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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => Shotguns => Topic started by: Rowdy Fulcher on November 12, 2013, 07:31:44 PM

Title: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on November 12, 2013, 07:31:44 PM
The shotgun was the weapon that kept the family from starving . What Shotgun are you using and do you Hunt with it ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: El Tio Loco on November 14, 2013, 06:10:33 PM
Hi Rowdy,
I normally hunt with my L.C. Smith double or the ol' 97, both in 16 gauge.  But this year I went dove hunting with my 10 gauge muzzleloader.  Loaded 1 oz of 7 1/2 in front of 85 grains of 2f.  I did "OK" but the fun factor was off the charts.

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Shotgun Franklin on November 14, 2013, 06:57:51 PM
In have hunted with a Spartan Coach Gun but usually use an old 311. Both are 12 ga.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Stu Kettle on November 15, 2013, 05:04:04 AM
I started CAS with the Stoeger Uplander that I'd been hunting with for years. I also used it for trap, skeet, & sporting clays in a league I've been shooting in for years. When I finally broke/wore out that gun, I replaced it with a Stoeger Coach Gun. I've only been shooting it 3 or 4 years, but it's given good service in CAS & has killed quite a few bird & broke a lot of rocks.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: rifle on November 15, 2013, 08:33:18 AM
I use an old Remington double with the hammers and all fer rabbits. I use an old Ithaca double with the hammers(first model cartridge gun they made referred to as the cannon breech).
Both use black powder loads I make since they have damascus barrels. Barrels in really good shape. Don't want to fire those kinda barrels with any sort of pits or such......just the ones with very good barrels.
I've used a Rossi shotgun double with the hammers,"The Overlander", a good bit since the mid eighties and love that gun. It naturally can handle the smokeless loads that are out there. I load smokeless 3 drams loads with 1 1/8th oz.of no.6 shot fer that or the black with 70 or 90gr. FFFg powder and a 1 1/8th oz. shot no. 6..
There's nothing finer than a good ole double fer upland hunting.  ;D
I've picked up some sorta Russian (I thunk) double with the hammers in 16 gauge. Supposedly it's like a newer antique that handles smokeless loads. Can't get any info on it and the Russian words/numbers (from under the barrels) I had interpretated don't tell me anything at all.
I figger I'll just go with the black in it to stay safe till I find some info on the gun. Supposedly it's from the late 1800's early 1900's. The gun shop owner say's he shot it (tested) with factory smokeless loads since he figures it's from the early smokeless era.

I bought a nice double with the name K&D Folsom Arms Co. NY USA on it......nice large engraving on it. Damascus barrels I won't shoot even with the black since there's too much wear in the barrels. it had two bursts in one barrel towaend so I cut about four inches of that off the 30 inch barrels. I plan to have the barrels relined to 28 gauge like barrels inside the barrels.
Anywhoooo....I've hunted with an old Winchester Model 97 too. That is a nice huntin gun.
I se a Pedersoli Doble muzzleloader shotgun too. Those are alright ifin you get a good load fer them. Because ofthe donut type patterns they shoot I use them in a way to hit the game with the ring of shot. Shoot a lil "off" to hit.  ???
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on November 17, 2013, 09:40:37 PM
Has anyone used a 87 with slugs . A 87 with slugs would be a woods cannon . I have never loaded a bp slug . I assume they had slugs in the 1800's .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on November 18, 2013, 12:24:37 AM
Rifle;  Check this out for your "sorta Russian";
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Stu Kettle on November 18, 2013, 07:10:22 AM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on November 17, 2013, 09:40:37 PM
Has anyone used a 87 with slugs . A 87 with slugs would be a woods cannon . I have never loaded a bp slug . I assume they had slugs in the 1800's .

I don't have an 87 but I do shoot some slugs. My slugs are .69 round balls as was common in the past.  They fit with a lubed patch in my muzzle loader & plastic cases & wads for modern guns. Range is about 40 yards with a smooth bore. Shot some through a rifled barrel once & got a nice group at 100 yards.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on November 18, 2013, 07:18:12 PM
I have a 87 shotgun that I enjoy . But it's got a 20 inch barrel for cas . I think it will work  for quail hunting hope to kill a few birds this winter with it . Do we have any Quail Hunters out there .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Oregon Bill on November 20, 2013, 11:28:37 AM
El Tio: A 97 in 16 gauge ...  :D

Love to see a "likeness" of your 10-gauge percussion double.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: larryo_1 on November 25, 2013, 08:18:31 AM
I got 2 Remington hammer doubles (Damascus), used the one for many years for ducks, geese and even one deer.  My favorite is a 10 gauge  muzzle loader that I built out of an old ctg gun.  It is by far my favorite to use on geese and it does wonders.  5 drams of FFg/2 ounces of shot.  Kicks like HELL but does the job.  Les Bauska told me once that he thought that I was out'a my mind--more or less in those words and if you knew him they wern't those same words.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: 1961MJS on November 25, 2013, 10:19:29 AM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on November 18, 2013, 07:18:12 PM
I have a 87 shotgun that I enjoy . But it's got a 20 inch barrel for cas . I think it will work  for quail hunting hope to kill a few birds this winter with it . Do we have any Quail Hunters out there .


In Kansas and Oklahoma, we have hunters, but due to the droughts in the past few, we don't have as many quail.  I worked with a guy back in the 1980's who said quail hunting was boring.  Drive to Western Kansas, start hunting at dawn, shoot your limit before 11 AM, and drive home.  Limit was 8 Pheasant and 16 Quail back then.

