't really working. I found it funny that a snowshoe club cancelled their meeting Thursday due to the snow. I can see use not getting to the range because of to much snow, but those boys are lightweights. They have snowshoes so what is their problem?
Paladin, anyone around you building an ark? I have seen that the rain does not want to stop, in England. Hope you can keep dry.
We will be able to get back to shooting soon, spring is coming. So in the meantime take care and keep your powder dry.
Fer Shawnee
Nope Pard it aint stopped rainin yet, in fact we have 80 plus mph winds ripping and torrential rain through Hampshire as I type!!
We have had to cancel tomorrows CAS shoot (Second month on the trot)
All us Picketts Hill Marshals are getting Cabin Fever Reeeel bad,
Onleyest thing BP and bad weather are Bad Karma so`s it jest aint gonna be fun! :(
I`ve attached a piccies of our CAS range taken last week and it aint stopped rainin since so we can only guess how badly its now flooded
Paladin (whats keepin busy with some Extreme Needlepoint ;) ) UK
Don't be a bunch of goll durned sissies, dig out the wellies and go shoot ;)
I have about 10 times already, :P. The only problem is that when I am done I am to pooped out to even load my guns. So I just back down to the barn and have a beer. ;). From here on in, I am going to let nature do her thing. The weather guesser says it will be up into the 40's by midweek on into the weekend. That will melt a lot of this white stuff. Mid-thirties after that, good weather to send lead down range.
Keep your powder dry, 49er .
Yep, it's becoming tiresome. I just got done clearing snow from my range again.
More snow today! Trans in the snow blower blew up yesterday. Only got 23 years use out of it! No snow blowers in stock ANYWHERE! What a surprise! Now shoveling by snow shovel. Time to lynch the groundhog! Welcome to New Jersey!
Lost track of how many times I've had to get the snow off my range. No price to high to shoot a little black.
Looks like I'll get to do it again in the morning.
( (
Hey 49er, when your done, would you consider stopping by and clearing my range? I am good for a beer or two. ;).
Your way is a lot easier then mine. Your snow scoot has a lot more ponies then mine. :P. That's the way I look when I finish.
Keep your powder dry.
Sure no problem. May take me a while to get dug out from this last snow though ;)
49er, Great, I'll be waiting . Just go east and take a left. The beers are chilling. :D
I'll keep the powder dry.
Writing from Central Texas which is GOD"S COUNTRY and my question is how in Sam Hill do y'all even live or survive in weather like that? Our weather here varies from just barely freezing in the winter to 100+ in the summer.
I burned up a bunch of FFg yesterday sighting in what may be my feral hog gun which is percussion (naturally) .54 Sharps.
Sorry to rub it in pards, but I was in a tee shirt and working up a sweat.
Respectfully submitted
Hey Bunk Stragngerg. The Pasture is blue with Bluebonnet ,the Turkey are gobbeling at coffee,and at evenin roost. Havin roast wild pork for Sunday dinner myself.Jest a little North of the Rio Llano in Mason Co Tx. Sure nuff God's Country.Enjoy it Neighbor,,,,,Dusty
It really isn't that bad here, we just like to gripe and weather is something we can agree on. I have been out shooting most of the winter. You boys in Texas can keep your 100+ degree summer heat especially if it is humid. To be honest it has been a longer then normal winter. We are to have an other snow this Wednesday. 3-10 inches. I do wish the snow would stop, as I would like to get back to work. I landscape and most people don't want you to be working on their lawns or gardens, if it is cold and snow in the forecast. Doesn't hurt anything to do the work, but most folks think one might be taking advantage of them.
Would like to see a field full of Bluebonnets, some sign of spring would be nice. The turkeys up here are jumping into ovens just to get warm.
Keep your powder dry
Hi Dusty, put a picture of the Bluebonnets on line, us northerners need to see some color.
Hey Bunk, good luck hog hunting, I hear they can get somewhat mean. Would be interested in hearing about hunting them critters.
Keep your powder dry
Howdy Shawnee McGrutt.This purple sage@ 70mph.out the window, should put some color in your day. Have a goodun Amigo,,,,Dusty
Not complaining about this Cool weather hanging on for a spell. This is just around the corner Pard's. This was taken in the shade last August at the Lucky 11,( Hill Country).West Tx. get's a little warmer that that.,,,,,,,Dusty
Dusty, thanks for the color of spring(warmed up the iPad ). Your pic of the temperature gauge , would warm us up to about sixty degrees ;D
Thanks, keep your powder dry