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: litl rooster on November 26, 2013, 04:34:22 PM
Quote from: 1961MJS on November 25, 2013, 10:19:29 AM

In Kansas and Oklahoma, we have hunters, but due to the droughts in the past few, we don't have as many quail.  I worked with a guy back in the 1980's who said quail hunting was boring.  Drive to Western Kansas, start hunting at dawn, shoot your limit before 11 AM, and drive home.  Limit was 8 Pheasant and 16 Quail back then.


oh the good ole boring days
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Camano Ridge on November 26, 2013, 05:41:03 PM
Whoops ignore me posted in the wrong place.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on November 27, 2013, 05:24:33 PM
I hope everyone has a successful Hunt tomorrow .  Good Luck and Happy Hunting .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 15, 2013, 10:43:49 AM
The 1878 is a Excellent choice for Turkey Hunting .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 21, 2013, 09:41:39 AM
The TTN 1878 with choke tubes work great for hunting . But the ammo is just as important . Here is apicture of a test target at 40 yards .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 21, 2013, 03:42:21 PM
here is picture from 2008
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Mean Bob Mean on December 22, 2013, 03:21:20 PM

Yesterday, coming out of dad's place, there were three white tails standing in the middle of the road at about 3:00 pm.  Wanted to slit my wrists. 

I have an 1878 repro with 26 inch barrels.  I just acquired some brass casings and when I get those loaded I will be hunting boar with it.  I doubt it will be anytime soon, my life has been upside down for the last few months.  New work assignment, death in family, kid home from a 2 year mission then to school (Just one month with him--I am going out with him to get him enrolled--likely the last trip he and I take before he settles down into his own life).  I cannot get out to shoot at all.  I figure in January I may make it out. 

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Pettifogger on December 22, 2013, 05:05:18 PM
I know a guy in his 90's that shoots a Remington 1100.  Is that vintage hunting?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 23, 2013, 05:15:05 PM
Well the 1100 isn't considered a vintage shotgun ,BUT a 90 year old Hunter is . Keep him in the field ,keep him HAPPY .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: GunClick Rick on December 25, 2013, 11:20:54 PM
Huskvarna double with ears and brass shells,horn buttplate and ivory front site,ain't shot it yet but that will change in 2014,i love my shootgun! ;D

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Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 28, 2013, 08:25:55 PM
That's a fine looking shotgun . Thanks for sharing the pictures with us .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: GunClick Rick on December 28, 2013, 08:32:14 PM
Has a greener lock up too.All i need to do is shoot it~Wolfgang helped me get that one. :)

Where do you live Rowdy,that's a fine lookin turkey too!I have yet to hang a lip over wild turkey! :( The closest i ever got was farm raised once,the breast on that thing was huge and we deep pitted it,boy was that good!
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 29, 2013, 11:36:59 AM
I am a Kentuckian . The Wild Turkey is the best of eating . My wife likes Turkey and she will eat Deer as long as it's not a large Buck in Rut . The young does  or the button Bucks are excellent eating . Hope you get a chance to get a Turkey with your double barrel good luck and Happy Hunting .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on December 29, 2013, 07:40:03 PM
Quote from: GunClick Rick on December 28, 2013, 08:32:14 PM
Has a greener lock up too.All i need to do is shoot it~Wolfgang helped me get that one. :)

Where do you live Rowdy,that's a fine lookin turkey too!I have yet to hang a lip over wild turkey! :( The closest i ever got was farm raised once,the breast on that thing was huge and we deep pitted it,boy was that good!

Rick; What model and age is your Husky? (Model number is on the water table and lump.)
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on January 05, 2014, 04:07:54 PM
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Bull Skinner on January 06, 2014, 01:04:27 PM
Hey Rowdy, pard, long time no see. You need to get up to the Lakewood Marshals this year. High Brass comes regularly. I haven't seen you since the NRA  Convention in St. Louis when I was workin' the SASS booth and you were workin' the NCOWS booth. That's been a few years ago.

I shoot an 87' with an improved cylinder choke tube, love it. Its my #1 CAS gun these days. I've never hunted or shot slugs through it, but it makes a great Trap gun.  With BP loads, of course!  ;D
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on January 08, 2014, 08:58:01 PM
Bull Skinner
Good to hear from you . Hows ole High Brass doing , haven't talked to him in a while . Wow where does time go ? It's been a long time since we were at the NRA Convention . Do you still shoot at Cisne ? Do you ever shoot at the West Side in Evansville . Hope to bump into you at a shoot somewhere this year .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 29, 2014, 05:08:50 PM
Turkey season is around the corner . Have you patterned your shotgun ? Will you use BP or smokeless .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Gabriel Law on March 30, 2014, 09:48:21 PM
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I had a successful hunt this fall.  I got my moose on day three of an 11 day hunt, and spent the rest of the time hunting ruffed grouse with my '97.  It took a while to understand that with a cylinder bore and 20" barrel, I had to practically stand on top of them to flush and still be within range.  Fine eating this winter.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 03, 2014, 09:45:48 PM
Gabriel Law
Excellent picture nice looking 97 . Looks like you got the hang of the short barrel . I was really wanting to use my 87 to Turkey hunt with BUT the short barrel with no choke might prove to be IMPOSSIBLE .  I need to figure out how to roll crimp a choke ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Gabriel Law on April 03, 2014, 11:08:11 PM
Thanks Rowdy!  Since last fall, I have acquired an original '87 Winchester in 12 gauge, and I'm going to learn how to load for it, and shoot it with black powder.  Mine has a full length barrel with a nice choke, so it should reach out to those fast flyers a little better.
With the cylinder bored 20" barrel on the '97, I had to be inside of 20 yards, or I'd get a miss.  Sometimes I'd get a few feathers, but in October, they're so well armoured up with feathers that I lost quite a few birds before I got the hang of it.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 04, 2014, 10:13:17 PM
We want to see that 87 . What's the barrel length?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Gabriel Law on April 05, 2014, 12:42:45 PM
Rowdy, the barrel is 32" long.  Here's a few pics.  If there's something specific you'd like to see, that is not in these shots, I'm happy to oblige.
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You will notice that the butt stock looks new - it is.  This shotgun was owned by a friend who had me re-stock the butt as the original, which I still have, was 'customized' at some point in its long life, by adding badly done chequering and some bone lozenge shaped inlays in the sides of the wrist.  Subsequently, the gun became available to me, and I bought it in a heart beat.  The bore is very very good, is choked, and the action slick and tight.  I'm not a collector, per se, at least for the sake of investment.  I intend to use this shotgun as that is what it was made for.  I'd be interested though, if anyone knows how to research these great old guys, when it might have been made, etc.
Incidentally, it chambers and cycles empty 2 1/2" brass shells without a hitch.  I've ordered 10 gauge over-shot wads, and have 11 gauge nitro and fibre wads on hand.  This is going to be fun.

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 05, 2014, 05:48:21 PM
Thank you . That is what a 1887 should look like , a 32 inch barrel not a 20 inch barrel . That will make you an Excellent Turkey gun .
I bet it will pattern a nice pattern at 40 yards . Thanks again for posting the pictures . Excellent Turkey Gun .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Gabriel Law on April 05, 2014, 06:03:03 PM
I've got to travel about 600 miles to the south and east of here to hunt turkeys properly.  But it is not out of the question.  I've a friend who has given me an open invitation to hunt turkeys with him. 
I'll make up some loads and pattern the gun...we'll see how good it is, but I have confidence in the old girl.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Bull Skinner on April 06, 2014, 06:28:44 PM
Hey Rowdie, I made the 4th Saturday shoot in March at Evansville's West Side, but did not see ya. May make it for the 4th Saturday this month. Might see you there.

Ps. Tried to make the recent NCOWS Shoot,  but my runnin' mate Marshal Duncan wanted to do Benton instead. He was concerned about his gear qualifying, ie; Steel lined holsters. 
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: jimbobborg on April 13, 2014, 08:12:55 AM
For those with 87s, what are you using for plugs?  I got my 87 used and the PO couldn't find the plug so I won't be able to use it for doves this fall without one.  If you're using a dowel, how long is it?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Bull Skinner on April 15, 2014, 10:56:05 PM
Hey Jim Bob,

Load up some dummy rounds, remove the spring and follower, insert the dummies and put it back together. You may have to remove a few coils off the spring. I loaded one dummy like this to beef up my drop 2 set up and it works great.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 17, 2014, 08:40:31 PM
Today  after work I grabbed my 87 shotgun and patterned it . I tried it at 25 yards and it wasn't very good . It is fun to shoot , but it won't work as a Turkey gun . I was hoping it would work at 25 yards OR less . But the pattern was to thin . Oh well I will use my 1878 double it has 26 inch barrels and TUBES , I have a set of Turkey tubes and it will reach out and touch ole Tom . Then it takes a few seconds for the smoke to clear . I love smoked Turkey .   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: shrapnel on May 11, 2014, 12:50:46 AM

There is nothing like old guns. They were here when we came, they will be here when we are gone. In the meantime we can enjoy them like the previous owners. I saw this George Daw SXS in the local SXS gunshop and had to have it. It is a 12 gauge hammer gun with a 3 digit serial number and made in 1863. This is real early in cartridge firing guns and especially in shotguns.

It is typical of English shotguns, very nicely made and engraved. It doesn't have rebounding hammers, which you would expect  when a gun is that early. The wood is gorgeous and the fit is perfect. It is a round body, back action gun which contributes to it's light weight and balance.

I found a book that was written by George Daw on his patents of 1864 and find this shotgun on the cover and described in detail in the book.

I took it turkey hunting a couple weeks ago and called a nice Merriam's of around 20 pounds in to the decoys and shot the bird with a single load of 7 shot in a 2 1/2 inch shell...








Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on July 07, 2014, 08:28:40 PM
Thanks for posting pictures . Excellent bird with a beautiful ole shotgun . Thanks again .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: hammer1 on July 09, 2014, 07:14:48 PM
I have a parker GH, 10 gauge, 27/8 chambers. It was my grandads, my brothers didnt want it, ive taken geese, and ducks with bismuth reloads, turkey, and others. RST, makes some loads that are very friendly to old shotguns. I also have a purdey made in 1890, that I won on a auction for a song due to sleeved barrels. If they could talk .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on August 08, 2014, 10:28:45 PM
I plan on early Squirrel Hunting next Saturday , opening day . And here's my weapon and Black Powder ammo loaded with #5 .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on February 01, 2015, 05:33:54 PM
Trying my 87 at Quail hunting . I have spent the last two Saturdays looking for Quail no luck . I guess I need to head to Kansas ,need to hook up with Trap . Now as far as the short barrel 87 I think it would work fine birds . But it's short barrel won't work for Turkeys . Oh well I have my 1878 double with a26 inch barrel and Turkey tubes . Did I ever tell you that I love Turkey hunting .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: cpt dan blodgett on February 09, 2015, 09:32:30 PM
My little brother wore out our vintage Knickerbocker SxS shooting dove and quail in about 3 seasons.  An old Sea Captain left the gun with my Grandfather in the 30s, we got it in the 60s, it brought home a lot of Pheasants for both mom and dad.  It just would not hold up to the high volume shooting my little brother was doing 4 boxes of shells a day missing dove and quail.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on February 15, 2015, 03:45:43 PM
I went on my first quail hunt not long ago.  I brought my 20ga 26" Rossi Overland,  I was even able to knock a few birds hout of the air with it!
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 01, 2015, 11:45:38 AM
Turkey season is only weeks away . I am in the process of coming up with a 1887 with a 28 inch barrel . I have my ammo from last Turkey season and plan on smoking ole Tom . Good luck to all the Turkey Hunters out there .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 13, 2015, 07:51:48 PM
Well the long barreled 1887 deal didn't work out . So looks like my 1878 double barrel is back in action . I have a couple boxes of ammo left over from last Turkey season so my ammo is ready . hope everyone has all their Turkey Hunting gear ready for season .
Now it's time to gather up my Turkey calls and start practicing .

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 15, 2015, 09:29:55 AM
Here is a video on the emf 1878 long barrel .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on March 16, 2015, 03:24:05 PM
I got one of those a few weeks ago.  I test fired a few shells through it and the shells stuck so much that I had to break it open over my knee.  I got a Flex hone for it and ran it through it this weekend, I'll test it again soon.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on March 16, 2015, 06:30:32 PM
Tornado; Could it be the firing pins sticking?  That happened to me with a Sauer boxlock.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Gabriel Law on March 17, 2015, 11:23:11 AM
The only time I've experienced this is when the firing pins ( in this case the tips of the hammers) were rough, and slightly piercing the primers.  I removed the hammers, polished the pins round and smooth, and the problem disappeared.  This is on a double, BTW.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on March 17, 2015, 04:27:30 PM
Thanks guys, didn't think of that.  I will look into it this weekend.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 17, 2015, 04:46:52 PM
What type of shotgun shells are you shooting ? Do they have aluminum heads or brass ? The winchester 's that have the aluminum heads were a problem .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on March 18, 2015, 07:36:48 AM
They were the steel based Winchesters, I plan to run some brass based AA through it this weekend.
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Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on March 21, 2015, 06:48:31 PM
The combination of honing and using quality Winchester Featherlites AA shells fixed it.  The empty AA shell flew out like the gun had ejectors!  I tried the cheap steel based ones again and they still stuck, but not as bad as before.  The firing pins were nice and round and not piercing the primers.  Thanks for your help guys.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 23, 2015, 04:52:50 PM
Hope your shotgun is back to blasting . Them cheap hulls suck .When I load my BP loads I use the Federal paper hulls . They work good for me . They have a real good crimp , the paper does .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 06, 2015, 04:35:40 PM
Have done a little Turkey scouting  . Have spotted a few Tom's . Hope I can call them into shooting distance when season opens .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 11, 2015, 12:30:38 PM
I found a few pictures from the past .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 17, 2015, 09:59:44 PM
I finally found this picture from a few years ago . This was a hunt I will remember , I called him for a long time and he finally came into range . After I shot he started flopping around and flopped into the creek . I walked over and pulled him out of the water with him still flopping . Now the hard part was climbing up the small bank which was slick as a gut . 
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 10, 2015, 05:33:21 PM
Today is the last day of Turkey season , no turkey this spring . Well maybe this fall ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Mean Bob Mean on June 15, 2015, 12:03:16 PM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on May 10, 2015, 05:33:21 PM
Today is the last day of Turkey season , no turkey this spring . Well maybe this fall ?

No one in my office got one either Rusty. 
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on June 16, 2015, 09:27:10 PM
Mean Bob Mean
Don't know what happened to the Turkeys , word has it last winter was rough on them ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Mean Bob Mean on July 16, 2015, 02:47:00 PM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on June 16, 2015, 09:27:10 PM
Mean Bob Mean
Don't know what happened to the Turkeys , word has it last winter was rough on them ?

I think we were simply too busy here Rowdy sir, we intend to rectify this.  Loaded my first BP brass shotshells and am testing them this weekend.  If they pattern, will locate some heavier shot for use in my Double Hammer on big birds. 
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on July 24, 2015, 04:35:36 PM
Any Squirrel  Hunters out there , season comes in Aug. We use shotguns until the leaves are off the trees . Then it's rifle season .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on November 29, 2015, 10:01:20 PM
Any fall Turkey Hunters having any luck ? I need a barrel stretcher for my 87 need to stretch it to at least a 28 incher .  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on November 30, 2015, 10:14:20 AM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on November 29, 2015, 10:01:20 PM
Any fall Turkey Hunters having any luck ? I need a barrel stretcher for my 87 need to stretch it to at least a 28 incher .  ;D ;D ;D

Is that "legal length" in your State?  If so, that is another good reason to avoid the hacksaw. OTOH, If you just have to have a few more inches to get a closer shot ???

Seriously, BP mvs are often less than what you get with even modest smokeless charges so barrel length helps to keep it up there.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 01, 2015, 09:03:09 PM
Sir Charles
My 87 has a 20 inch barrel with basically no choke . My black powder loads work for about 20 yards , after that it opens up to a giant pattern . Sure would love to take a Turkey with it .  I just need to get the barrel choked ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on December 01, 2015, 09:23:10 PM
Rowdy; I feel for you, but I have been preaching against chopping shottie barrel on cascity for years.

HALF the resale value

Half the effectiveness

Not necessary even at "stand & deliver" ranges and no faster getting around range props.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Lucky R. K. on December 02, 2015, 09:03:14 AM
Find a local gunsmith to install screw in choke tubes for your '97  then you can go from cylinder bore to full choke if you want.  I did this with my '97 several years ago. It has a 20 inch barrel and works great with the choke tubes.

Sir Charles, in my part of the country about the only use for a '97 is in CAS shooting and possibly at a turkey shoot. They are not of great value except for those uses and a shorter barrel makes it more desirable than a longer one.  I have seen that they are being reproduced with the shorter barrels.

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on December 02, 2015, 09:32:36 AM
Lucky and Rowdy; I know the arguments, but I feel a chop job is more fashion than function.

A choke tube, possibly even a turkey tube is probably the cheapest way out.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on December 02, 2015, 10:13:00 PM
I guess I will have it tubed . I talked to froghair about a long tube to add length to the barrel and xtra tight for turkey . Trying to figure out if the 87 would be worth the add expense ? If it happens it will be this Spring . Might try to shoot Quail with it this winter ? Thanks for the advice and helpful hints .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on January 03, 2016, 11:31:52 PM
Hope I can find a few Quail to hunt . Would love to try the 87 on them . I love fried Quail excellent eating .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Oregon Bill on January 20, 2016, 04:16:15 PM
I currently have a Husqvarna Moddel 20A hammer gun with the LeFaucheaux underlever action, 12 gauge, 2 1/2.
But I have a W.C. Scott 12-bore percussion double incoming. Eager to work up loads for it.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on January 20, 2016, 08:04:59 PM
Quote from: Oregon Bill on January 20, 2016, 04:16:15 PM
I currently have a Husqvarna Moddel 20A hammer gun with the LeFaucheaux underlever action, 12 gauge, 2 1/2.
But I have a W.C. Scott 12-bore percussion double incoming. Eager to work up loads for it.

I have one of those m20a's, made when I was 4 months old. Still an effective hunter.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on January 30, 2016, 01:55:03 PM
I grabbed my 87 and a handful of bp shells .I smoked up the range and had a great time . I called a gun smith about making it a long barreled shotgun . Would love to have a 30 inch barrel with a X full choke . He is checking on aPOSSIBLE source for long barrels ?
This is the shotgun I would love to Turkey Hunt with in the Spring .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on January 30, 2016, 07:38:16 PM
I hope it comes through for you, Rowdy.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on January 31, 2016, 12:50:36 PM
Last night I cleaned my 87 after shooting . The rolling block makes cleaning the 87 a breeze . Shoved all the crude down the barrel and cleaning patches fell on the floor .  the action  wiped clean . The 87 is a fun gun to shoot and easy to clean up afterwards .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on February 01, 2016, 12:44:20 PM
I took my 1878 Cimmarron to a quail hunt a few weeks ago.  I brought it as my backup gun, of course the the semi auto I brought decided to turned into a single shot, so out came the '78.  It was was a lot of fun and I think I did better with it, the semi auto will be the backup next year.  I even brought a few blackpowder shells!
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on February 02, 2016, 04:19:30 PM
Sounds like the old trusty Double saved the day . I called about the long barrel for my 87 and I am closer than I've been so far ? That would be SWEET a 30 inch barrel on my 87 . I have black powder shotgun shells left over from last year .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Shotgun Steve on February 10, 2016, 08:04:50 AM

Sheriff John "Texas John" Slaughter with his '87.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Shotgun Steve on February 10, 2016, 08:09:57 AM

19th Century image of 2 Hunters with Winchester 1887 shotgun and 1892 rifle.

Original photograph of two young men holding Winchesters.  The man on right is brandishing a Model 1887 lever action shotgun....we don't find many original photos with this model.  The man on the left has a Model 1892 sporting rifle.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on February 10, 2016, 04:28:54 PM
Shotgun Steve
Thanks for posting the photo's .   I plan on using the long barreled 87 for Turkey season . That's the plan .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: pony express on February 11, 2016, 07:25:21 AM
That '87is a genuine "long tom" Looks like the muzzle goes right off the picture.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on February 22, 2016, 10:16:16 PM
Found a couple pictures from a while back .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on February 23, 2016, 05:24:52 PM
I talked to Frog Hair today and he is working on a long barrel 87 for Turkey season . I am real excited about having a Repeating Shotgun for Turkey . A lever action black powder shooting shotgun .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 10, 2016, 04:39:58 PM
Today I received a call from Frog . He has a 87 with a 28 inch barrel  with a full choke . He has sent it off to be blued . I hope to get my hands on it next week . The plan is to be Turkey hunting with it . I will post pictures when I get it .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on March 10, 2016, 09:28:02 PM
Congratulations Rowdy; Is it an original or a repro?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 11, 2016, 04:23:03 PM
Sir Charles
The shotgun is a reproduction . I can't wait to get my hands on it . I have several boxes of bp ammo ready .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Jake C on March 11, 2016, 04:49:06 PM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on March 11, 2016, 04:23:03 PM
Sir Charles
The shotgun is a reproduction . I can't wait to get my hands on it . I have several boxes of bp ammo ready .

Ohh, is it a Chiappa or one of the Chinese ones? Let us know how it performs, please!
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 12, 2016, 09:53:11 AM
It's a china made one . As for the Chiappa's  who's got them ?  I talked to Cimarron a few weeks back and they didn't have none .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 16, 2016, 07:26:59 PM
I finally have my hands on a long barreled 87 . Plan on shooting and taking pictures tomorrow . I can't wait till Turkey season .  ;D ;D ;
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 17, 2016, 07:30:33 PM
Here are a couple pictures .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Jake C on March 18, 2016, 09:36:27 AM
Looks very nice!
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Black River Smith on March 18, 2016, 12:54:13 PM
Congrats Rowdy,

You have persevered.  An approximate two year project but you got what you were looking for.  Hope it works as nice as it looks.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 18, 2016, 07:21:32 PM
Thank you . I had a chance  to go shoot a few shells this afternoon . I tried  BP in it and it was butt kickin awesome . Did I mention it has choke tubes with it . I used a Turkey tube tonight and what a pattern .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 19, 2016, 11:22:36 AM
Here is a picture of the 87 and a 76 .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Black River Smith on March 19, 2016, 01:02:42 PM

Is this an all new to you firearm or your China 87 reworked?  Is it an original Win modified?

The question center around that WRA Co emblem on the left side.  That really sets it off if it is your China 87.  The split lever and nice wood makes it hard to define.  That 26in barrel looks right.

Either way you really have something there.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 20, 2016, 04:01:07 PM
The 87 in a China made gun . It is not mine it is the proto type . I guess you can say I am doing the R & D work . So far everything is looking good . It has a 26 inch barrel with choke tubes . After Turkey season is over I will send my shotgun to have it changed . I originally wanted a 30 inch barrel , but the 26 sure is handy in the field .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 28, 2016, 07:32:43 PM
Well the 26 inch barrel had a problem . It shot LOW and to the RIGHT real low at 30+ yards . So Frog replaced the barrel and it is hitting the target with more than 6 pellets at 30 yards . That's right 6 pellets at thirty yards . Well the barrel that's on it now delivers lots of shot to the Target . It's a 28 inch barrel and it has tubes .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on March 29, 2016, 12:03:04 AM
Well Rowdy, It's been a journey. I hope you are nearing your objective, to bag a vintage turkey. Woops that should be a tasty turkey taken with a vintage gun.  Good Hunting, Pard.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 29, 2016, 05:23:51 PM
After work I patterned my shotgun at 25 yards and 30 yards .  It will take a Turkey at 30 yards with no problem . The targets have the spine and the brain printed so you can tell if you have a killing shot . Will try 40 yards next time .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Black River Smith on March 29, 2016, 08:34:38 PM
Well when you guys get these changes worked out, let us know the finals on how we can get this done too, if possible.

But in the mean time is this Frog (guy doing the work from comments in NCOWS post) creating an all new barrel; using an original winchester barrel; knows of a brand/model that is easily fit on to the 87 receiver or is welding sections to the Chinese barrel already on the shotgun?

Just curious how he replaced the 26 with a 28 'so fast', when nothing was available before.

Was your 87 one of the IAC Coyote Caps guns or one of the new Century Arms 87's?  The reason for asking is the new Century has three lines of text on the left side and one long line of text on the right side.  How did he get that off the receiver in order to engrave the WRA Co emblem.  That is so neat to see on this copy.

Still really glad it is working out for you.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 01, 2016, 04:38:43 PM
The 28 inch barrel was a barrel Frog had waiting for bluing . He went with the 26 inch barrel because the other wasn't blued yet . BUT the 26 was the original barrel with a barrel extension added on . And it didn't work out . Now the 28 inch barrel shoots real nice groups at 30 yards , plan on trying it out to 40 yards this weekend . Turkey season is almost here and I am excited about having the 87 to Hunt with . The one thing I like about the 87 is cleaning  it . You can push all the crud down the barrel instead of back into the action .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on April 01, 2016, 05:09:24 PM
Rowdy. I take it that you don't plan on waiting until Thanksgiving to dine on wild turkey! :)

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 02, 2016, 10:54:41 AM
Sir Charles
Yes sir , I plan on eating fresh Turkey on April 16 opening day of season . That will make for a delicious supper .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 03, 2016, 11:37:04 AM
Got a chance to shoot today . Sat my targets at 35 and 40 yards . The 87 using black powder loads patterned out to 40 yards I had multiple pellets in the kill zone . Now with that said I want to get my turkeys into the 30 yard range if I can . But I would take a 40 yard shot if he won't come any closer .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 08, 2016, 04:37:26 PM
Well the 87 is ready for Hunting . The ammo is loaded and packed away in my hunting bag with my Turkey calls . Season is a week away , I am ready .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 12, 2016, 04:23:33 PM
What's your favorite shotgun for Turkey Hunting . Also what size shot do you like ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Jake C on April 13, 2016, 11:15:38 AM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on April 12, 2016, 04:23:33 PM
What's your favorite shotgun for Turkey Hunting . Also what size shot do you like ?

Unfortunately, I've never been. Which is a shame, because there's a ton of Turkeys on my in-laws' property. Lots of chances to do so, just never had the time.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on April 15, 2016, 06:03:30 PM
Best of luck for tomorrow Rowdy.

Good hunting.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 30, 2016, 06:40:44 PM
No Turkey yet . The weather this weekend was WET . Mud was deep , even hung my Cherokee up . Only seen a couple birds but at a distance of about 300 yards .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 09, 2016, 04:38:30 PM
No Turkey this Spring . I hunted as much as possible . Really was wanting to take one with the long barreled 87 . I have shot several good groups prior to season . Oh well there is the fall season , and yes I will be there waiting on a Turkey . And armed with a long barreled 87 loaded up with 3 black powder 12 gauge shells . Who knows I might even load up a few shells with Olde E ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Jake C on May 09, 2016, 05:01:02 PM
You need to come to my in-Laws farm. I see at least 5 or 6 each time we go to visit, hanging out in a field, just as happy as a group of a clams.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on May 11, 2016, 03:21:08 PM
Ya know Rowdy. More and more I'm enjoying best the pleasure of hunting, rather than getting my prey. Enjoy your hunting.
PS. But I still wish you to get a good gobbler with one of your favorite guns.  ;D
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 13, 2016, 06:52:54 PM
Thanks for the encouragement . I was really disappointed that I didn't get a Turkey . I had the shotgun that I thought was perfect for Turkey hunting and it is ,but between floods and having to work for a living well I just didn't shoot nothing . But there was something very special that happened my daughter had her first child so we are Grandparents now . And yes I was out turkey hunting when I got the call she was in labor . I kicked it into Death march mode walking out and made it to the hospital in time .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on May 14, 2016, 01:54:32 AM
Well! Congratulations Grandpa!  ;)
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 15, 2016, 12:00:04 PM
Thanks I remember all the things I did with my grandpa and LOVED every minute of it  ,
I have loaded my shotgun shells using paper hulls . And after a season with LOTS OF RAIN I am going to try a Remington nitro hull . I have loaded 6 rounds using olde E 2f powder . This is a heavy load that give great results out to 40 yards with the paper hulls . I am preparing now for the fall season .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on May 15, 2016, 04:37:32 PM
Curious facts about the "Turkey" bird:

First. You are lucky to have access to wild turkeys. I live in Europe, and the turkey is an American bird. We have turkeys yes, but not of the wild variety.

The first Europeans to meet the bird were the Spaniards, in Mexico, in the early XVIth century. The Aztecs had already tamed them and the Spaniards readily adopted the big tasty bird and introduced them in Europe.

All the European Nations started breeding the bird, but, all of them named it erroneously.
In Portugal we thought the bird was coming from the Spanish colonies of Peru. And so, that's  what we call it. Originally, the Peru chicken. Nowadays we just call it peru. The French, they knew it came from somewhere in the New World, then called the West Indies, and so they simply called it l'oiseau d'Inde , meaning the bird from India, simplified nowadays to dindon. The English, were at the time in war with the Spaniards. So, their birds arrived by a sort of backdoor. It was the Mediterranean traders that started their trade route in Turkey that brought the bird into England. It ended up being known as the Turkey bird, turkey for short.

During the rest of the XVIth century the whatever you call it bird became so popular that the first English settlers in Northern America took specimens with them to introduce it to the New World.  :o    ::)  ;D It was a great surprise when the call of their captive tamed turkeys was answered by their wild brethren in the woods.  ;D
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 15, 2016, 07:00:38 PM
Here is a picture of the long barrel after shooting . It has a nice pattern at 40 yards .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 18, 2016, 04:30:12 PM
This long barreled 87 was re barreled by Frog . He did an Excellent job . He is still trying to find a supply of 30 inch barrels , still looking . He has a supply of 28 inch barrels . Wonder how a 87 would work for Trap ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 28, 2016, 11:02:48 AM
Well the 2016 Spring Turkey season is over . But we will be trying again in the Fall to take a Turkey with the 87 and a black powder load . I will be loading old E for the fall Hunt .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on August 08, 2016, 09:27:20 PM
Fall squirrel season starts Aug 20 . So grab your shotgun and your skitter spray and head to the woods . squirrel is good eating .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on September 12, 2016, 08:47:51 PM
Has anyone worked with bp and steel shot ? To Duck hunt you have to use a non toxic shot , so I am wanting to try a bp load with steel for duck and geese .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on September 13, 2016, 09:40:30 AM
I haven't tried it, Rowdy, but I can't see a problem in trying it. :-\

Velocity would be less so steel might not carry far enough. ???  Perhaps NICE or ITX kind of shot would be my choice to try.

The BIG limitation would be the chokes. What I would expect to work best would be

1.  Modern steel guns

2.  Open chokes of modified or more open
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on September 13, 2016, 05:05:09 PM
Sir Charles
Yes I will have to work with a ic or maybe a modified choke . As for the steel in the gun  ,this is a China made shotgun . And it does have screw in chokes . But the barrel is an American made barrel . Years ago when they made the change from lead shot to the non toxic shot we had to learn all the hard lessons about steel shot . The long barrels and FULL choke was a thing of the past . And everyone hated the new steel shot and that was the way it was .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on October 07, 2016, 04:25:37 PM
Fall Turkey season is almost here . The plan is to get the long barreled 87 out with my trusty bp loads and smoke me a turkey . Now let's hope  Mother Nature don't change the plan .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Coffinmaker on November 04, 2016, 10:19:19 AM
Read an article 'bout a fella shot his very first Turkey.  Shot it in the Frozen Foods section of the Supermarket.  Scared the BeeJeezus out of everybody.

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Major 2 on November 07, 2016, 05:49:11 AM
Could you explain this a bit
"As for the steel in the gun  ,this is a China made shotgun . And it does have screw in chokes . But the barrel is an American made" barrel

Yours is  28" a TTn is it not ?  ...   American made barrel  ?
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: shrapnel on November 28, 2016, 06:23:36 PM
Not only vintage but quite rare. This is a Burgess folding shotgun from the late 1800's...






Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Coal Creek Griff on November 28, 2016, 08:09:25 PM
Shrapnel!  Haven't seen you around in a while!

Beautiful and unusual gun.  Thanks for letting us see it.  I always appreciate the photos you post.

CC Griff
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on November 28, 2016, 08:14:04 PM
Thanks for sharing . That is one neat old shotgun .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: shrapnel on November 29, 2016, 07:18:51 AM
I have several Burgess shotguns, here is another that is even more rare. It is an original salesman's sample cutaway

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Coal Creek Griff on November 29, 2016, 02:56:23 PM
Very cool (although it seems to be missing some pieces  ;D).

Thanks again for the photos!

CC Griff
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: shrapnel on January 20, 2017, 09:37:55 AM
i found another George Daw shotgun, although not in as good of shape as the first, it still kiills turkeys...

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on January 21, 2017, 10:07:36 AM
Thanks for posting picture . An Excellent Turkey killed with a Excellent scatter gun . Looks like the weather was a little chilly that day . Thanks again for posting the picture .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on January 21, 2017, 10:56:37 AM
Quote from: shrapnel on November 28, 2016, 06:23:36 PM
Not only vintage but quite rare. This is a Burgess folding shotgun from the late 1800's...






Wow! I've heard of it. Never seen one put to use.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on February 18, 2017, 09:44:58 AM
Spring Turkey season is almost here who planning on hunting this Spring ? I am planning on using the 1887 lever action shotgun . I have  a load that will do an Excellent job out to 40 yards . Good luck and Happy Hunting .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 26, 2017, 11:06:20 AM
What shotgun are you planning on Turkey Hunting with ? I have used a TTN double with 26 inch barrels in the past and it worked fine . Now I want to take a few birds with a 87 .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 13, 2017, 08:50:04 PM
After work I grabbed the 87 and a box of ammo . I wanted to check my pattern , the long barreled 87 with a Turkey tube does a great job . Happy Hunting to all the Turkey Hunters .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on April 14, 2017, 08:56:19 AM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on April 13, 2017, 08:50:04 PM
After work I grabbed the 87 and a box of ammo . I wanted to check my pattern , the long barreled 87 with a Turkey tube does a great job . Happy Hunting to all the Turkey Hunters .
There are no wild turkeys across the big pond. So, good luck to you.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 22, 2017, 02:04:12 PM
Today was a wet success . Didn't get to Hunt opening weekend because of WORK . But I did hunt in the rain this morning . Killed a jake with a 5 inch beard .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on April 22, 2017, 07:03:53 PM
Congrats Rowdy!  :D
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on April 23, 2017, 02:59:12 PM
Quote from: Scattered Thumbs on April 14, 2017, 08:56:19 AM
There are no wild turkeys across the big pond. So, good luck to you.

What about the wood grouse, aka Auerhahn, or Tjadertupp
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Scattered Thumbs on April 24, 2017, 01:28:48 PM
Quote from: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on April 23, 2017, 02:59:12 PM
What about the wood grouse, aka Auerhahn, or Tjadertupp

Those don't come so far West and South. I'm in Portugal.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 24, 2017, 07:45:20 PM
Plan on going after another bird this week . At least it didn't rain today . And the 87 did a Great job .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 01, 2017, 08:00:33 PM
Here is a picture of the Jake I killed . Plan on finding Big Tom over this weekend before season goes out .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 06, 2017, 09:43:56 AM
The 87 did a great job on a Big Tom . This bird had a 11 inch beard . and his spurs were a 1 1/8 , sharp as a needle .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 31, 2017, 01:00:55 PM
Spring Turkey season is over and I had a Great season . The 87 fired 2 shots and killed 2 Turkeys . I was pleased with the shotgun and the bp ammo I loaded . I used # 5 shot and it worked like a charm . This past Sunday we grilled the legs and thighs off both birds and they were good , BUT  it won't be as good as the deep fried breast . Looking forward to the fall shotgun season now .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on July 24, 2017, 06:14:39 PM
I recently came up with a long barreled 1897 . It has a 30 inch barrel with a FULL choke . I can't wait to try it in the field .  ;D
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 11, 2018, 01:41:45 PM
The Turkey's are eaten and they were excellent . So this year I will probably go back to using my ttn double . I decided not to use the original 1897 . I decided to just keep beating up my TTN . The 1887 that I used last year was a fun gun to hunt with an did a great job dispatching 2 Turkeys . Hope everyone has a safe and successful season . Good luck and Happy Hunting .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on January 10, 2019, 06:12:01 PM
Do we have any bird hunters out there . What about Duck Hunters . This should be the time when the Hunters are in the field .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: hp246 on January 17, 2019, 02:46:41 PM
Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on January 10, 2019, 06:12:01 PM
Do we have any bird hunters out there . What about Duck Hunters . This should be the time when the Hunters are in the field .

Yep.  Upland season is over for us.  Never got into duck hunting.  Cold wet and hungry is no way to go through life.  Much prefer my Citori Feather for pheasant, but picked up a 20 ga. Darne a couple years ago for grouse.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on April 14, 2019, 02:06:09 PM
Turkey season is here , hunted yesterday the Tom's were there BUT not in range . The closest Tom was about 70 yards which is to far . Maybe next time .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: riflee on January 19, 2020, 11:16:48 AM
Sir Charles!

Just saw yer post with the proof marks. Thanks Bud.    Haven't been to the forum much fer awhile. Just went covert fer awhile. :-X

Just have to say......the Parker hammer guns are one of my favorites.  Have a 10ga.  Built like a tank.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on May 10, 2020, 07:17:13 PM
Well spring season is over for 2020 .No turkeys this spring .Oh well that's hunting . I have a short barreled 87 that I had tubed and it works real good . I carried it this spring but never got a single shot .  Hope to use it this fall .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: shrapnel on November 12, 2020, 09:57:12 AM

These shotguns were made to hunt. I keep shooting these 19th century guns and love to take game birds with them.

Colt 1878
George Daw

( (

( (

( (

( (
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Coffinmaker on November 12, 2020, 06:58:19 PM

:)  SHRAPNEL   ;)

Those are some FINE examples of sporting shotguns.  I am a particular fan of Hammer Doubles.  For a long while I had six, am now down to three.  I still own a Model 12, but only because was the very FIRST gun I ever owned. 

Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Rowdy Fulcher on March 26, 2022, 02:08:03 PM
That's a fine looking shotgun it's beautiful .
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on February 17, 2024, 10:47:38 AM
Here are a couple of pictures of a quail hunt using blackpowder shells.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Professor Marvel on February 18, 2024, 02:06:39 AM
Great fotos, tornado

I must ask, is it even possible to where the bird went after pulling the trigger?

Prof marvel
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tornado on February 19, 2024, 07:28:58 AM
Quote from: Professor Marvel on February 18, 2024, 02:06:39 AM
Great fotos, tornado

I must ask, is it even possible to where the bird went after pulling the trigger?

Prof marvel

If it is flying directly away, no.  If it goes left, right, or up, then you can usually track it.
Title: Re: Shotguns for Vintage Hunting
Post by: Tronicst1 on February 19, 2024, 03:37:20 PM
That's what the dogs are for.